My new SOTW entry. CnC. I would also like some ideas for the background. Its very bland, and every BG i tried, made it worse. New Versions (yes i know there is more than 3, lol) Dark Less effects Mid Background (dont like)
Comment N' Critic Mehh, i tried. Didnt work :/ And i was hoping people could post some BG pictures? hah
Try this background out... It would suit the lighter theme of the current sig, and would give it more character. Maybe try that...
personally, i like the plainness. i might actually vote for this one. keep it white i say. maybe sharpen the guy a little bit, or just his helmet or something. i also have to squint to really see him well.. maybe you should remove a little bit of the effects you put on him.
I really like it as it is. I looked at it and thought, "Oh gosh that's way too freakin' empty", which is true. But there's not much you CAN do. I'm not saying leave it though, I know how hard it is to find a good background scheme...
My personal favoutites are Dark and Mid. They both have a subtle epicness about them. I also like that despite the glow, none of the ODST is obscured. Good job.