The title pretty much says it. So me and some fo my freinds we really like halo 3. (We walk around assasinating each other and yelling out overkill >.>) We decided that it would be pretty cool to do 24 hours of Halo 3 . If we can get the 2-4 xboxs hooked up to my internet without it lagging to much, i will be opening it to the public to join in with us. Sort of like a 24 hour TGIF. I think it would be pretty cool if we did 24 hours with others over live. We are going to be filming it and timelapsing it. I might also live stream us doing it. I know alot of people have already doen this before, but we are kind of doing this our way. We arnt doing to just for fun. We want this to be a community event. Say if i can around 8 people including me, i hope another 8 can join over live and do 24 hours with us. It would just be such a great experience. I was hoping maybe you coudl suggest some stuff we do in the 24 hours. What are your thoughts on it. If you would be interested in doing this with us over live. This will probaly happen with in a month or two. Ill do another thread with all information in it. Already excited for this
24 hours of one game, continuously or 24 hours swapping games all the time? Either way, good luck with it, you'll need caffeine.
I've done this like 10 times over the summer, haha. I would get in on this if it's for sure going down.
I would so love to do that but I have school and can't just stay up for 24 hours. The second day I got Halo, I played from 7:30 AM to 11:00 PM. No breaks.
Playing halo for 24 hours. It would be awsome for both of you guys to come. It will happen in the holidays coming up. So you guys don't have to worry about school. And I'd you can't come for 24 hours just drop in for 6? We will probaly do halo 3 campaign on legendary then customs for the rest of the time if we have enough people. Maybe some matcakinf if my Internet can take it. It should I just have to find a LAN hub >.<
Okay, things you'll need: - A shitter. Preferably positioned in such a way that you can see the TV while shitting. - Lots of wires. Hopefully they all do stuff purposeful - Tonnes of caffeine and anyt other stimulant drugs you can get your hands on. Legal drugs are probably better - Microwaveable meals - Headphones. Other people sleep, so you don't want to keep them up. A side benefit with headphones is that they keep you awake also. - All DLC. Not entirely necessary, but you don't want to get bored. Things you want to do during your marathon: - Spot marathon references in Halo 3 (lol) - Do the vidmaster annual achievement. Link to my tut thread - Do the campaign on Legendary - Hide when you get the lead in MM - Chase people around with killballs in forge You think of other stuff! Have fun!
I lol'ed at your post. We arnt going to let anyone go to teh the toilet >.> jks xD Yush hopefully the **** load of wires do things. Energy drinks ftw. We are stocking up on so much food 2 days before. We arnt going to let anyone sleep. All my neigbourhs must hear us yell and scream/trash talk at noobs. Im so mean About 1/4 have mythic and all. The erst have all dlc except mythic. WE hide anyways soem times, but we def will. xP We will be mucking around in forge a hell of a lot. WE are going to do all of campaign on legendary we are doing the vid master challenge, as only two of us have it.
I would try and tag along, but I think my eyes would begin bleeding after about 5 hours. How are you going to do that, really?
dude thats way to hardcore...ive tried 24 hours of staying awake and thats hard enough...24 hours of halo is mind blowing...u guys should just rocketrace all nite!
How am i going to do what, not have my eyes bleed? If your asking what im going to do. I am going to try and get as many freinds as i can 2-4 xboxes, as many as my mum will allow. Then set them up with one of those lan hubs throughe ethernet cords then try and get them all running on xbox live too without lagging. I just got a new modem today too which is x4 as fast, so it will probaly handle 4 xboxs. Markkus:You go get a life, and stop posting stupid comments like that, when people are just trying to have a fun event. I can easily stay up for 24 hours not that hard for me. CommanderMatt1: Be awsome if you came. This will probaly happen in 3-5 weeks. Have to confirm the date with friends, we are trying to get it to happen in the holidays. Haveaniceday: Its not THAT hardcore >.> im like the only one in my friend group taht likes rocket race lol..... EDIT: Fixing up my crappy spelling. :/
Here is a list of things you should watch out for. 1. Strained Eyes 2. Falling asleep with mic on... 3. Not enough Caffeine 4. No rest You need to give your self at least a 15 minute break every 2 hours. Just get up and stretch, let your eyes look around the house.. Get a drink..Take a piss.. Keep drinking Mountain Dew!!! You need to keep your caffeine intake high. If you have the Mythic Maps. Download some custom Sandbox maps and have a blast! The funnest games to play can be Infection, Racing, or Conquest. Just keep playing and don't play anything like when you die you have to wait until next round. Those get boring just watching other people.
PICK ME! I don't know If I could play the whole time, but I can play for as long as possible. I can add you if you want, or you can just Click Here to add me. If that didn't work, here my GT is: x Encounter x I'd be happy to play anything you guys want, so I won't be picky. And did you say that this would be customs only? I'm not sure if I want to play MM too much, depending on what playlists we play. I might be able to bring a few friends (I'd need to know the date first). Just promise me that we won't play only Infection/Rocket Race/Bumper Cars/ *insert non-competitive gametype* too much. Those are all fine, but I don't want to play stuff like that all the time. But anyways, let me know about the date, I should be able to chill with you guys. EDIT: I found the dates. I could only play after school for a while. Oh, and I will have all of the maps, if that matters.
that sounds like a lot of fun but what if you get tired wont you like crash. i remember when my friends and i stayed up for 3 days and my friend had the same affects of acid.