"Judgement" (n.) - A misfortune believed to be sent by God as punishment for a sin. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrBFgEEK23I After months of planning, forging, and testing, Master Debayter and RivalMass proudly present the most accurate Nacht Der Untoten remake on Halo 3 to date. When I first thought of making this map, I wanted to make it as close to the original as possible. I think I've succeeded in that department and stayed within the OLN by 6 objects (thanks to EpicFishFingers for that info). But enough of the background information, because there's a lot to talk about. Especially that I continue to make black vs. white infection gametypes: Yeah... ok then. __________________________________________________________________________________ Judgement and The Fallen (The Gametypes) You heard it right. This was originially an infection only map, but then I played Cave Freaks on Sunday... So I decided to make a VIP varient. Both varients have the same traits, except the VIP and the Undead Nazis have seperate traits which I'll give seperately. The game varient download links are Judgement and The Fallen. Human Traits: - 300% Damage Resistance - 90% Speed - 110% Damage - No Shields - 110% Shield Recharge Rate - No Vehicle Use - Infinite Ammo Disabled - Starting Weapon Magnum - Vehicle Use Disabled Zombie/Attacker Traits: - 90% Damage Resistance (100% in VIP varient) - 110% Speed - 75% Damage - Normal Shields - 50% Shield Recharge Rate - 50% Leech - Full vehicle use - Infinite Ammo Disabled - Starting Weapon Plasma Pistol - Weapon Pickup Disabled VIP Traits: - 300% Damage Resistance - No influence on surrounding players - 90% speed - 150% Damage Modifier - No shields - Ally-only waypoint - Forced color Gold - VIP Death Ends Round Custom Powerup Traits: - 125% Speed - Forced Color Zombie - 500% Damage Resistance - No Shields - No shield recharge - 100% Leech - Immune to headshots disabled. Judgement Scoring: - 1 Point Awarded per Zombie Kill - 2 Points Awarded per Infection - -1 Points per Suicide The Fallen Scoring: - 1 Point Per Kill - VIP Death Ends Round - -1 Points per Suicide - 10 Points per VIP kill - First to 50 points - No Destination Points _________________________________________________________________________________ The Last Day (The map) The map itself is relatively large. It almost takes up the entire area of foundry, with the exception of the main parts of the back hallway. The humans will spawn in the first room, the main room, and it's easily recognized from the original. Far windows: Help Room Door side: You should be holding out in this room for the first minute of the game. After that, a pair of man cannons spawn and prepare the help room door to open. Simply walk up against the dumpster to push it away. When the dumpster dissapears to respawn, there is a sender node and a hidden receiver node that'll spit you back out into the help room if you fly into it. And now we move into the help room. Note: The staircase in the picture doesn't spawn until after 150 seconds. You'll be in here quite a lot too, because of the cave, the two zombie windows, the SMG and the mauler, the first guns on the walls that do some higher damage to zombies. But more importantly than that, this room holds the one and only switch of its kind. So, here's my little guide of the random weapon box. Presented by Master Debayter and EpicFishFingers, because we're the only ones who are picture friendly, lol. First, you have to punch out the propane tank to start the switch up. Next move over to where the the spartan is in this picture and start holding down RB ("Or B as the case may be." - Cydronix v2) or whatever button you use to pick up your weapons. Alternatively, stand where the arrows from the A Signs point and have another player stand next you to have two people use the box at once. When the weapons drop, and you're still holding down the pickup button, you'll grab one at random. I got an Assault rifle, he got a carbine. Not too bad. Make sure to cover each other when you use the switch, or expect to get assasinated. Next you move up to the second story after 150 seconds. This part was edited for Halo 3 gameplay, and it turned out well. You won't get here too often, but when you do it's worth it. It's got three great weapons up there plus a great camping spot where the spike grenades are. Two staircases spawn at 180 seconds to help both humans and zombies get up there more efficiently. Weapon Locations on the map and their COD:WAW counterparts First Room - BR (M1A1 Carbine - Covenant Carbine (Kar98k) Help Room - SMG (Thompson) - Mauler (Double-Barrel Shotgun) - Random Weapon Box ~ Fuel Rod Gun (Raygun) ~ Rocket Launcher (Panzerschreck) ~ SMG (Thopson/MP40) ~ Mauler (Double-Barrel Shotgun/Sawn-Off Shotgun) ~ Shotgun (Trench Gun) ~ Sniper Rifle (PTRS-41) ~ Beam Rifle (Scoped Kar98k) ~ Assault Rifle (BAR) ~ Battle Rifle (Gewehr 43) ~ Covenant Carbine (M1 Garand) ~ Flamethrower (M2 Flamethrower) Second Story - Shotgun (Trench Gun) - Beam Rifle (Scoped Kar98k) - Assault Rifle (BAR) - Spike Grenades (German Grenades) Continued in next post...
