Halo Wars = fail

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Yevah, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Never said otherwise. The only thing is, RTS games need a good community to actually make the game awesome. BTW, do you have it or something because you sound really sure of yourself.

    Uhh... No...

    RTS games usually last from around 20 minutes to 40 minutes. 1 hour would be reserved for games like Supreme Commander. Not sure about CoH but I can't imagine a competitive game going any longer then 1 hour.
  2. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    dude lawful chilli, calm done, its a game disscuission i simply dont enjoy the game i started this to see your guys opinion.
    and sorry but i find this so hilarious that you call me a "sick ****" because i dont appreciate a game that you do.
    (anger managment maybe?)
  3. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    LOL@ mass idiocy in this topic

    It's not an FPS it's an RTS, and I'm willing to be 80% of the people here still don't understand that. Since majorly you are all 15 and under, you are only really familiar with this generation of gaming, and possibly some of the last. Meaning: you are only familiar with hordes of shitty FPS like CoD that you consider one of the best games ever.

    Halowars is an amazing game. It lacks a bit of depth, which could have been fillied in with some variation in units/covie leaders, but all in all the game is an extremely successful console RTS, and a successful RTS on the whole.

    Yeah Halowars failed a bit, and you know why? Because of Halo-****ing-3. Halo 3 draws everyone back to it, continually. It means you get 2-4 weeks out of a new game, and instantly back forging and matchmaking. Halo3 generally ruins every other game, as nothing..not a single game on a console this generation can compete with it's addictiveness.

    Oh and btw, Microsoft hired majorly all of Ensemble to work with MS game studios, they didn't just buy a studio, have it develope a game, than pointless disband it. That would be like the stupid business decision ever.
  4. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    alright if thats the way you feel about it thats fine, (as long as your not calling me a sick **** for not liking the game then im ok with it) its your opinion. And i have to agree i really love to play Halo3 and in my opinion "opinion" i feel as its the best game out there, and that might be why i dont care for halowars, because i "find" halo3 so much more action pack than "others"

    I quoted things so people dont critise me for it, its not because im weird =]
  5. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    But you quoted the wrong things, so you are wierd.
  6. Massa Henly

    Massa Henly Ancient
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    The graphics are awsome. I like the gameplay more than any other XBOX RTS. The only thing that is wrong with it is those ghey rushing fool that make it to where there is no big armies, just constant small ones.
  7. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    see some one caught on ;)
  8. Elemantis

    Elemantis Ancient
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    Halo Wars may not be the most complex RTS game out there (not by a long shot), but it was made for the Xbox 360, and the 360 controller only has so many buttons you can assign functions to; in terms of both simplicity and functionality, Ensemble did a pretty good job with the controls.

    Anyone who says piloting the Scarab wasn't fun is either lying, or an idiot.

    I really like the battlefield diversity, and certain "control points" (Forerunner Reactors, Supply Elevators, Life Support Pods, etc.) do add a hint of strategy.

    Halo Wars did well in all areas, but the game does have its flaws: there's not much unit diversity, there are few multiplayer modes, and the graphics aren't all that great (however, keep in mind that, when you have over 300 grunts on the screen, you can't exactly make them too detailed without the game having a mini-seizure). And I do wish you could have a larger army.

    For all those suffering from the Short-Campaign blues: try it on Legendary. I guarantee it will give you a run for your money.
  9. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    I actually thought the cutscenes were the most epic things I have ever scene, especially the one fight scene with the Spartans. Yeah, the relations between the main characters was kinda cheesy, but overall I liked it. I also like how each faction has real distinctions between them, though not much unit variation as chrst said.

    I love it, except I hate playing my one friend who beats me every time!!! :p
    (can someone tell me how to get resources so darn quick?)

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    You are playing the wrong RTS'.

    7/10 would rage again.
  11. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Red Alert 3: 20-40 minute games.

    C&C 3: 10-20 minutes.

    DoW 2: 20-40 minutes.

    Starcraft: 20-30 minutes.

    UaW: 20-30 minutes.

    We are talking competitive, right? Because you really shouldn't be going by casual play as you seem to be. In casual, those games are esily 6 times longer.
  12. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Yeah, individual missions in RTS games don't generally go longer than 40 minutes. Granted, I was watching my roommate play AoE last semester, and it seemed to me like it was endless and never had any stopping points. Granted, I never watched him play an entire game, so I could be (probably am) mistaken.

