Does anybody know where a tutorial is to geomerge walls and boxes into Foundry's floor to make ramps and how to get them at the desired height? I would really like to implement these ramps into my next map and I don't know how to do it. Could someone just post a link to a tutorial? I have yet to find one.
Hope This Helps! This, of course is a tutorial for Avalanche. Just do the same thing for Foundry, but instead of using energy blockers, use doors.
see aceofspades i have the same problem and people dont get it, im sure he already knows how to push it into the ground, but when you do how do you make it just right, to were it will right perfectly with a doublebox.(in other words hes asking how to put a double box or a wall double to be a ramp from a sitting double box. |\ like that
^ Yeah that's more of what I need. I've seen the tut ConkerKid posted but I can't get the ramps to the height of a box.
yeah i have the same trouble, like i geomerge it and all, but its always lower than the sitting doublebox, wall would be easier to figure out cause there so thin, but i still dont know how to do it.
Follow this link. Very useful indeed. Please not that this method produces a very specific angle, if you need a ramp at a 45 degree angle or something, this probably won't help you. If I remember my trig correctly, this should produce a 30 degree angle of elevation from the ground resulting in the base length being the square root of 3 (about 1.732).
yeah ive seen that be4 and its a very useful way to geomerge walls like that, but what about double boxes?
Unfortunately, I am not at all accustomed to geomerging double boxes for use as ramps, but I may be able to help anyways. I would suggest placing a set of stairs parallel lengthwise to the double box. The smallest angle should be pointing to where you want your double box to first enter into the ground. The next part is guesswork, but it will still get you what you want. Place a double box on top of the stairs, with the corner touching the ground. Then you just really have to slide the stairs and box around until the upper plan of the box perspectively intersects the edge of the upper plan of the flat box. Then shift the whole thing over such that the angled box is interlocked with the flat box. Then proceed to geomerge the angled box until you get it where you want. However, the major thing of note here is: use window panels to geomerge once you get closer to the edge of the flat box. The long sides of window panels are capable of geomerginf by VERY small lengths (I would estimate around either a fence wall of 3 bridges into the object). Other wise, just brace the hell out of your box and then interlock a wall sitting flat on the flat box into the angled box at the edge where the two will finally end up. Make sure that the exposed square end of the box is not braced, but that the four long sides are. Then just make sure that your flat box in Place at Start: No and that your angled box and wall both spawn at start. Finally, just grab your angled box and let it settle itself at the point where it is still angled correctly but touching the bottom of the wall. Proceed to save and quit. Restart the map, and hopefully you will have achieved the result that you were looking for. Other than that, I am afraid I can't give you a direct formula or anything like DeathstarsOG did. Good Luck either way though!
nuvnuv123* you can do it with double boxes? and i cant use a mic cause im so sick i can barley talk so is ok if you just show me with no talking? and cerberus i am glad you trying to help, but im sorry that just confused the hell out of me
Yeah, I figured that without doing a practical test of an algorithm, I can't really help you. Also, my SketchUp is being all funky, so I can't post any pictures of what I am trying to explain. Sorry, but I hope that you find what you need
Here's how I've always done it (and there could be an easier, quicker way): determine where you want the ramp to intersect with the other box and place a spawn point at it's very edge. This is critical in knowing this location so you know where to put the highest edge of your ramp. lay down 2 sets of stairs next to each other in the location that you want the ramp (you'll have to despawn the intersecting walkway so you can judge where the two will meet. That's what the spawn point is for. Once you have it set up (be sure to brace off the sides well), delete the stairs and old-school geomerge your double box to the right height. You may want to save right before you do the geomerge and save again as a new map in case it doesn't work right the first time. 9 times out of 10 it works for me. hope that made sense and helps.
Hey folks, I just realized that using stairs as a guide WILL NOT give you a desired 30 or 60 degree angle. The rough angle measurements for any stairs in halo are 90, 26.57, and 63.43 degrees respectively. I am working on a way to get consistent 30 degree angles on maps for use as guides in any place. 30 degree angles will be imperative for me to be able to make my map on the Crypt. Just wanted to let everyone know so that you don't get a bad result with stairs.
Here's the thing: In theory simply lining up the short edge of a double wall with an edge that is one box high should do the trick. The 30-60-90 theorem states that, in regards to right triangles, if you are given a short side of 1, the hypotenuse will be 2 and the long side will be the square root of 3. The problem arises when you try to practically apply this to guides and such. This is because you are trying to impose a two-dimensional guide onto a three-dimensional space. you have to worry about an additional axis for the rotational value of your object, as well as the height that it is at. I should mention, however, that placing two walls on top of a large stone column that is laying on its largest side on a double box will get the second wall's walking plane to the exact height of the walking plane of a single box. This is akin to the two dumpster method on foundry, albeit more stable and more time-consuming.