(Click to view larger image) Link to Multi Sandbox V1 This is Multi Sandbox, a Multi Team based map placed in the SkyBubble in SandBox. There are Four Bases on this map: The Blue Base, The Purple Base, The Red Base, and Yellow Base (Yellow Base has no color and is really dark). The Map is set up for the Following GameTypes: - Team Slayer (Two teams of 4) - Multi Team Slayer (Four teams of 2) - Team CTF (Two teams of 4) - Team Odd Ball (Two teams of 4) - Multi Team Odd Ball (Four teams of 2) - Multi Team Mosh Pit (KotH) (Four teams of 2) - Mosh Pit (KotH) (No teams 8 Player FFA) - Multi Team VIP (Four teams of 2) Even thought the map is set up for these GameTypes, I have not been able to test any of them... If you would like to help test the map, then tell me. I do not have to be there but I would like to know how the game plays (problems with too many people for certain game types and things like that). The reason why I can't test the maps myself is because I don't have very many people on my Friends list who log on anymore... Weapons on Map: - 4 Brs (10 second) - 4 Carbines (10 second) - 1 Mauler (Drop Spawn 120 seconds) - 4 Plasma Grenades (60 second) Here is a horribly created over view of what the map looks like: As you probably saw from the over view, the Map is completely symmetrical (it has four lines of symmetry) so... I am only going to be showing you one base (because they all look the same ...) What the Bases look like (Example used was Blue Base): Overview of one of the Bases: Carbine Side of Base: Br Side of Base: Back of the Base: Inside the Base Tube (Plasma spawn): Main View of the Base: Entrance to the Tunnels of the Bases/map (also Br and Carbine spawn): Walking into the Tunnels: Okay, enough of the pictures of the base and now for pictures of the center (not many though...) Overview of the center: A closer picture of the Center (Mauler spawn): Also, here is a close up of what the custom power up looks like on this map: (What color does that really look like anyway?) Map created by Cyan Laser Download Link Okay, The original map only took me 3 hours... This map (mainly the redoing of the bases) took me about 12 hours... Wow... I'm just glad I finally finished it!! Thank you for reading my post and tell me what you think There are still some little things I will be changing later but it's to much work for right now... (Number of Downloads on V1: 131) (Number of Downloads on V2: 7)
congratz! you just created one of the top five sandbox maps. finally a map on sandbox without two bases with a giant gap in the middle with banshee's and hornets everywhere. an actual competitive map, that can be playable, without a vechicle overpowering it all. I love the mauler spawn, it reminds me of a quick sand trap (idk why). I like all the different routes and levels to this map, looks good nice weapon choice. Maybe a better name than multi sandbox?
i think the center could be made a little bigger since its multi team it seams like the bases are larger than the main battle area
Sweet, this map looks amazing and the use of the skybox was a perfect choice to use for this map. The interlocking is outstanding and the design of the map is as well as the rest of the map amazing! Even though your map was made for 4 bases I wouldn't use a custom power-up to indicate a base, if you have four bases that are all different colors then don't use them to make it look nicer, not to mention that the map would be better if there were more weapons on the map along with 'nades.
This looks very interesting. I like symmetrical maps myself, and one that accomodates for more than 1 team is always cool to see. Once I receive my xbox back from MS - RRoD - I'll be sure to download and give it a try. --dc
The only reason that i put a custom power up on that one base is because some one made a comment on the V1: And just in case you thought that you could grab it ( I don't know why anyone would...) but the only way to do that would be if you use your teamates head and then grenade jump.... You would be open to all kinds of fire so basically its a stupid move... seeing as that most game types only make the custom power up give you a slight speed boost and nothing else... I see were your going with that but for some reason they don't seem to fit... (in my opinion...) How about... Quaternary (qua·ter·na·ry) ???
I downloaded this map a few days ago, and its very well done, close second to Silence's map on sandbox. I'm gonna trump you both though with my floated map..lol, maybe. Is this the second version, is there some stuff that changed from the last time. Anyway great job, solid 4.5/5, ahh what the heck your using the same lighting as I'm going to use in mine.. 5/5. Nice job.
Impressive. Looks like a good size map. The Aesthetics are pretty nice and your forging is smooth. 5/5
Hey everyone, Thank you for posting but right now the main thing that this map needs is a new name. The way I want to do this is by having you (the people of Forge Hub) tell me what you think of this name: Quaternary (qua·ter·na·ry) (1 a: of, relating to, or consisting of four units or members b: of, relating to, or being a number system with a base of four2capitalized : of, relating to, or being the geological period from the end of the Tertiary to the present time or the corresponding system of rocks — see geologic time table3: consisting of, containing, or being an atom bonded to four other atoms)
Looks great! I love the center of it and the Multi team aspect of it. I just think you should add a few more weapons they seem very limited. 9/10