[SIZE=+5]WARNING! THIS MAP REQUIRES MY GAMETYPE, THE GAME WILL TURN OUT TERRIBLE WITH NORMAL COPS AND ROBBERS GAMETYPES![/SIZE] Ever played cops and robbers, but found there's no point to the game but to stay the life of a good guy or be bad but get killed by the cops? Rob city will totaly change that Idea! Overview: What separates Rob City from other cops and robbers maps is that this cops and robbers map has complete objectives for you to do in order to have luckier shots at killing the cops! Here are those objectives: You will notice that some of the community of Rob City have left for spring break, leaving their homes locked. Even stores are closed at the moment! This is a great opportunity to break in those stores and homes while nobody will be back in a while! In this game, you get money for breaking in locked buildings. Your probably thinking,"Grenades? How can that possibly be counted as money,"? In this game, grenades are counted as money! That's because that money is part of the roll of the next objective that you have to do! Buying illegal weapons (BR)!!! Now that you've stolen money, and bought illegal weapons, you think you can kill the cops now right? WRONG! With my gametype, you barely do any damage to the cops, so less that if you even try to pick on them you'll get your head blown off! So how do you cause more damage? Take DRUGS! Recently, a home in the outskirts of town was found with tons of drugs, and was taken to the police station. Take these, and you will be able to do as much damage as the cops! Now go and blast their heads off (if your better at BRing or catch them off guard)! Now what about the cops point of view? They are the people trying to end the fun in Rob City, here's the guide for the cops: This is the guide for those with the RCPD (Rob City Police Department). Your goal is to keep the city safe and peaceful, not cause trouble. You are not to kill citizens unless assaulted. If you find citizens speeding or recklessly driving, you must pull them over and give them a warning, doing so again will send them to jail. If any murderers are taken place, the criminal will go to the "Happy Room". Any of the following will result in going to jail: robbery, drug use, handling illegal weapons, or any violence. Breaking any of these rules will result in loosing your job and get booted from the game. Now if you read the RCPD guide above you might have noticed it mentioning the "Happy Room". This picture bellow will explain everything you need to know about the "Happy Room": Nobody wants to end up in there! Now is there jail cells in this map? Well, if you mean jail cell, yes. Here's the Police base: And what about the last man? Does he have any advantages? Duhh yes! The last man is the only person the police can shoot freely (that is because if he wasn't the game would take to long and the game would become boring). He is the fastest person in the game too. He's also got his own tower with an invisibility orb and a sword: The last man can jump higher and run faster then anyone in the game, making him the only one that can jump onto the tower. If the police let him get away and grab those, they're screwed! Now how many people should be playing in this map at once? Thanks to forgehub member spazmonkey92, he reminded me that I should have mentioned this. Here's what he said: Here's my reply: Here's The traits of the different character styles: Cop Traits: Damage resistance: 200% Shield Multiplier: Normal Shields Shield Recharge Rate: 90% Damage Modifier: 110% Weapons: BR+Shotty Grenade regeneration, infinite ammo, and weapon pickup is all on. Normal movement and no radar. Citizen traits: Damage Resistance: 50% Shield Multiplier: Normal Shields Shield Recharge Rate: 100% Damage Modifier: 25% Weapons: Magnum Normal movement, no radar, no appearance change Custom powerup traits: Damage Modifier: 100% Damage Resistance: 110% Shield Recharge Rate: 90% Movement: 110% Last man traits: Damage Resistance: 150% Damage Modifier: 100% Player Speed: 125% Player Gravity: 75% Radar included, turns orange. Map: Halo 3 File Details Game Type: (required! map features will not work without my gametype): Halo 3 File Details Here's the maker: Got a question? I will be happy to answer any questions about Rob City Ex. Be sure too look at other questions posted by other members of the Forgehub community to make sure your question has been answered already, either wise, I would be happy to answer any question you'd like me to answer. [size=+3]ROB CITY EX. WILL BE IN THE MAKING TONIGHT! (from 5-1-09)[/size]
i like it i played it and i had a blast there are no fun copsnrobber maps anymore so this was awesome
looks like the best cops and robbers game ive ever seen, ill have to try it out and play it when my friends get home from school.
well at least this one has a point altho i think that cops and robbers maps are kind of stupid because of the numorous honor rules. atleast this one has objectives. i can see that you have both interlocking and switches, albiet basic ones, and a nicce post setup. i guess that i cant really tell you what you can do to improve it scince i dont play these styles of maps but what you have looks good
this map is pure. there is finally a GOOD c&r map that isn't inside a prison. station 69 gets boring so quickly. i tried this, and it's awesome playing in a GTA-kinda world, with the drugs and illegal weapons. the only thing i would suggest is possibly making a "vehicle" shop, i don't remember if there is one... but perhaps just put in a mongoose or two if you have the budget and space.
SPAM How do you know? Have you even played it yet and honestly you rated it 5/5 but only for originality. Please do NOT rate until you ply and even then back it up with good reasons. Give Reasons why don't just say it and how about you don't post until you play it. Honestly what good is it to post this. It isn't helping anyone. As for the map. I played this and found we actually had some fun until some guy decided to go kill everyone. We also had some problems with teleporter camping but other than that we really had good time playing this. Great job on this map.
WOW this map looks like the best cops and robbers map to date i think it is really well planned and exacuted well you did a great job on it very creative to add a twist to the usual boring cops and robbers game 10/10
Awesome! Thanks for the feed back guys! I've been dying to see what people would say about the map while I was at school. And also, once I get the Mythic map map I WILL RECREATE THE MAP INTO SANDBOX!
i was actually going to recreate this map onto sandbox some time. if i could i would have put a vehicle shop in the game too but foundry isnt really very good with vehicles, but ill be sure to add that on the sandbox version. ty for feed back!
This is like the best cops and robbers map ever. I mde one before but not as good as this one. you got my dl
its hard to find a fun cops and robbers map that doesnt get boring if people follow the rules of the game it is really fun and i really loved the idea of the objectives, it makes the game have more of a point
I personally dont like cops and robbers maps but this is very unique. i especially like the gun shop. good map overall 5/5
sure, at least u told me about it, but if somebody went ahed and posted a copied map i would have been pissed