Hey. My 20GB HDD is getting really full up and I would like to get a 60GB one. I think I have two options for how to switch all my stuff over. 1) use a memory unit for my profiles and game saves then download DLC and stuff after. 2) use a transfer cable. If I do the Transfer cable, would it work with 20GB to 60GB transfer or not? Would both options work? Which option would be best? thanks
Transfer Cables do not work for the 60GB, and if they did, since they aren't sold with one and can only be used once per console, you would need to find someone who bought a 120GB and didn't use the cable.
You can order a free HD transfer kit to move the files from HD to computer to New HD. http://assets.xbox.com/en-us/support/MigrationKit-OrderForm.pdf It says 360 Elite, but I'm pretty sure any will do. If the order form fails, call up support and have them order you one up. Usually they only ask for the first serial number. EDIT: And I'm pretty sure it works with any sized HD, as they are advertising it for the Elite console.