Hey guys- I need help as this is starting to become a major problem. I am attempting to make a re-make of Derelict/ Desolation. I started off with the crypt canvas downloaded here- with all of the items already in the crypt. While merging now- I am running into a very frustrating problem. I'll put an object on a start time of 90 or 120 seconds to allow me time to merge something else with it- but when I re start the round- the object set to NOT start at the beginning of the round IS starting- but WITHOUT the ability to move it or select it until the "selected" start time length passes. I have saved and re-saved... restarted and renamed- but the problem persists and in fact is getting worse. More and more objects are showing up when they are not supposed to. Has anyone had this problem and does anyone have any clue as to how to fix it?? Thanks!
Yes I have. That's exactly how to explain it though. It's just like I'm starting a new game. Wish it were that simple.
If I know right, I would say you were running into the same glitch as me. I have found no way to fix it, so I guess you're kinda screwed. I had this same problem happen when I had way to many of the object not spawn at start to. If I remember correctly, I think the only way I found to get around it, but not fix it, was to just wait an extra long time for the object to disappear. Seemed to work for me! Sooner or later the object is bound to disappear, right?
Yeah, tried that. Didn't change anything. Yeah, that's what I've been doing- but it's just such a damn pain! Oh well, guess that's what I gotta keep doing. Thanks for the info!
I've never run into the problem (Don't have the mythic maps) but I've heard that the glitch is unique to the items originally placed on sandbox. If you spawn a new item, it'll work fine. Supposedly.
It happens with the default items. They do despawn eventually but if you're not quick then they'll just respawn straight away. If you can, leave those bits til last and then if you haven't reached the Object Limit, delete the default object which you're having trouble with and replace it.