This is the second map in my Haunted series. I plan to release two more maps in the coming weeks. The series currently includes: -Haunted Filter -Haunted Tubes They both use the same gametype which can be found here and at the bottom of this page (and the bottom of the other map's page). The Map The map is called Haunted Filter. What it is, is a zombies map. What is isn't, is anything else. No, really, I challenge you to have a meaningful game of anything on this map that isn't zombies. If you can find anything (that isn't swords) that works on this, I would really like to know. Humans: In Haunted filter all of the humans spawn in groups of up to 4 people in one of the four room-things that occupy the upper corners of this map. From those room-things, they must jump down a hole into the maze of randomness that is the rest of the map. It really cant be described, so here are some pics. The spawn: Zombies are gonna come out the teleporters and kill you if are slow. [img width=800 height=600][/img] Level 4: The top level. See those 4 holes? They have shield doors in them. ...And I guess they take you to level 3. [img width=800 height=600][/img] Level 3: The nearly top level. No shield doors in those holes, they just take you to level 2. [img width=800 height=600][/img] Level 2: The nearly bottom level. These holes have shield doors, but after dropping down them you cant go down any further. [img width=800 height=600][/img] Level 1: The bottom level. No holes here. Only choice from this point is to set up camp or go back up. [img width=800 height=600][/img] Zombies: You start in a box with spawn points at one end, and teleporters at the other. They take you to human spawns where you can kill any jerks who think they can take on the Alpha zombie. Your box is very boring, so you don't get pics. The Game Type: 10 Rounds. 5min rounds. Alpha Zombie- Good Camo 25% move speed (please God, forgive me) Invincible Sword Instant Kill (why not?) 75m Enhanced Radar Zombie- Poor Camo 100% move speed Sword Allies only radar (this is intentionally designed to piss people off) Human- No shields Shotguns Limited Ammo 100% Move Speed No Radar (If they do have one, then congrats. All the zombies are crouching anyway) Download Map Download Gametype Wow, I really dont know about this one... Its 'interesting' to say the least. I really don't know... I mean I know what I made it for... But as for the matter of what it is exactly... Well... I wouldn't have a freaking clue... I just looked around the room and named it after the first thing I saw that looked even remotely familiar... You can decide what you think it is. Please, tell me what you think it is.
I thought Haunted tubes was a rather interesting map, and this one more so. DL for sure, and get back to you after I've played it.
There may be an issue with this one, as I adjusted just before I posted it to bungie forums. Does the website update very quickly?
If you mean that you uploaded a new version, just download the one on B.Net to check if it's the right one.
nice! your infection maps are really creative. I liked haunted tubes, and when I found out you made more I got realy excited. ( >>; ) So anyway cant wait to see eyour next work, DL this and good luck in the future.
Afterplaying the only thing that made me scratch my head was the man cannons you put next to the tellys. I assumed it was to prevent telly killing? We got stuck a few times becasue of the mancannon but besides that just as fun as tubes. Keep making maps!1
Yeah, the Cannons are there to stop tele-camping. And yes, I just played this today, there is a cannon which makes you stuck. I will fix that very soon and change the link to that version.