DC SpykeBahl F

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by a dumb cat, Feb 28, 2008.


Should this Map replace the FEATURED "Stick Ball" map created on The Pit? [url=http://www.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. PaperThinWalls

    PaperThinWalls Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    Looks very unique. Can't wait to check this out.
  2. abixenator

    abixenator Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    Nice idea with the inverse door, I've been wanting an idea like that forever.

    Only problem is the possibility that the bars on the window or whatever it is will block the grenade

    Well done, though. I like it. 8/10
  3. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    No problem, won't happen again. I guess I just wanted to get a feel from the community regarding the polish and quality of my map.

    Regarding some issues that have been brought up:

    - Yes, I know you can jump through the window. However, this takes a VERY PRECISE JUMP that must be executed perfectly. Through my testing, I practiced this to see how difficult it was. I found out that IT IS very difficult. Having tried out for Jump Tactics back in the Halo 2 days (trying out doesn't say that much, I know...), I am aware that exploits can be found through careful jumping. I design all my maps with jumping in mind (my NEW map, coming soon, is freakin' awesome for jump-happy folk) to limit these exploits. Too many other maps I have tested have failed due to poor measuring of distances and heights, allowing for exploits of camping spots. That being said, this was addressed by another post stating that anyone attempting to get through the window will likely be stuck with a 'nade in a hearbeat. So, yes, there is an existing exploit, but it is too risky to try during regular play.

    - As for sticking the window panels with 'nades, this is unavoidable if you are jumping around like a bunny rabbit (lol). Actually, I found it to be relatively uncommon to get a 'nade stuck onto a window. Maybe I just practiced more, but I find it to be a good side effect to require some skill to stick someone through a window. It is much more satisfying when you do stick someone through a window too!

    - Please tinker with the gametype. It is not meant to be the end-all solution for a fun game of SpykeBahl. 99% of my time was dedicated to creating the map anyways, so I encourage you to give me your feedback on creating a cool gametype for this map. The whole "football" scoring scheme was for s**ts and giggles anyways. I miss football season... >_<

    - A real ISD would be very easy for Bungie to create. Just make a metal fence like the Fence Wall or Fence Box (without the obstructing metal bars that cross the middle), and allow all types of munitions to pass through (bullets, grenades, equipment, etc). It would only stop players and vehicles from passing through. I hope you're reading Bungie...

    - Shooting opponents with the PPistol hardly matters at all. Shields are turned off and damage is lowered (but not enough to keep one stick from still netting you an insta-kill). Charged plasma shots won't lock on, and it will take half of the energy from a plasma pistol to kill someone (about 100 non-charged shots in a row). I don't think that anyone will really try to shoot once they realize it is next to impossible to kill someone with that pea-shooter of a gun.

    - Swords? On this map?? Srsly?

    I take all feedback, positive and negative, with no grudges held if it is negative. I want your honest opinions so I can make better maps in the future.

    --a dumb cat
  4. Supergooseberry

    Supergooseberry Ancient

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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    Just not that it is possible to crouch jump through the windows, other than that, beautiful!
  5. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    I know, I know. Nothing can be done to fix this without altering gameplay. Stated a few times already, anyone attempting to utilize this difficult exploit to their advantage is very likely to be spyked right in their big ugly face (lol).

    The action is so intense even in 1v1 games that you wouldn't really even think to try this extremely precise jump.

    Imagine see your opponent back up about 15 feet or so from the ISD, then make a bee-line for the window panel to try to get through. Mind you, the jump is only successful if attempted straight on. What would you do to an opponent who is running straight at the ISD? That's right, spyke him/her in the face!

    In the dozens of games testing this, people try to break the map in many ways, listed below (in no particular order)

    1. Shoot a charged Plasma Pistol shot at the opposing team to take out their shields (shield are turned off so it won't lock on)
    2. Shoot uncharged PPistol shots to kill opposing team (damage and non-shield health modified to make any damage taken extremely insignificant; it will take approximately 100 consecutive shots to kill someone with the PP, which is half of its energy reserve)
    3. Crouch under window panels to attempt to cross over (NOT possible; I measured and tested everything)
    4. Jump through window panel (to this day no one has completed it, even when forging/viewing the map casually; I am the only one to be able to do it so far...)
    5. Jump over walls (LOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLLOL.....)

    I'm sure when you play this map for the first time, you will try those as well. Just be prepared to be spyked in the face.

    That's all for now,

  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    This has to be the best looking, most tidiest map i have ever seen. Well done.
  7. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    Seriously, this looks amazing. I love the haloramic, too.
  8. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    Actually the best spikeball arena I have seen to date. Good job.

