Not too long ago, I posted a screenshot in a thread about what people will make when they get Sandbox as a joke, before we even knew what sort of items were in the palette, and how many. After finding out what we had at our disposal, I figured the "completely impossible" map I showed people as a joke, might actually be possible to make on Sandbox. The map, "Sky Castle" as it is known as in it's original game: Cube 2, is a very large user created Team Deathmatch (Team Slayer) map that was released in November of 2007. In Halo, the map may require nearly all of Sandbox's Sky Bubble. After running through it in Cube whilst taking pictures, I discovered the map may even be a good map for CTF and Assault, as well as other gametypes. Now, most people have stopped reading by now, and are probably waiting for screenshots of the original map, so I won't waste my time rambling on about it anymore. *WARNING: RIDICULOUS AMOUNTS OF SCREENSHOTS IN THE FOLLOWING SPOILER!* Spoiler Now, obviously, the map can't be 100% remade, but something close would be able to comfortably hold 16 players, and vehicle combat as well. I'm relatively sure that this map will be the hardest forge map ever, and the largest map built in the Sky Bubble to date. If you're interested in helping with this forge (I realize I might need multiple people if I want it done this year.)simply message me, and I'll invite you to join the Development Team (as long as there's room.) Feel free to post ideas if you have any too! ~The Cheat~
Im sorry to say but I think this will be near impossible to recreate. Even if you budget glitched the map i'm sure you would run into the OLN before the map would be anyhere near completion. An abstarct scaled down version may work. Good luck anyway EDIT: I just realised the sky bubble is only around 9 single blocks high I think, this map looks alot higher.
Wow if you ever do finish this it'll be one hell of a map. I'm guessing you won't be able to do every single thing on the map. You might have to make the map smaller too because of the lack of items. (on sandbox??? lack of items???) Good luck cuz you'll definitely need it. Can't wait for when you finish.
pleh. I've got 640 objects to work with. Besides, I've realized that some less important parts will need to be removed, but very few remakes are perfect. Well, I'm getting the maps today, so I'll begin constructing this titan of a map relatively soon! =D Thanks for the support, and I 100% agree with you on the luck bit...good thing I'm Irish!
Check Forging 101 for the Unlimited budget and unlimited objects and good luck. Will be sweet if you can make it
Don't attempt. The map is way to big. You may have loads of items on Sandbox, but that is loads of items for Halo, not for whatever that is. You can make Halo sized maps, not that. I made a map much smaller than that. It failed because of lack of items. All it was was a base, a small square area in front, and a <=> shaped bridge with another base on the other end. Comparatively, that map is like 12x bigger than mine, and I ran out of building blocks.
Well seeing as there is Sandbox... it could be done If you do attempt, just remember to keep working on it... DON'T GET LAZY cuz I really would like to see this done
The idea is amazing, yet the forge is nearly impossible. Even though this may bring us down, I would like to help in the creation of the Sky castle. Yet you have to remember, some maps play well for some games, but not for others.
I may be newer, but the other people are right, forging this would be a near impossible task. If you are going to do this, you will have to put scenery to a bear minimum, because it will all have to go into the map. Now to talk more reasonably, take out some sections of the sky castle, shrink its size, and it may just be possible.