Download Here This has to be one of my favorites. This is a medium size map that is suited for 4-8 players. It can be player on with Slayer, CTF, and Assault. Hope you enjoy. Please post for any advice, ideas, or anything. Showdown or the map I said would be coming soon on my last post is still in the making so I don't plan having it posted very soon. Changes: 1. Bases upgraded with new bridges. 2. Ramps have been added to avoid from falling off. 3. Center area has been totally redone. 4. Wall dividing bases has been sealed up. 5. Map is now changed from 4-12 player to 4-8 players. Overview Blue Base Red Base Underground Center Island
This map looks better than the first from the pics i think it will play nice good job 5/5 EDIT: YAH i am the first post
wow.. inspiring. i think i can spot the differences here.. u did some cleaning up and its still the most original sand box map yet in my opinion OMG WTF IM BANNED FROM MY SIGNATURE!!!! NOOO!
Looks pretty sweet ill download if anyone is lookin for someone to play customs on the new maps message me or send a friend request GT: FormulaLoki
I'd like to download it but you've messed up the link. The map looks pretty sweet and looks like it'll play pretty nicely on freeforall gametypes, i wont say much else until the links fixed and i can test it out. Nice bunny btw.
I like it. The layout looks great, aswell as the weapon placement. The aesthetics look pretty good, but you colud try to straighten things up a little. Overall a sweet map. I might DL and 4.5/5!
First off didn't you already post an Island 1? Because they look really similar and you could of just edited the post. And second, your link is trying to take us to the "Island 2" pic. You want it to go to your file on I dl'd the first one and want to replace it with this so you better get it fixed up soon.
i'm pretty sure i saw the 1st version, but can you put the link to the original one in the post? also, nice sig. either way, awesome map, looks awesome for ffa.
I tried to download it but the link wouldn't work. It may be forgehub because this happened before. I doubt its my computer because its been working great. Maybe you can put the URL in there so I can copy n paste? Thanks, looks amazing!
Looks awesome, the only problem is that they can grenade each other from their own bases, but thats not that much of a problem. I love the look of it alot! =] 8.5/10