The **** Zombies (An overview of the zombie's main area outside of the building) First off, you should know that the zombies spawn all the way in the back of foundry sealed inside a nice cozy spawn room safe from the humans. At the start, there are two teleporters to choose from, both of which lead into the outer field around the map. And after 45 seconds, some custom powerups spawn to help out the zombies. In the same room, there is a dumpster in the back blocking off the rest of the hallway. By the way, the thrid custom powerup is back here too. After 60 seconds a grav lift spawns and pushing the dumpster back... ... and now you have access. But to what you may ask? Why the cave of course! But enough about this room. Let's focus on where the teleporters take you. The zombie field is really large, as it takes up every part of foundry's main room that the building doesn't use. Here's some pictures of the areas of the field. Also, at 150 seconds some more areas spawn for the zombies to gain access to the building. Now, I need to focus on the windows, because these are what allow the zombies to come into the building and prevent humans from leaving it. It's simple to use. First approach the window until you see the icon to get into the mongoose/ghost. You may need to jump onto the bridge(s) to get the icon on your screen. Next, get in. One person at a time, if you go into the passenger seat of the mongoose, it probably won't work out for you. Then simply get out. There's one more thing, the zombie fun room. It has the objects for the infinite money glitch, but zombies can't bring anything out of that room so it's fine. It's strictly for entertainment purposes, such as those zombies that may want to wait for the help room to open up for humans. _________________________________________________________________________________ Action PicturesWhat post would be complete without them? Say hello to my lil' friend. We're being chased! Run! Assasinated! Panzerschrek! The Last Man Standing can really clean the house up. __________________________________________________________________________________ Related Thread Links RivalMass's post for the Random Weapon Box: (Switch) Random Weapon Box - This should answer any questions on the random box. My discussion thread for the map: Working on a new (interesting) project - It helped me get together and brainstorm ideas for the map. Camel Carcass's **** Zombie Thread: **** Zombies In Halo 3 - Another thread that gave me some good ideas. It also told me what to avoid... patt06snipe's discussion thread for a remake of my gamtype: "Judgement" Extra Map Add On - My map inspired him to start this project. I welcome anyone else to do what he's doing here. He's trying to make his own original **** Zombie map with the windows, random box, and everything but with a completely new design and feel. Good luck to him. Featured Post at XForgery **** Zombies: The Last Day - I got featured on another forge site, woot! Unfortunately this cannot be featured here until adjustments are made to the map. __________________________________________________________________________________ Download LinksJudgement or The Fallen on the Last Day. (In order) Infection varient, VIP varient, and map varient. ___________________________________________________________________________________ I'd like to give a special thanks to my personal testers as well as the members who kept the discussion thread alive for 3 months. My biggest thanks goes to RivalMass, for helping me forge the map and creating the amazing random box for this map. Without him, this map wouldn't have been possible. I hope you enjoy the map, because it's the best of it's kind according to everyone who's played it. Prove me if I'm wrong, and your welcome in advance. I got many requests to finish this up.
hey, yea i was one of the testers for this map, It is really good, really fun for a lot of people, the only thing i think i wrong with it, is that it needs to have less humans and more zombies each round, like start off with 5 humans and then in round 2,have 4 humans
Sorry, it's fixed now. I had to copy and paste the second part of the post before you guys did so I was rushed a bit.
Impressive very impressive i like this map very interesting. i like how it works the switch is cool only thing that bothers me is the upstairs it looks like everyone can camp but ill first try it and get back to u guys on that. 4.8/5
The link doesn't work for me either. Oh teh noes. But seriously, how did you get the random weapon box to work? I'm really intrigued. Ok It works now, I'll look at it today or tommorow. But please do tell how it works.
You are correct this is the most accurate remake. I really like how you did the timed map events. I really don't have any suggestions for this map it is just really good. GJ... I think you should get on Bungie Favs again :0
RivalMass will be posting a seperate map thread for the random weapon box design. He'll explain it in that. I don't know when he'll post it though. I'll link it to this thread when he posts it though.
