Sandbox Wrong Route

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Rex Thunder, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wrong Route
    Created by Rex Thunder

    Supported Gametypes:
    Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, Oddball, King of the Hill, Assault, Slayer

    Ideally suited for 3-4 man teams

    Equipment used:
    1 Bubble shield
    1 Overshield
    1 Active camo
    4 Plasma grenades
    4 Frag grenades

    Weapon placement:
    6 Battle Rifles
    2 Sniper Rifles (1 per base)
    1 Spartan Laser
    1 Rocket Launcher
    1 Energy Sword
    1 Shotgun
    2 Machine Gun Turrets

    2 Mongoose (1 per base)

    Map Description
    This map started out with one idea- which then, like in writing, spawned a whole slew of ideas as i went. The result is a map that combines aspects of some of my favorites past maps, like Sidewinder and Hang'em High.
    It's not symmetrical, instead having different styles on all four corners of the map. First of all, in opposite corners are the bases. The Blue Base is on the ground level, and has ample cover leading into it. Conversely, the Red Base is situated quite a bit higher in the opposite corner. There is an advantage in site line, but a few disadvantages in other places (to be discussed later).

    Each base has 2 levels, the top one being semi open, but holding the flag spawn point, as well as a machine gun turret. Each base has sniper windows, and conveniently a sniper rifle situated just outside to the left. A mongoose is also outside of each base, and intended for team games, particularly Capture the Flag.
    This is where the Blue Base has an advantage. The "long" route from one base to another is a long a narrow pathway with no railings and little cover. There is a tunnel at the midway juncture (corner) to hide out in and pick up a shotgun along the way however. When taking this path, you'll noticed that it leads directly into the Red base on high ground, allowing a clean swoop into Red base with the mongoose. The Blue Base however is just left of the same pathway, and therefore is not nearly as accessible via quick stop and go on the mongoose.

    There is a middle ground between the bases with lots going on. A man cannon in the far left corner launches you into the crux of the center housing. There are multiple routes to take. Go left and you have a one way hallway with windows leading to an energy sword and invisibility. Go another way and you'll find a route to an underground man cannon that launches you high above the map on a sniper pad. Another way takes you down a narrow corridor with windows looking out on the back "long" route for which to spy or attach as opponents attempt to jump onto platforms. The 4th route takes you towards the blue base. One platform holds a rockets launcher- the others are more of a means to shortcutting the "long" route.
    I think overall this map will end up being best for team games- as there are multiple strategies available to each team depending on your given base.

    One thing I wanted to make sure of when making this map is that
    A) It's not dominated by power weapons, but does include them. The battle rifle is still the predominant weapon, although with 2 sniper rifles- excellent snipers will have a field day.
    B)Allow players to show off their jumping skills. There are MANY places to jump and short cut the map and key areas if you are a good leaper. The risk reward for making jumps will be a factor in certain games...
    C) I really wanted each base to come with it's own strategy, so thinking changes on each side... and D) I really wanted to make a map that didn't fit the mold. Symmetrical maps are great and all, but I really tend to get bored with them after a while. This map may take a bit longer to learn, but there are so many intricacies to it, each game will be like a new exploration... at least for a while ;)

    Overhead shot from above "higher" Red Base

    View from behind "lower" Blue Base

    The "long" route can also being a sneaky place to snipe from


    A mongoose run into the red base meets a machine gun turret

    This sniper post in the middle of the mpa provides a great view to each base AND the middle area.

    A different view into middlegrounds from Blue base. ManCannon launch pad to the left.

    What can I say, just a pretty sunset outside the Red Base.


    View from back corner of "long" path

    Sniper window in Red Base

    View from behind that same sniper window

    Jumping into the middle area after snagging the Spartan Laser

    The middle underground room with a window to the sword room

    Another wide view. That's me top left corner getting the Spartan laser.

    A shot of a few routes to take underground- 3 directions (to the left as well).

