No Containment v2 - Map Link Protocol v2 - Gametype Link //There is now a v2!! The difference is that instead of using a mongoose, the zombie has to break through pallets to escape, even though its such a subtle change, it effects gameplay a lot! Now the zombies don't have to use vehicles, so this should clear any problems in that area.. Also gives the humans slightly longer to escape if the zombie chooses that direction to escape. Another change is that i moved the shield doors forward, so now the alpha zombie cannot be killed when in the cell, no matter how close he moves to the front. You may choose which version to download. If you want a confused alpha zombie that may never figure out crouching in the corner lets them escape, then download the first version. No Containment v1 - Original Map Link Protocol v1 - Original Gametype Link Sorry about the long post, i felt the map needed a lot of explanation. The idea behind the map is that the enemy (infected) is a carrier and that the infection they have doesnt effect them, but only those they kill. Which is why it's been locked up in a heavy security underground location. This map requires atleast 4 players to make it the slightest bit fun, as the infected have a lot of advantages over the humans. To play as the alpha zombie: These humans locked you up in this cage, and once you break out, you'll show them what suffering truly is. You can drive vehicles fully (hint hint) but can't understand how to work any weapons other than your trusty (energy) dagger (sword) and small mallet (gravity hammer). Your camoflage ability seems to have been damaged when they captured you, however it will still function, just not all well as you want. These fools are stupid enough to build a containment facility which they believe would hold you, however, they were intelligent enough to employ some security guards to watch over you. Once you've broken out, you are free to roam the facility and hunt down those who trapped you in there in the first place. To play as the humans: Everyone is on edge as the containment facility seems to have built in a rush.. You can make use of the turrets to watch over the prison cell, or you can find the entrances to the watchtower points to use a trusty sniper scope to remove this infected threat. If you proceed through the sub-level of the facility you'll find a weapons room, complete with turret to guard from infected attacks. If the sub-level containment has been breached, it's reccomended that you evacuate to the upper level, make use of the defensive positions around the main air vent. Once you've been infected (lets be honest, it's gonna happen), you'll notice that you have the worst of the infection, making your health slowly degenerate, consuming (killing) enemies is the only way to better health. However you'll realise you can run a lot faster than before (even infection has its perks!). If you're the the last man standing, you lucky lucky person, you now have such an adrenaline rush that even your bullets can kill from a mile away (instant kill), however your body seems to have almost frozen in fear (50% movement speed). With your new found senses you can hear an infected from 75 metres away! (enhanced 75m radar). But sadly you are definately not immune to the infecteds vengeance (no shields, 10% resistance). Try not to get too overwhelmed. Also i'd like to note that there are no respawn points in the sub-level of the map, just starting points for humans and alpha zombie. Once somebody dies, they will respawn in different locations (humans up top, zombies in a room with teleporters to the surface). //-- A Few hints and tips: The teleporters located around the map are random, and two-way, so make use of them if needing a quick escape. (you might get lucky and end up back in the sub-level weapons room!) The air-vent in the middle of the ground-level of the map, has such a blast it can fire anything into the sky, however, time it right and you might be able to fall between the fans and land back in the sub-level of the facility. If you have just turned into an infected, the teleporters near your spawn point are random, so prepare to come out of a lot of different locations. If your last-man-standing don't be a **** and find some uber camping point letting you get 10,000 kills, try to play dangerously. //-- If you've just read through all of this... THANKS! (you'll probably play the map better now). I haven't had a chance to test this map with more than two people, dont play it with less than 3, it's designed for 4+ players. If it doesnt play very fairly, please let me know/suggest alterations, i'm open to ideas. // Now for some screenshots: Please dont point at the infected (they have feelings too). Anyone wanna sit on a turret and guard? (exit to watchtower 1 on the right of the screenshot) The weapons room with defensive turret (exit to watchtower 2 on the right) CONTAINMENT HAS BEEN BREACHED AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Watching from the watchtower The Ground-level of the facility Vehicle Outpost Weapons Outpost Air-vent abuse (good job theres no sniper in that watchtower) // That's it for screenshots! Hope you enjoy playing the map! If anybody organises a custom game with a lot of people using this map, i want in! Don't forget to rate the thread & map and give feedback/constructive criticism! // Weapons List: BR x 5 Shotgun x 1 Sniper Rifle x 4 Magnum x 4 Brute Shot x 1 Rocket Launcher x 2 Carbine x 1 Mauler x 2 Beam Rifle x 2 Machine Gun Turret x 4 Frag Grenade x 8 Plasma Grenade x 4 Trip Mine x 1 Regenerator x 1
very cool map. I like the idea behind it. and i did read through it all. I look forward to playing it with many friends. I have a few Q's though. How does the zombie escape, and what is the total # of teleporters?
I must say that I very much like your cage concept, as it adds a unique aesthetic touch to the map. I will try to test this when I get the chance, but it appears that there is not enough cover for the zombies. I could be misinterpreting what I am seeing in the pictures, but it also appears that it would be just a drive-and-shoot/camp-the-rooms bonanza. I will try to get back to this though if I have time to play with a sizable group of people.
Alpha zombie must escape by crouching in the corner of the prison cell and getting in the mongoose (pushing them through the wall). There is one either side of the cell so choose wisely. One will take you to the "air-vent" and one will take you inside the sub-level to kill the "guards" (if theres any left down there). Also i'd like to note that there are no respawn points in the sub-level of the map, just starting points for humans and alpha zombie. Once somebody dies, they will respawn in different locations (humans up top, zombies in a room with teleporters to the surface). Teleporters total: 7 Sender nodes (for various uses, to get to watchtowers, to get up top, to get to the air-vent). 8 Reciever Nodes 6 Two way Nodes (5 placed around the ground-level of the map, one acting as a reciever in the sub-level) Yes there isnt much cover for the alpha zombie, but he has a lot of damage resistance and is semi-invisible. There isnt much cover because the alpha zombie can come out of the middle of the map, and the regular can come from the outskirts of the map, making the humans have to decide where to defend, the trick it to catch them off-guard . Hope that helps clear things up!
Wow, great idea for the like jail cell...I think lots of people will use that idea, mind if a use it!? ^^
Lol of course dude, you don't even have to ask, its inspiration not copying.. It takes a few round restarts to do it, if you interlock half as many as i've put there, you can get wider gaps between them but people can crawl through so i had to use loads. Lets have a link to your map when you make it so i can see how you used it
Nice map, although the large number of weapons and turrets may cause camping, I think you have a way around that looking at the gametype, other wise I think some kill balls are in order.
Haha to be honest i dont like using killballs in maps unless its part of a mini game, to instantly die and not have a clue why just doesnt seem fun to me!. I'd like to hope that i've stopped ways of camping, using the teleporters, the humans have about 7 different directions the zombies can come from, and as the alpha is part invisible, he can still be sneaky throughout the match picking people off. Give the game a try with more than 4 people and you'll see what i mean about not being able to camp, the turrets are facing inwards, at the air vent, but the zombies can come out behind them more often than not.