Sandbox Bridges Too Far

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by BlackOpsBen, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. BlackOpsBen

    BlackOpsBen Ancient
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    Bridges Too Far

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    Bridges Too Far is designed for some epic CTF. Both teams start on floating platforms and can see their objective enemy flags just a few yards away, but the quest to grab it will be much harder than it seems!


    Each team enters their teleporters and appear on underground bridges, which were inspired by the bridges from Assault on the Control Room from Halo: CE. The rival teams will have to cross their bridges parallel to each other.


    There are sniper rifles in the lower level of each bridge.


    The ends of the bridges will lead to the surface; each team at opposite ends this time. This wide open area has a few fun things to offer.


    First of all, remember that you can still be dealt death from above, so find cover in the long bunker.


    A 7-Wood golf club is stuck a few feet into the crypt hole.

    "I dare you to get it!" "No, you get it!"

    Be careful about falling through the crypt hole or off the bridges. If you do the only place to go is through the teleporter which leads to a lonely platform where your only option is death....or sniping if ya brought it.

    Also the warthog can work for all sorts of advantages (and disadvantages)


    So the idea is that you will have to enter the bridge room 4 times to steal a flag!

    More pics:
    Shooting across bridge
    Enter teleporter
    Base tower 1
    Base tower 2

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  2. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Very good,I love how the first picture looks like narrows.And the second one simbolizes the main concept.And I love how the towers are set up.The warthog can go though.4/5 because of the whole warthog thing.
  3. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
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    Yeah the bridges/platfom things do look like their based on narrows, i'll dl 5/5 the next problem is getting enough ppl to play it with me! ^_^ NICE JOB!
  4. haseoice

    haseoice Ancient
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    umm, way too breakable. make it so the teleporter to the lonely platform is on the roof, not the ground so people won't purposely go there to camp. also, make timed events. for example, you can make it so fusion coils drop on the first bridges so nobody camps there after 30 seconds or so. also, you could make i so after a while, some of the teleporters get blocked off or something like that.
    for the rating, i'd say about 3/5 for the fact that this map looks easily broken, but for aesthetics, i'd say 4.5/5
  5. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    i think you should have built the long bridges in the sky bubble and the smaller platforms in the crypt but thats just me. Looks like a load of fun! But if you are relying that heavily on teleporters, i would add a few more of them
  6. TpYourHouse

    TpYourHouse Ancient
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    Love it, 5/5 you know what I don't like? The whole teleporter scheme you have going on here, there should be a few more so people can't wait behind one and wait to assassinate them.
  7. mELLIT

    mELLIT Ancient
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    wouldn't it be kind of easy to just leave someone at the flag so they could assassinate the other team as they come through the teleporter?
  8. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
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    Is this from HaloCE ? The Campaign Mission "Assult on the Control Room".
  9. BlackOpsBen

    BlackOpsBen Ancient
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    I thought about that but it makes it interesting, and since both teams have to use the teleporters in there, you might not want to block it, or at least move it.

    I didn't make the "lonely platform" clear enough with a picture. It is a one-way trip to a block with nothing to protect you, floating WAY out up high. You might use it for sniping advantage but there is no way to help your team capture a flag unless you kill yourself. What did you mean by putting the teleporter on the roof?

    Yes, that's what I based the bridges on. And I guess it does look like Narrows also, but I didn't think of that.

    Thanks for the input. I'll try to fix/balance a few things, but since I reached the item limit AND the budget limit at about the same time, it will be hard.
  10. tehUBERn00blet

    tehUBERn00blet Ancient
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    Looks like it'll make for some interesting gameplay. It seems that it would only work for matches in which the teams have good cooperation and communication, but in which case will work fantastically.
  11. Jamster2112

    Jamster2112 Ancient
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    hey i would go as far as remaking the bridges in the skybubble and that being the entire map. The bridges were good and i instanly recognized them from halo ce. that was really the only part of the map i liked.
  12. lightcanrule123

    lightcanrule123 Ancient
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    i truely have to say this will be the next feature, its beautiful, i could not see any flaws (cept for the hole, with the 7 wood, you suold geomerge a kill ball or sumthin like that in it) and it is really fun, played it with 8 ppl, beautiful gaming

    Game play: 5/5

    Map itself: 4.9/5 (nothings perfect =P)
  13. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    This looks quite innovative, however i think Kill Balls should be added down in the Crypt area, to make it easier to die if you fall off. Definitely looks like a lot of fun, however I'm not sure how long it will stay that way, because it seems like the gameplay would last quite a long time. Other than that, it really looks fantastic. Another thing is the Skybubble area and the Middle area seems just there to be there, the Crypt area is the only area on the map that seems like it took effort to make.

    Overall, the map seems good, but I wouldn't go as far as great. But that's ok, there can always be a v2.
  14. Captain Night

    Captain Night Ancient
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    You said that this was meant for epic capture the flag games but the flag carrier has a long way to go seeing that there is only one way to go through the whole map which looks long. It also needs more of variety for path choices. There is one main route which is to follow the teleporters. Other than that good job on incorperating all of the areas into the game and not just choosing one.
  15. Arc7ic

    Arc7ic Ancient
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    Looks cool, i like how you used all three levels, you should add a little bit more to the top, it looks easily grenaded
  16. BlackOpsBen

    BlackOpsBen Ancient
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    That makes sense. When stopping someone from stealing your flag, you may even want to go back to YOUR base to do the job!
  17. BlackOpsBen

    BlackOpsBen Ancient
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    That is an awesome idea to add kill balls, but was at the item limit AND the budget limit. Although, by using a kill ball, I don't need a platform or teleporters for the death. But then again, I also wanted people to have the option of risking jumping down the crypt and narrowly landing on a bridge! (It CAN be done, I did it.... once...)

    THanks for input guys!
  18. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    It seems like an interesing idea. I've downloaded it to check it out.

    but, at first glance without playing, i think you should take the same idea but simplify it a bit and maybe only use 2 levels of sandbox instead of all 3. Doing this would fix the problems you're having with budget and item limits also.
  19. LordVurtax

    LordVurtax Ancient
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    I have to say, This map looks really good, The Bridges back in Halo: CE were awesome and you just did them justice.

    I am a fan of multi way combat which is what you accomplished here and very well, so good asthetics, I'm not excatly sure whats going on at gorundlvl with the tunnels or how excatly your supposed to get the other teams flag but i'll figure that out when i play on it.

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