COLDSTRICT ..................... hi im nsD Dictator and this is my 4th map thread this is my third CS map and its got geomerges and interlocking so dont worry. Description: it plays very well and the flow is great too.ive played it with my buddys and they love it and so do i.there will be a V2 of this map but later on. gametypes: theres only two right now they are oddball,and slayer,fit for team slayer to but i wouldnt use a team over 3 weopon list: sniper x1 rockets x1 hammer x1 plasma rifles x2 smg x2 plasma pistol x1 BR x8 AR x5 magnums x2 needler x1 plasma nades x6 nades x6 ETC. NOW FOR SOME PICS YEAAAAA! this is the rocket spawn walkway to the hammer spawn under hammer walkway platform leading to sniper sniper spawn NOW FOR SOME ACTION SHOTZZZ! alright thats it plz leave comments and feedback but only if uve downloaded the map if u trash it and didnt download then im not going to listen leave suggetions and other things ill use them in my v2 if i have one thanx DOWNLOAD NOW...PLZ...NO DO IT ANYWAY:http:Halo 3 File Details
nice map, I'm starting to see more and more good maps on CS. The only problem is the ghost, I havn't played it yet but it seem that there would be many places to use the ghost and no point to have on the map, but hey, what do I know?
Wow, after dwnloading this map, i tried it out with my friend and can i say, what a blast we had! everything was perfect. except the ghost. My friend over used it. It caused camping and it was pretty useless. take the ghost out is what i suggest but, it is only a suggestion you dont have to take it.
i was thinking the same thing i put ghost on all my maps its a habbit i love ghost but im going to probaly take it out
Wow probably the best map on cold storage I have seen. You really changed the geometry of the map by adding many new pathways and walkways. The ghost does look like a little overpowered but I have the same problem, Ghosts are to cool to leave out of a map. You have definitely earned my download and many others in the near future I predict. 4/5 right now until I get a good game going and see how it really plays. Thanks for adding this to the never-ending book of maps at forgehub!
Great map, I like the fact that you used cold storage, a map I barely see as a forged map! The map design is great I like how you use the walls and energy fields to make more platforms and walkways. The ghost also looks great in the sense of how you used it for your map. All in all I think you deserve a 8.5/10!
this is a really interesting map. you made an entirely new cold storage, a map few forgers dare to modify. However, i would say remove the ghost. it is too chaotic for a map like this and could change the gameplay if everyone tries to tackle it. so remove it and i think the map should be fine, or at least from what i see in the pics. i can't rate this map as i havent played it, but its definetly a dl. ill get back to leave a more in depth comment and a rating.
According to my friend, you NEVER downloaded it! it had 0 downloads for about 30 minutes after he posted it!