help placing objects better?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Insane54, Dec 4, 2007.

  1. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    idk how u guys do it like that but i cant get my stuff (weps, scenery, u know...) to just like go in the right spot...sometimes it will be just there and then it will zoom off to some random spot and sometimes i just mess around until i kock the other thing over :p so do u guys use any like tricks or ur just good at it ???
  2. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    This might be stupid, but do you know how to rotate objects using the right trigger? If you do, do you know that each thumbstick performs a different type of rotation (or movement)?

    I understand what you're saying, though. The problem with so many maps nowadays is that everything is just strewn about randomly. It's as though nothing actually serves a purpose, but was accidentally spawned. Weapons almost never lie on the ground. That just looks stupid. If you had a shotgun, and needed to get a drink of water, would you lie it flat on the ground? Of course not. You'd rest it against something or lay it on a table. It's the simple things like that that make the difference between and OK map and an exceptionally good map.

    Hope that helps.
  3. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Agreed... however, sometimes they have to stay standing up... regardless of the surface(be it on a crate or on a floor) that trick still works. And when you start rotating stuff like bubble shields then it gets hard to flatten them properly to sit them down... that's why I use that trick for such items...
  4. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    ill try it out...but yea be sure to make this a Forge 101 cuz ive noticed alot of people have thius problem too

    btw kinda funny story about this..for some reason i decided i wanted to place 3 magnums on a medical cart...doesnt sound that hard does it...well it took me about a half an hour to get them all on in different angles so it looked good, and then finally looking back, i decide to put a magnum on the bottom row. bad mistake. when i realized i had totally screwed that magnum up, i pressed Y...and u can guess what happened. the crate disappeared, down went the magnums, and after another half hour of trying to figure it out i decided to put them all next to each other in a wepons holder :p
  5. jake2k3

    jake2k3 Ancient
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    Uhh, hate to kill the moment, but when stuff like that happens and gravity pulls items to the ground, it doesn't move the spawn point of the object. You could've switched to player mode, picked up the magnums, and replaced the medical cart in it's original position. The magnums would've respawned in their places on top of the cart.

    Another way to get "hard to position" items (such as the energy sword) to stand up straight, is to place them on top of a weapon holder and quickly delete the weapon holder before the spawn point sets in place. The item will fall to the ground and, usually, stay in position.

    The items I have the biggest problems with are the frag and plasma grenades. They almost always jsut roll away from where you want them!
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    LOL i didnt know that, thanks tho :p
  7. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Bear in mind that you can delete objects even if you are holding another one. After pulling off anything particularly tricky, remember to save your changes. That way if it goes to sh*t and a new round won't fix it, just quit out and reload the forge.

    Another trick for precision placing of objects is to get VERY close so that the object is forced against the surface it's on. Then aim slightly to the side of the held object in the direction you want to shift it. Finally rotate it back and forth and it will inch towards the desired location.
  8. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    I just place my objects down in a spot i find fitting for it. I just like to make sure there are no bumps or that kind of stuff...
  9. Paqk

    Paqk Ancient
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    I actually have a question involving placing objects better: Can you grab a placed object without it moving? I always want to move an object just slightly, and it ends up jerking it way off, it's highly annoying.
  10. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    What's this? Insane's drunk? High? Or, maybe he's just joking around and smart enough to know that he won't get any punishment for anything he does here? Ah couldn't be the last one.... /sarcasm
  11. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    Either that, or he was a year younger and a forgenub.
  12. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    as for the zooming off to random spot, if you are looking at the thing you are going ot be placing it by, it should stay there, but as soon as you look past it/around it/over it etc. the object will want to go to where ever you are looking, and zoom out there.

    if you make a giant wall with a tiny hole, spawn and hold an object, then look at the hole, the object will appear on the other side of the wall.

    even if you are looking at the object you are holding, and you are faced at the hole/past/over etc. it will still zoom out there.


    word up
    #12 xxDeeJxx, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    You can't grab an object without it moving unless you brace it off with teleporter nodes or another immovable object. If you're looking to move in small increments, place a window panel up against the object. Even though it'll be as close to it as possible, you can still pull it forward a little bit.

    There's nothing similar on Sandbox, but I've found that the width of the wooden bridges offer the smallest increment that you can move an object.

    Also keep in mind that you pick up an object by the little teardrop, so the closer it is to you, the less it will leap at you. Not by much, but it is noticeably different.
  14. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    This will not be locked as there has been constructive discussion added.


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