I don't quite get it, you didn't explain why there were two different sections in the map. Or why there were 4 bases. Please be a little more descriptive in your post, by editing your post. We could do with a little more pictures of some parts of the maze if possible. Other than that, I would have to say that this map is pretty impressive. I would like to know though.. can you get to the top of the Sky Bubble bases, and how far apart are the Sky Bubble bases? Can the players from each sky bubble base attack each other?
coulnt people just camp in the crpyt? seems to me this would be really bad when the other team needs points to get back in the lead
Reply to Conkerkid11: There are two different sections in the map to stimulate better gameplay. If you could just get straight from one base to another, it would be easier to score. That's why I decided to take on this unusual form of map. There are not 4 bases, just some tubing that holds the teleporters that lead up to the bases. The bases are too far away to reach, unless you use a man cannon. Yes, in a form you can attack each other from the bases, but you can only use a snipe, and theres a shield door, so the enemy has to risk their life (and also you) to get a kill. Reply to Darksoullll I don't understand what you're getting at... Do you mean like just sit in the crypt and kill the other team? Thats what its for. To stimulate gameplay. So please be more detailed in your questions.
eww why'd you name it necrophilia? thats weird... you know thats doing the nasty with dead people, right? anyway, it seems creative. im not sure how the bases only accesible through teleporters would work. where is the receiver node to the base? it seems you could just sit there and kill whoever comes out. also, the crypt area seems like needs height (like there are only 2 levels).
I'm glad you made the improvements after we tested the map. The gameplay is extremely interesting, it really sets apart from any other CTF in the sense that there's a whole two different levels to traverse through. That being said, this map also requires an intense amount of team work, which you commend with weapon placement. One question though: Did you end up making two teleporters per base to reduce teleport camping?
No, regretfully, I couldn't get it to work properly. If you went in one, you'd just end up in the other side of your own base. 90% of the time you had to die before you could get back into the crypt. And I didn't have enough objects to place to make two teleports down in the crypt.