We all know johnson...the person who in halo 2 made for great live cover. The person who in "Halo:combat involved" got F`d up by the flood but somehow survived for no fricken reason. But he always manages to crash every single pelican he flies and gets captured almost every time Mr.chief ain`t around to kick covenant @ss. In the entire halo series 4 missions are based on breakin` him out of the covenant slammer.
well, like you said, he is a great meat shield. plus in halo 3 killing him will give you a BR in the fist level. i think once hes in combat hes great, but other than the few levels he actually does fight in hes pretty useless.
Don't talk trash about Johnson! He could open a can of whoop ass and you wouldn't even know it until you're on the floor screamin.
That son of a ***** kept laserin me right in the ass on the last level! I swear it took me ten tries to get up there because the little ****er kept killin me right after he says his little line "go on chief get to the top of the tower, I got your back", then sploosh! dead... evil little ****er deserved to be fried by sparky.... sorry I'm just a little pissed at him cause he kept killin me like the entire time
A) He was secretly a canidate for the spartan program B) (probably cover up) He got boren's syndrome from carrying plasma grenades (radiation screwed over his DNA) And yeah he is pretty useless. I think he believes his incesent yelling is what kills the covanent...although he has a couple funny quotes. Johnson: "ETA...pretty dang quick" (dang is a different word if you catch my drift) Source: Halopedia
Johnson is helpful, somewhat. He has unlimited ammo, and you can knock him down, and give him a different gun, via proximity pick-up. Other than that, you have to save his butt for the most part of the game. Sierra 117 Crow's Nest The Covenant etc. There is also the question of Arby being helpful as well...
I find Johnson my ammunition carrier and gun supplier. He can sometimes be somewhat numerous and make me crack a laugh every now and then. Plus it's fun to make him infected on the last level lol