Sandbox Jumping on the pieces!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Knumpihc, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. Knumpihc

    Knumpihc Ancient
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    Jumping on the Pieces!

    Created by Knumpihc

    Welcome to Jumping on the pieces!, my first post!
    I decided to make this game after discovering that some pieces of vehicles floated on the skybubble,along with broken pallets.
    The object of the game is to get across the empty space in the middle that will fill with broken pieces,and successfully grab the enemies flag.
    You will immediately capture the flag and will get a point.
    Which ever team has the most points after 5 rounds is the winner.

    The game is for any amount of players form 1v1s to 8v8s, but I recommend nothing more than 3v3s


    Just One Example of what may happen.



    Near Miss =(


    Download Jumping
    Download the pieces!
    #1 Knumpihc, Mar 24, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  2. Just as Mad

    Just as Mad Ancient
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    This is a fantastic mini-game map! Great job on it. The only problem was the enormous lag in the beginning. I had fun testing. 5/5
    #2 Just as Mad, Mar 24, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  3. Captain Forge

    Captain Forge Ancient
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    looks good. but what happens which the vehicle pats disapear?
  4. Knumpihc

    Knumpihc Ancient
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    I assume you mean vehicle paths? The vehicles spawn every 10 seconds, so the paths are constantly replenished. Also, this respawn time creates a rushed feeling because if you do not make it across in 10 seconds, new vehicles will fall and possibly kill you.
  5. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    Cool its kinda like that rock hopping thing on valhala but, this still looks cool especially because of the varying sizes and shapes of the "pieces" I havn't played yet but, like someone else said I would expect alot of lag at the beginning like in tornado maps

    ^^^^^ and I think he meant parts actually :p

    Edit: Played and I really didn't like it. The first game we played was ended early because absolutely no one made it across :( so the concept is good but, the map itself isn't good....good on paper bad in-game.
    #5 STWOW, Mar 24, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  6. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
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    Wow this is one of the most intuitive mini game maps I've ever seen! For sure DL from me. I might come back to you later about it
  7. TheKeebobBobagawa

    Senior Member

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    The gameplay on this map is horendous! It's nearly impossible to get off of your side, and none the less get to the other side! This map may have a pretty good idea, but the map itself and the gameplay is just terrible.

    The verdict: 1/10, don't waste your time.
  8. Jsten419

    Jsten419 Ancient
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    That is awfully harsh, thanks for actually taking the time to test something before posting, unlike everybody else who just commented on the look of the map. Don't get me wrong, the map looks awesome with a unique concept, I guess it might not be so great.
  9. TheKeebobBobagawa

    Senior Member

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    Well just test the map out yourself and see how you like it.
  10. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
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    This looks pretty cool. Do you die if you get shot by the rocket from the other team? Im not sure if I should DL. Anyways well layed out, seems pretty fun. Great job... 4/5
  11. oDannyKellyo

    oDannyKellyo Ancient
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    That Looks like a great first post! I had a feeling someone would use those veichle parts though i thought it would have been infection. What im trying to say is GREAT MAP ive qued for Download. 9.5/10
  12. Iv BuCkEtHeAd vI

    Senior Member

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    man thats cool! ive never seen something like creative as this 5/5 its pretty small though. you should make it a lil bigger
  13. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    omg this is sweet did you think of thi
    0s by your self is asome i cant wait to play it
    hey keeboshaa have u played the map how can u grade it 1/10 if u havent trided it i think its cool 8/10 nice job and crativtity
  14. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    it's a creative and great idea forgewise, but gameplay wise... that's a whole different story. even i [i've completed many jumping courses] had trouble even getting off of the little square. too many times, the piece i am about to land on vanishes. and plus, there is not much variety regarding which piece lands where. either way, once you beat it, it's useless. you should try making it more of a obstacle course.
  15. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
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    actually there was a pretty fun minigame on Valhalla by uncleborat i believe called "Jumping on the rocks". It was really wellmade and these seems like a poorly created knockoff of it.
  16. Just Mad

    Just Mad Ancient
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    Actually the map plays well. Post a link to your game or gameplay. I'd love to see it. And posting that it is a 1/10 and to not waste your time? How the f*** are you going to post that? If you really did test it you should give constructive criticism (ways he could make it better, I doubt you knew what that meant).
  17. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    I already said that :p
  18. Just Mad

    Just Mad Ancient
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    He never even heard of it by the way. We were messing around in forge and noticed that some of the pieces of destroyed vehicles stayed in the skybubble.

    And why do people keep bashing on this? Why don't you give CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM? Or do you not know what it means? And I'm talking to Shredded and the guy who rated it a 1/10.
    #18 Just Mad, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  19. Arc7ic

    Arc7ic Ancient
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    lol nice concept
  20. TheKeebobBobagawa

    Senior Member

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    I'll get a video up soon mmkai? Me and my friends couldn't get off of our platform, and whenever we did the piece we jump on would disappear. Also only like 1% of the total objects actually stay on the grid.

    And don't be bitching me. It's called freedom of speech. You can't make someones opinion wrong just because you think otherwise.

    How the hell can you say it's a good map if you haven't downloaded it.

    I specifically said I played games on it are you like, mental?

    Thank you! Someone who actually has some common sense around here!

    Since when can a new member that no ones ever heard of ***** to other people? You can be so high on your horse and I won't care. Insult me all you want, It's just stupid. And why do people keep saying this map is good? None of you had even played on it! Jeez. I played on it a couple more times, it works pretty good sometimes, and makes really hectic games. I'm just saying the idea is really good, just a little more planning and testing could of went on too make this map really good. So I change my rating to a 4/10, okay?
    #20 TheKeebobBobagawa, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2009

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