Spirit of Fire Map description: Spirit of Fire is a small map fit for, 1v1 2v2 at the most. Supports- ~Team slayer ~King of the hill ~Capture the Flag ~Territories Weapon list: x4 Battle Rifles x2 Plasma Pistols x1 Brute Shot x1 Shotgun x1 Mauler x1 EMP (Energy drainer) x1 Regenerator x2 Plasma Gernades x2 Spike Gernades The Pic's, which i wont name. The way i took them, is so that you the reader can see it with out any explination. Thats all for the scree shots, and suggestions or questions? Please ask or tell me : ) Heres the download link to the map : Halo 3 File Details
Looks good, but a bit small. However, I can see maybe 2v2 working on this map. Good interlocking, too. 7/10.
Yeah, i was just thinking that. Just played a 3v3 and it might just push the limits on it. But i mean it still works out nice, just made alot of 3v3 games just for the people who may want it. Thanks again for the 7/10 : )
This looks like a very good map, Ill download and try, just one thing, could you have maybe thought of a more.... original name? Lol Anyway, Ill test and give you some feed back later on
Thanks : ) i wish i could, but i ran outa ideas really lol. if i think of anything better, i'll rename it in a V2 of the map.
I cant tell which is which. Is it just that small little room or is it like two rooms divided by the stairs. Your pics don't detail the map that well. try adding more pics or a caption to each pic. Looks pretty cool. ?/5. Ill be back after I play it.
It's easy, red guy is one base. Blue is the other of course. It's a 2v2 map, so of course it's small. An i know i didnt take the best pics, but if you like small Team based games try it out. :]
i downloaded and checked iit out its good for a 2v2 and 1v1 but not a 3v3 unless u like hetic gameplay and i wouldnt use ffa on this map with more than 2 people spawn kills
Wow some good merging here, i was only thinking today of how i counld use the double walls to create barriers for going downstairs ... very cool i see an emptry weapon holder in one of the pics ... whats there? if its there for asthetics then you might wanna consider merging it to the wall, it would make it look alot cooler Good job though dude
thanks guys for the feedback and the empty weapon hoder had a Energy drainer. And on my V2 map, i'll do that. nice idea
for ur V2 map if i were u i would make more rooms instead of one and make it a holelot bigger trust me
This map is great! I prefer local play over matchmaking (honestly, RL friends beats online friends any time of the day), so a 4-p map is fantastic. We mostly play FFA, though. Does that work well on this map? (heck, I'll dl anyway.)