    I'm sure there is a room for improvement, so please don't hesitate to offer advice. I have made a lot of maps in the past, and always checked out forgehub- but never joined, until now. I have been amazed by some of the creations that you guys have come up with. Some of them blow me away and I've enjoyed playing on many of them. I always thought about joining, but never did for one reason or another. (one being that I know I'd probably spend THAT MUCH more time forging if I did). Additionally, this is the first map I have EVER merged objects together on. It makes a huge difference. However, due to the unexpected directions I ended up taking this map at times, there are a few alignments a tad off (from one far corner to another). I don't think it's very noticable during gameplay- but when looking simply to critque, I'm sure the "aesthetic" crowd might take note. ;)

    Anyway- I decided to join last week because I had been working on this map for days and ran into a snag with the object limit. I had to go back and judicially make some changes, but I think it worked out okay. (I may need to do some additional spawn tweaking- but so far in my few small test games, no issues). I feel really good about the quality of this map and would appreciate any and all feedback. (I'm not the guy who will cry when you critique it). If anyone wants to play a few games on it to see how it plays- please feel free to add me and we'll run. I'll test out anyone else's map as well.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this and an additional thanks in advance for comments. This is my first map posting on here as well- so please let me know if I left anything pertinent out.

    Download Wrong Route (VERSION 3)

    #1 Rex Thunder, Mar 16, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  2. noklu

    noklu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your pics are not working, so you should fix them up. They are sorely missed because your description entices me. I like the ideas you have outlined here.

    Here is a link on how to embed pictures

    Anyone else commenting on pictures will be considered spam.

    Edit: Good pic's are up :)
    I really do see the map now, it looks brilliant. Sneaky routes, sniper posts, multiple lines of sight and plenty of cover as well. However the turret on red base could cover the long route and the centre entrance of the base a bit too well i think. They could get sniped sure, but still... Perhaps you could put pieces of cover on the long route to aid sneakyness.
    #2 noklu, Mar 16, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2009
  3. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Damn that's weird cuz when I previewed it the pictures showed up fine. I'll try and figure out what's going on. Thanks!

    Okay something's really wrong. I just went to my account and my screen shots are gone. They were JUST there so I have no idea what happened unless the server is down or something. Weird! I must sleep now. I will surely figure it out tomorrow.

    UPDATE: Just hit refresh- what do you know- THEY'RE BACK! Very strange- but what a relief!
    #3 Rex Thunder, Mar 16, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2009

    Senior Member

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    Rex, you have to embed the pictures from a site like Bungie doesn't allow embedding on other sites, all we can see is pictures saying screenshot not found.

    Just create an account and upload the pictures from that site, go to your album and move teh mouse on a picture and an address will show at or near the bottom, copy and paste that into your post and we will all be able to see the pictures.

    EDIT: You have 24 hours from when you posted to do this, a freindly reminder, I really want to see this map as you have put a good description.

    EDIT: the pics are working, im having my dinner so I will write a review later today!
    #4 RRAAAAAWWWWWWWR, Mar 16, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2009
  5. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Fixed the pictures! Appreciate checking it out again!
  6. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wrong Route v2


    Hey guys-
    Thanks to those who tested out the map so far. I made some significant updates. I added railings on as much of the outer walkways as possible- to avoid falling off the map when strafing. (couldn't cover EVERYWHERE, but most key places.)
    I smoothed out certain walkways and added lights to the bases. Doesn't sound like much- but I could've made an entirely new map in the time it took me to do this. (thanks to the tit for tat I have to do because of the item limit!)
    If you haven't checked it now, please do- or if you have any had problems with it- hopefully I corrected some of them (but I'd love to hear legit complaints if they'll help me improve the map.)

    Thanks again guys!

    ps- I'll be testing the map again tonight at 5pm pacific (8pm EST) if anyone is interested- just hit me up.

    gamertag- Rex Thunder
  7. tehUBERn00blet

    tehUBERn00blet Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sidewinder and Hang 'em High? To me, it looks very Ascension-inspired.
    I love the work with the wooden bridges, great idea!
  8. KONGx74x

    KONGx74x Ancient
    Senior Member

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    deffinently think this map has more potential than most i have seen, i realy enjoyed the layouts of the two bases. You also did a good job of using the item limit to its full potential, nice work
  9. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    realy good looking i like it it looks like it will be fun to play a few games on i the future for me but i give it a 4/5 for now but might change my post later after playing it if i do :)
  10. Rex Thunder

    Rex Thunder Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wrong route v3

    Thanks guys. I actually figured this was out of cycle- but since it's popped back up- I figured I'd upload the latest version. (V3)


    I added some platforms in the far end for additional jumping- as well as opened up the middle a bit more. I fixed the spawn time on the overshield and shotgun, and moved the sniper rifle- as well as dropped the active camo. There is also a fusion coil now on the sniper post. A few other fixes as well...

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