    In either case, and to get back on topic, I'm pretty sure it's been settled that Halo Wars is a simple RTS. It's not the best out of all of them, though a strong case can be made that it's the best console RTS to date, and so it's certainly not the worst RTS, either. It can also be concluded that the thread's starter purchased it expecting something a bit more FPS-like, but when he was bored by the naturally slow pace of RTS, decided to come here and whine about it instead of doing the next logical thing: taking the game to his local Game Stop and getting at least some of his money back...

    EDIT: I just realized this thread has one star, and we're on page six of replies. Go figure...

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    What settings/difficulties are you playing on?
  14. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    I'm talking about multiplayer.

    And in Campaign, levels never take longer then 50 minutes, difficulty is usually just adding 5 minutes to level lengths.
  15. DisturbedShifty

    DisturbedShifty Ancient
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    I'm jsut going to jump in here.

    First let me say that I think the game captures the "feel" of Halo perfectly. I am a big fan of the Expanded Universe stories, like the books and this game.

    But I think my biggest complaint has got to be that the Flood are in the game. Don't get me wrong, there has always been that under lying tone that ONI knew about the Flood (in the expanded universe) before the Halo events. But I think the game would have been much better if it just focused on the Human/Covenant War.

    And if you had to have a third faction in there, make it the human Rebels. I know that they are in the multi player portion of the game. But you have to remember that the UNSC was in the middle of battling the Rebellion before the Covenant showed up. Hence the orignal reason for the Spartan program.

    The other problem is, there really isn't good replay value on the game. Unless you are an achivement monger, it just isn't worth it.

    I know there is the XBL multi player. But I am really new to RTS games, and the Rush tactic has turned me off to playing XBL.

    But overall I would have to give a solid 7.5 out of 10.
  16. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    When you talk about how Halo Wars fits in with the style of Halo, you should refer to how it simplified many aspects, which means that strategies become more defined and exact, instead of a massive blur. This is present in Halo Wars as it is present in Halo. It's dumbed down to an extent, and sometimes the lack of options makes it a more interesting game.
  17. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Yay for another Halo Lore *****! (I am becoming one myself)

    I don't think ONI had a clue about the Flood before the incident at Installation 04, hence why everyone in the game is all OMGWTFBBQ when they show up. Still, the fact that the humans were able to hold off the Flood at all seems very counter the overpowering nature of the Flood in the rest of the Halo series. Note how every other time the Flood encountered humans (or covenant), they were completely overwhelmed until Master Chief showed up.

    But while we're on the subject of plot inconsistencies, notice how the Spartans have Spartan Lasers and Mjolnir Mark IV armor (with the shields)? The Spartan Laser wasn't invented until ONI got their hands on Cortana's findings from when she was inside the Ascendant Justice in First Strike. The description of what she made the plasma turrets do matched what I saw of the Spartan Laser perfectly, and I really don't think the weapon was developed until the midst of the second game.

    At the same time, the shields weren't added to the Mjolnir armor until Mark V, which the book doesn't have them receiving until well after they've retaken Harvest (the opening monologue places Halo Wars right after that recapture).

    And one last thing. The doctor lady whose name I forget right now. She had absolutely no curiosity as regards the Prophet of Regret, a species that humans had never seen before. When she was being held, I thought her character was overly militant compared to the curiosity that seems to overrun ONI and the UNSC as regards the covenant and their species.

    While this makes sense on the surface, I don't think the human Rebels would have been that good of a choice for a third faction. Compared to the UNSC or the Covenant, the rebels seem like nothing more than a bunch of pushovers, whose position as rebels seems shaky with the extinction of Humanity a very real threat.

    I agree completely with everything else you've said.
    #57 Jpec07, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009
  18. Yyzyyz

    Yyzyyz Ancient
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    Some of the voice acting is a bit iffy but the multiplayer is great, with the right people (friends, fair players etc) but the campaign sucks, like the scarab mission and dome of light mission, oh yes and when you first meet the flood (I once made a big army to fight tons of flood just to find out that you have to rescue 2 crappy elephants, they are not effective and are not used in further missions, unbalanced, and the fact that when the mission ends, you have a different army :mad: )

    This game is supposed to be stratergy, when you really have to make a load of heavy vehicles and blow up easy kill bases, I see not as much fun in this game as halo 1, 2 and 3 and the skulls just ruin the game >>:mad:

    I rate this game 3.5/5

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