SOLACE Solace is a small map for 1v1 or 2v2, it take up about one third of foundry. Supported gametypes: -CTF-(suggested that respawn time is 5 seconds, flag return for 5 seconds aswell) -Slayer-(first to 25 or 50) -Oddball- PICTURE TIME! overview and oddball spawn on top of the bridges Flag spawn B Base A Base Weapons(from memory) Assault Rifle x4 Battle Rifle x4 Sniper Rifle(4 shots) x1 Covenant Carbine x2 Frag Grenade x4 Spike Grenades x2 DL link: Halo 3 File Details
Looks a little open, but looks pretty cool! Good job on the aesthetics! If one team got the flag, the person with it is almost certainly doomed, I recommend putting a little more cover, such as barrier, short's and stuff throughout the map so there's something to run behind. FIRST!
I've got to say that this looks very rushed. The layout looks fun for a 1v1 but the forging on the B base is sloppy. I'll give this a DL though because I'm intrigued as to how this plays.
thanks for the advice, i did kinda rush b base cause i had to leave when i was making it, for a v2 i'll fix it up and add some more cover.
one thing, try merging the bomb spawn kinda in to the stairs also some thing are ineven from base to base, like the signs and stairs in between them
okay seriously give some real help seriosuly you're just advertising and give me a link to one of your maps cause at the moment you're just being an ASS EDIT: oh i'm sorry, you havn't even posted a map!