Wow, this looks awesome! The aesthetic feel is brilliant and its a very faithful remake of the much loved CoD5 zombies. I'm certain I'll have lots of fun playing this with my friends! This is certainly the greatest Nacht der Untoten remake and uses some truly great ideas. (The weapon box, windows, etc.) 5/5 queued for download!
Yay! The actual post is here. I've waited like 3 months for this. Wow, I already downloaded this from ur file share, but dang, this is now my favorite map. The random weapon box was well thought, and i love the idea of letting the zombies choose where to go (mimicing l4d gameplay as well). The zombies are actually fun to play as and humans have tactical decisions to make. Not much to say about this map, as words cant describe it. Just download and kick **** zombie ass! Finally, I can rate this in the real post. 10/10, not any exceptions, or problems I found. It is balanced, fun, and has a great replay value. Definetly a map worth featuring. Alas, now I have a new problem from this map. Waiting for the next one (and others assuming more people take interest in forging this). One last congrats Master Debayter and Rivalmass. This is just amazing. You guys will make the entire FH community proud.
I helped test this map for the last testing yesterday, and it was very fun! The feel makes it not as bad that I don't have the original **** Zombies game. I hope this gets featured. I thought the vip gametype added a different feel, and I don't know which one I like better.
Awesome!!! I feel ultra - privileged, being able to play this 2 days before the thread was posted. The thread, for starters, is the best laid out, most organised, fantastic thread I've ever seen, and it covers everything. How long did it take you? The gametypes, well, I've only played the infection type, but that was immense, the fallen add-on looks amazing. DL'd. Thankies for mentioning me in the post. Much appreciated ^^ I'll edit this and submit a proper review when I've got freinds round, played it with more than 2 people, and I'll be not-about-to-go-to-sleep. Seriously, fantastic. Teh FH community love you long time. You can has feechure plz.
oh, btw, if anyone wants to play this tonight, ill be online most likely. my gamertag is Silent Ghillie. just send an invite with the text "**** zombies" and ill be there, assuming im not in another match.
this i think is teh best **** zombies map on halo to date... 5/5 dl man nice job this is goin 2 be a fun night for me and my buds with this it looks great and i love the random weapon thing it kicks ass! everything looks beautiful nad i remember you were talkin bout this and its finnally here. Cant wait to paly it. Outstanding job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Dylan
My god. This the most epic infection map...I've EVER seen. This actually deserves to get featured. I absolutely love the random weapon box. It so cool! The map, too, is a very accurate remake of the original. 9/10. EDIT: After playing this 1v1 (I know I shouldn't judge with this many, but I'll just let you know), it seemed a bit...overpowered as a human. Maybe down the damage as a human or up the damage as a zombie.
only one thing i can use to describe this map, OMG EPIC WINSAUCE BBQ SANDWICH!!!! This is the most, screw you generic zombie game! map since Manifest. Hey you knew that comparison was coming . My favorite part is not the random weapon box, it's the zombie entrance thing. You have found a great way to keep zombies from rushing, kudos. Can you put some more weapons though? with larger partys, there may not be enough to go around. Also, why is there not a soccer ball in the fun room? How do the zombies attack? just with punching? and how many hits does it take to kill someone then? P.S. Witch gametype do you like the best? for smaller partys, like 6 people
Wow, thanks for saying that I was picture friendly, although the guy who picked up the carbine wasn't me. I was honoured to test your map, the only flaws that I found were: 1) You spelt Judgment wrong. Not a huge deal, but yeah 2) In CoD WaW's **** zombies, the window jail bar thing is on the other side. But yeah, you remade the jail bar window pretty well so thumbs up for that! I never thought that you could make this map. I looked at your thread and thought "huh, good luck with that", but you pulled it off! The random box, the zombie entrance and the resemblance to the actual **** zombies map is uncanny. And even as a zombie it is fun to play. This is easily one of the best maps I have played and seen on forgehub (it's up there with Nightfall!), and is 100% featureworthy. Congratulations!
Actually, its spelled both ways, Judgment, and Judgement. Trust me, look it up in word or dictionary, but yah, ur still, technically right. Edit: OK, nevermind about Word. but i do know that it is spelled both ways.
I have waited for this for about 3 months, ive even aggervated the hell out of master debayter asking when it will be done. If you dont dl this immedietly you are missing out on one of the best halo3 games ever!!! the random box, the ability for zombies to get into the building, the overall perfection of this map is so incredible. oh and dont worry about camping in the top story because trust me there isnt. I played 4 players and 6 players for this and i was so amazed, im so glad its finally here (get ready for one of the biggest hits to infection!)