Sandbox Pipe Dream

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by KnightTimes, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. KnightTimes

    KnightTimes Ancient
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    Forged in the skies above Sandbox, Pipe Dream is an Air Combat lover's haven. Best suited for team games of any size, there is one spawn area for each team, stocked with two Banshees, and two Hornets each.
    Also in the spawn area are two snipers, one human and one beam rifle, excellent for taking out pesky missile launching enemies.



    The center of Pipe Dream, where the map derives it's name from, is a large platform with four tubes, or pipes, connecting to a lower level which houses two rocket launchers, and an unlimited supply of missiles to launch, as well as two shotguns and two Battle Rifles to fuel the fires of combat on the platform.


    The chimney, or bug-leg looking tubes that connect to the lower level don't all go down, however, two such pipes have Man Cannons at the bottom to jet anyone who goes near them out to the top level of the platform.


    Pipe Dream is designed to work with most team gametypes, excluding territories.. because that would be boring. =)

    The level holds the following Items:

    4x Banshee
    2x Hornet
    2x Transport Hornet

    2x Battle Rifle
    2x Beam Rifle
    2x Sniper Rifle
    2x Shotgun
    1x Missile Launcher

    1x Power Drainer



    I am very new to the idea of posting my stuff on forums, so I highly appreciate all feedback, thanks!

    Pipe Dream-
    Halo 3 File Details
  2. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
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    Pretty cool map but the one thing i would say is make the bases with the banshees and hornets look a little more asthetically pleaseing other than that its pretty cool. 4/5
  3. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
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    I really do like air combat maps, but I have a question to ask about this one because this somewhat makes me mad about some maps: how far above the grid did you build this map? because I hate it when you try flying down and you blow up just because you weren't aware of the death barrier. Still looks like a good map though.
  4. Moniter117

    Moniter117 Ancient
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    Great Map for second post!
    First of all good job on the middle platform it looks well planned and has lots of cover those unlucky guys who have to hoof it. However there are two suggestions i would like to make. Make the Two team bases alittle more elaborate.I know it's a sky map but come on its just some blocks. The second is connect the center to the other bases so if someone spawns they can't just sit there and wait to die.
  5. KnightTimes

    KnightTimes Ancient
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    Haha, thanks for the input. I agree that the spawns need some work, I'm planning on making a second version to this map when I'm done with my current projects.

    The map IS set directly on the building plane, but by having the center base 2 stories high, and the pipes rising another story above that, it tends to orient the combat up high enough to avoid any random deaths.

    Also, by not having the spawns directly connected, it forces the combat to be mostly air oriented, and the vehicles have short respawns (10s Banshee, 30s Hornet). Having the snipers in the spawn serves to occupy anybody who is struck out of luck, but the hornets provide neccessary transportation for larger teams, and having no ground route forces players to utilize this commonly overlooked aspect of the game, transporting.
  6. KnightTimes

    KnightTimes Ancient
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    By the way, I just finished testing this map out using a small free for all for the first time, and I'd like to inform anyone interested that this map does work well for small FFA games, despite the team spawn setup.
  7. Arc7ic

    Arc7ic Ancient
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    i like this, but the concept seems overused
  8. grimcatface

    grimcatface Ancient
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    interesting idea
  9. KnightTimes

    KnightTimes Ancient
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    Okay guys, I found out a way to go a bit further back behind where the current vehicle spawns are, which were placed at the far edge of the building area, so i'm going to be adding a bit of texture to that platform, and building some stuff beind it that should look pretty cool (since it IS a bit bland so far), as well as make spawn killing impossible, and make the map more unique. If anybody has any other ideas for the updated version of this map, please share- thanks!

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