  9. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    Thanks for the kind words and noticing that a lot of effort and polish was put into this map. This is only my second map published on this site, but I will try to maintain the same level of quality for my future maps as well.

    Actually, this map is being downloaded at a slightly quicker pace than my first map, which was an honor-rules free race track. *Pats back*

    To anyone who had downloaded the gametype: please let me know if you liked it or not, or if there were some adjustments you made to it to make it more enjoyable. I know some people liked using plasma 'nades (or sometimes even fire 'nades), but I felt this would take away from the actual skill of "sticking" of an opponent.

    Also, spawning an occasional Flare was another idea I had, but I wanted to keep the game minimal, basically in its purest form. This would allow YOU to add or take away things that you liked or did not like and turn it in to your own personal gametype for your enjoyment.

    Oh, and about the Haloramic; you can expect more of those for my future map releases. I even want to put one into the description of my older racing game. I still play that with friends and it is still as enjoyable as the day it was completed.

  10. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    Looks cool even though it is an old idea (even the honor rule free aspect). I created one before interlocking was known, and then, Cosmic made another honor rule-free one that I prefer over this. Nothing against you, just preference. Just like Cosmic's, I don't really like the wall because it gets in the way even if you can throw to the other side. With that said, both your and Cosmic's maps have some cool features and are tidier than mine (due to no interlock).

    I completely forgot about Dodgeball. I had always intended to remake mine with interlocking, and I think I am finally going to get to that.
  11. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    Ah yes, I found out about Cosmic Rick's Dodgeball-style map after posting my own. The only other dodgeball map that I saw was the FEATURED map, done on The Pit using honor rules.

    Cosmic's map is done very well, but when I played it I found that the teleporters strung across the midcourt line to be very distracting. My own map has the window panels that occasionally block your 'nades, but at least you don't have to stare around glowing green blobs. This is a case of two different solutions to the same problem, and it is up to personal preference as you said. I can respect that.

    Both solutions are not absolute, however. With Cosmic's map, grenade jumping is a very easy way to get over to the other side. Sure, your health is low if you succeed without dying, but it will cause enough of a distraction to take away from the game's enjoyment. My map is not flawless either, but to get to the other side requires a VERY precise jump, a jump that I have only seen completed twice by the same person (dozens of people have played with me on this map by now). Anyone else who attempted the jump either couldn't do it, got stuck on the window, or took a spyke to the face while attempting it. My arena is smaller, and therefore makes it easier for players to observe any possible breaches of the wall. No offense to Cosmic, but IMO I believe I have a slight edge in this area.

    Everything else is up for interpretation and personal preference, even the "purdiness" of the Glowing Serpent. Lolz.

    Thank you for your comment, Texas.

  12. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    Yes, I agree that there isn't really a concrete solution. I have an idea for one that would work flawlessly if it could be executes. I was thinking of making a court on a flat interlocked box surface with a huge pit in the middle. I did this on my other one and played great, but it was poorly constructed due to interlocking not being discovered yet. I was thinking about merging bridges into the ground at an angle like theMallet did, so if you try to jump to the other side, you slide down the bridges into the teleporters. The merging would be hard to perfect the angle, so I thought I could create the same angle with the bridges non merged and raise the whole floor up to meet the point where the bridges ended. The main problem with my old one was it didn't look good, and it had to be set with heavy gravity which took away from it a bit. If I put it in the air, I would have to build up a wall two stories high and a spectator box two stories high where you spawn, so you couldn't grenade jump out. The only problem is that would be close to Foundry's limits vertically. The other issue is for the bridges to be at an angle where you slide down, they have to almost be straight up and down. If they are almost straight up, the distance between the two sides might be reachable with a grenade jump.

    It will be a daunting task, but I think I can figure it out.
  13. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    I played on a mp where there was a giant pit, but it was a terrible map, and they used falling fusion coils in he pit that got really annoying.
  14. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    Great idea with the Invers Shield Door thing and I love your creative spawning system. That alone puts this spikeball map ahead of all the others, not to mention the was it was professionally put together. Love the aesthetic quality to it. Great job on this one, first spikeball map I've ever downloaded.
  15. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    ive never been a fan of arenas.. but when i saw this it made me love it! this looks awesome! thank you. a download and a rating from me is a definite yes
  16. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
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    looks quite interesting.i like the idea
  17. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Your kind comments are much appreciated. I worked long and hard on this map and the concepts behind it; it is rewarding reading your comments on it.

    THANK YOU!!!

  18. K1llersnipe

    K1llersnipe Ancient
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    a dumb cat= my hero. personally played this and was tons of fun.
  19. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Thanks alot.

    Btw, I fixed the picture links as they were broken since the website changeover. I will be doing that for my other map as well.

  20. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Can you stick the windows though?

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