Well I'm pretty much new to Forge Hub so don't go out guns ablaze. I'm currently building a slayer map (possibly oddball) which will be taking up the middle level and crypt of Sandbox. The problem is that I want to implement some asymmetrical ideas. I'm a pretty experienced forger but never tried making asymmetrical maps yet. So can anyone give me tips or maybe some help? Thanks.
When forging an asymmetric map it's important that you keep it very balanced in geometry, weapon placement, spawns, and vehicles for both teams. Team balance is usually the most forgotten idea in asymmetric maps.
- A good thing to remember when Forging an Asymmetrical map, is that both teams should be able to easy traverse to any power weapon on the map, within a similar time period. A lot of times, people don't get this right, and may place a power up or weapon that can easily turn the game around towards one side of the map, which isn't fun for the other team. - Try to stay away from Teleporters if you can, because they can really break up the flow of your map. However, if you have to use teleporters, make sure that they are not the only way to a certain point on a map, as they can be blocked if a player stands on them. - Avoid making "Dead Ends" as they also break up the flow of your map. Dead Ends typically promote camping, which can make your map less enjoyable. - Always make sure that there are at least two or more entrances to a specific area of the map, especially if it is a confined area. This is important with Symmetrical maps as well, and it's pretty much to stop camping in one room. - Do not rush your map. Never be afraid to revise anything you think can be approved, and always play a few test games so you can get feedback on your map. If you still need any help, feel free to send me a friend request (GT: The Cheat902). I will most likely be online this weekend, so send me a game invite then. ~ The Cheat ~