Sandbox Battle Creek

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by squirrelxb, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. squirrelxb

    squirrelxb Ancient
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    Battle Creek
    This map is a fairly accurate remake of the map Battle Creek from the original Halo. All the objective spawns are identical to where they were originally, but the weapon set is the same as its successor Beaver Creek. Some very small liberties have been taken with the design (namely the large rock pillar under the arch and the ladders being replaced with grav lifts, which doesn't really affect gameplay negatively) simply because of budget issues, however I believe you will find this to be the most accurate Battle Creek remake you'll find :)

    I spent a lot of time on this map and this is my first map to post on Forgehub, so be gentle :p

    -2 Battle Rifles (inside bases)
    -2 Needlers (Left side of base)
    -3 Magnums (in the ramp at the front of each base, at the top of red lift)
    -1 Sniper Rifle (top of blue lift)
    -1 Rocket Launcher (top of arch)
    -1 Shotgun (in creek directly below arch)
    -2 Plasma Pistols (one behind each base)
    -2 SMGs (one behind each base)

    -4 Frag grenades (two on top of each base)
    -8 Plasma grenades (two in each tunnel, two in the back of each base)
    -1 Overshield (in creek on the opposite side of the arch)

    Here's a few screenshots:


    Blue Base Interior (identical to Red Base except, well... red)


    Sniper Spawn (Blue Base "outcropping")
    -I used Slit Doors with a grav lift in the top one so that players will not be involuntarily lifted up. Simply get in front of the slit and jump to be lifted :)

    Arch (with Rockets) and Red Outcropping

    Teleporter Top View (one behind each base, SMG to the left, PP to the right)

    Flag Spawn
    -I'm REALLY sorry I didn't have enough budget to make the angled thing in the back :( Hopefully you will forgive me...?

    Action Shots




    And PLEASE remember to click the + next to the tags to increase its significance!!!​
  2. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Hey! I remember seeing this map in another forum awhile back! Might I say that this map is a beautiful, and very accurate remake of Battle Creek! I haven't played it yet, but judging from your pictures, isn't it going to be a bit easy to break out from the sniper spawn? Grenade jump onto blue pillar, jump out.. right?

    This could be very bad for gameplay indeed, seeing as if the sniper is tactical, he could move along the outside wall, sniping players from above the level.

    So like I said, very accurate remake, and I love the arch! I had been thinking of creating a Battle Creek remake for awhile now, but I never bothered with it, thinking of how hard it would be to remake the underground piece in each base. But you did it! Nice job!

    I think this is the first Battle Creek remake on Sandbox, ever! Correct me if I'm wrong though.
  3. Shadow8P

    Shadow8P Ancient
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    Looks pretty good bro.
    Can't play it now, but I'll add it to my downloads. I'll test it later, and report back.

    Up to standards ;D
  4. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    I will run a forgethrough when I can. From the pictures though, it seems that the map is too open. Bases look good, but everything else, especially the sides, are very bland. Try to get the middle ground of each instead of wasting all of your budget on the bases.
  5. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    This looks excelent, i just wish that you had some more cover and that the side towers were more fleshed out. Maybe you could be more effecient with some of the forging (budget wise) but i have no way of checking since im on vacation lol.

    Anyways good job dude. This map looks solid.
  6. squirrelxb

    squirrelxb Ancient
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    I have thought about this, but it was a conundrum because I has $4 left for Budget. I think I have a way to fix this for a v2, which I am currently working on. Thanks!

    This is another thing I will fix in the v2; my budget did not allow for any more objects for cover similar to the original map so I am stuck with the blank slate floors... for now.

    True, I did use most of the budget on the floor and bases, but it's all for the sake of accuracy.
    #6 squirrelxb, Mar 24, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  7. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    probably one of the most accurate Beaver Creek remakes that ive seen.

    I would suggest expanding on the outer wall and making it much taller- it just looks like you could jump outside.
  8. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    I like the bases but, the arch was much thicker same with the sniper cliff, other than that very accurate gj dude.
  9. squirrelxb

    squirrelxb Ancient
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    Thanks, yeah the arch was thicker and it leaned a bit to the red side (which I realized after I had finished), which is another liberty I had to take with the map due to budget. The sniper cliff was not exactly my favorite bit of the map; I suppose I could try to delete the huge block behind it and replace it with a wall further out so that the area can be bigger.
  10. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    i was happy when i forst saw this but then really dissapointed the crypt is way to small for a remake sorry
  11. squirrelxb

    squirrelxb Ancient
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    Well then try to make it yourself in the skybox. I did... and it sucked.

    The budget didn't allow me to make accurate bases, an accurate arch, the tunnels, AND four walls surrounding the entire map at the same time.

    Plus it's about the same size, plus or minus a few feet in the front and back of each base.
    #11 squirrelxb, Mar 24, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  12. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    This is the most accurate remake...ever. I love the aesthetics, it actually looks like Battle Creek. The only thing that could make it better was if it was in sunlight, or a stream. But I see your problem with the budget. Anyway, it is amazing. It looks great and brings back a great feeling of nostalgia. 9/10.
  13. AI_Twitch

    AI_Twitch Ancient
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    A simple way of fixing the sniper jump out problem is to rotate the blue light box so it is over the sniper, and position it so that it keeps the sniper from jumping
  14. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    This map is great. I like how you didn't use the default layer of the crypt for the floor, and created one yourself. very clever. 5/5
  15. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Downloading now. Will play tomorrow and edit this with full review. Looks great :D

    One thing I saw missing, however minor: The little platform in the center of the bases that housed the (I think) four frag grenades in H2. That platform would make inter-base fighting pretty interesting due to more cover. You might already have it, I just don't see it in the pics; I'll get back to you tomorrow!
  16. squirrelxb

    squirrelxb Ancient
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    Yeah I had a picture of the flag spawns, and I had a sentence saying sorry for not including those :( At the time I didn't have enough budget so I just placed the plasma grenades on the back wall. I have budget in the v2 so I will try to improve it.
  17. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Sounds great, this map looks really solid, can't wait to try it out. Sleep first. Halo second. Life third.

  18. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    this map is so crazy close to the real thing it is scary but i love it. this map proves that people can make amazing remakes of old maps and gives me inspiration for my Blood Gultch map i will make once i get Mythic. You nailed your first map post a definate dl from me 5/5 keep forging i hope to see more from you in the future
  19. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    WOW! That's awesome. It looks just like Battle Creek(at least to me...) and it seems like you put a lot of time into this map. The only problem I have is that I think you could have added some flat Sheild Doors in the "Creek"(maybe consider making a V2?...). 4.5/5 and a DL. Keep Forgin'!
  20. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    I am sorry to say that it appears you have been screwed by the sandbox. This is such a great remake but it looks so bland because of the colors that sandbox uses. There are a few things that I have done to make some of my maps more aesthetically appealing, but because of your budget it wont work.

    Gameplay and forging rating:4.5/5

    Aesthetic rating: a lot less/5

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