Foundry Blamtacular

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by J dot Rizzle, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. J dot Rizzle

    J dot Rizzle Ancient
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    Needs a more appropriate name to be honest.

    The map is called blamtacular because I am not good with names. Made for one sided and FFA gametypes and features a ghost with alot of freedom, the big problem the ghost has is the rockets sneakily hidden in the tunnel which connects both sides of the map.

    Does not play VIP or Infection gametypes.

    Is fun for FFA and small teams (3-4).

    The weapons (with respawn seconds)
    1 x Mauler - 1 spare clip (60 sec)
    1 x Shotgun - 0 spare clips (150 sec)
    1 x Needler - 2 Spare clips (90 sec)
    6 x Battle Rifle - 2 spare clips (30 sec)
    1 x Covenant Carbine - 2 spare clips (30 sec)
    1 x Rocket Launcher - 1 spare clip (150 sec)
    1 x Sniper Rifle - 2 spare clips (90 sec)

    1 x Regenerator (90 sec)
    1 x Power Drain (90 sec)
    1 x Overshields (150 sec)
    4 x Plasma Grenades (45 sec)

    1 x Ghost - (150 sec)

    Rocket spawn

    Tunnel entrance

    Mauler spawn and ghost in the corner

    The same ghost in the corner and shotgun

    Power drain spawn with added window panels

    One side attackers spawn area

    Second tunnel entrance with sniper spawn

    Defenders spawn area (bomb plant/flag grab behind the sideways door)

    Different angle of defenders spawn

    Front of sniper spawn and overshield in back corner

    Couldn't hurt to give it a try eh?

    Download Map

    This is my first posted map so forgive me if I have made a mistake.

    Constructive criticism is most welcome.

    #1 J dot Rizzle, Mar 24, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2009
  2. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You've not posted you're map correctly. Here's a thread that can help.

    Hopefully you can get the pics up, it sounds interesting.
    #2 mastersync23, Mar 24, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  3. cow for cow

    cow for cow Ancient
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    hay man the easyst way to get the pictures you need is to go on find your pic, printscreen it (look on your keybord its a button i promice) go into paint, past the pic into paint, save the pic go onto photobucket and save them then upload them and


    then you only need to do 25 more steps first turn your computor on and off 15 or 16 times, copy the linck recode it in C++ computor code buy a pet eleiphant and ignore everything i sayed after shabam.

    Good luck i now its a pain in the ass but its the best way i know ps once you fix ill recheck welcom to the hub
    #3 cow for cow, Mar 24, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  4. Ghost Zealot

    Ghost Zealot Ancient
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    I looked on your profile and saw the pics, and this map looks very good. You should post what weapons are on the map so we can see that before we download. Also, its hard to tell what type of cover there is in between structures, if there is any. If not, you should add some, but not just random barricades, make another structure if need be. Otherwise, good map, i`ll dl and check it out.
  5. J dot Rizzle

    J dot Rizzle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the help, will do! [EDIT: screenshots are now up.]
    #5 J dot Rizzle, Mar 24, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  6. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well, im first of glad to know that you can post properly, this is a good post.

    and for the map, its a masterpiece. I love the back tunnel, it is spectacular. I can see how hard of work you put into this, and it just seems that it flows so great.

    is ctf any good for this map?
    and whats the amount of players?

    The different amount of time, spare clips, and placement of map that the weapons are is great, mixing it up really gives a good feel to any map, making the range of the weapons great.

    i dl the map, but i cant play it yet cause my bro is on, but ill check it out later

    (thanks for the amazing map)
  7. XxWoolyxX

    XxWoolyxX Ancient
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    you would think that with such a name as blamtacular t would be ****, i guessed wrong here i give it a 7.5 out of 10
  8. J dot Rizzle

    J dot Rizzle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback
  9. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    ok i just got back from playing on it, the tunnel was still amazing ,but the map was very open, and it seemed to hard to get up to places. I think you need to add like some dumpsters, also i escaped the map very easy by accedient too. but its still a good first map
  10. Landon Dao

    Landon Dao Ancient
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    Great map but the only problem that might occur is the empty space in the middle of the map. If you added a tower or something to make it more full and provide shelter, it would be better. Nice geomerging and interlocking. 4.5/5
  11. J dot Rizzle

    J dot Rizzle Ancient
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    Thanks, I tried to make it an open map with close quarters areas, I ran out of budget as I did not want it to cause lag with glitching it.
  12. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    hey dude welcome to forgehub! ok first beautiful map you sure have been forgin before you goin the forgehub community 5/5 dl. Just some suggestions the open middle section of the map can use some cover and if you have andy walls or barriers or anything still use it as cover. it will help you map and give people a greater chance of having their "shining moment" in a map instead of everyone avoiding that "death zone". But still this is a great map, excellent 1st post. Keep forgin! -Dylan
  13. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    oh and i saw the mauler is RIGHT NEXT 2 the shotgun. this is either for balancing weapon spawn for teams or A VERY BAD CHOICE. survey which it is and if it is a choice you made i suggest you change it (if you wnat it would still be a great map, no hard feelings) because major assholes and noobs would try 2 run 4 power weapons and that would just make their day, but not yours. Be smart. Don't let noobs smuggle all the power weapons. lol it's rly up 2.
  14. J dot Rizzle

    J dot Rizzle Ancient
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    Good point, it seemed to play ok with them but I will see if I can swap the shotgun with another weapon on the map.

  15. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
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    Wow this map is awazing the meerging is really well done. my only concern is the empty middle area. other than that 5/5
  16. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
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    as far as blams go, this one cerainly is tacular! i like it how not all of the map's floor is at ground level, it makes it feel less like foundry and more like a unique map. and also well done for including a ghost, you never seem to see vehicles on foundry maps.
  17. Arc7ic

    Arc7ic Ancient
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    the ghost seems a little overpowered IMO
  18. J dot Rizzle

    J dot Rizzle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is no longer on my file share but is available by request.

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