Haha, yeah I don't get why we can't have a TGIF too. I can't imagine its that hard to organize. I may be wrong but I've done things like it in the past and I've never had too much trouble.
I thought it was the 1v1 competition that put the TGIFs on hiatus? I am fairly certain that TGIFs were happening when the Shell Shocked contest first went up. Anyways, we are getting a bit off topic... Doesn't anyone see the value of modeling a map based on real-life architecture? You can have a cool map that is playable and accurate. The submissions would include picture of the Forged map, as well as real life pictures of the building from the same ange (like a compare/contrast sort of thing). Anyone? I just don't see how a movie set would be playable... --dc
personally i think remakes of prev halo games would be good- think about the more defining moments in the games i.e when u enter the moasoleum on gravemind with the elite / brute / hunter battle or the two bridges from halo CE when the flood jump and take over the elite held bridge on two betrayels or even the covenant hanger on truth and reconciliation or keyes- that flood / elite battle was fun to get involved with especially on ledge and they all have frags and plasma grenades which can be set off in a chain reaction by your needler
I picked wonders of the world. I have actually made the "Great" Pyramid and had fun with that. p.S. I put Great in quotes cause well....lets just say the pyramid just ain't so great. :squirrel_shiftyeyes:
Something like "fruit related map" would be interesting. I imagine "movies" would result in some pretty predictable and probably pretty dull maps. Things like Titianic or Pirates of the Caribbean.. or the matrix... or more 300 stuff. Though a toy story map would be cool, fighting on a giant bookshelf.
hows about your area. find some good looking buildins or outdoor, urban areas that u believe would make a good basis for a map i.e high school, store departments the Amigo's Pizza shop around the corner, even your house/street, railway station, airport (for some), skate park - list goes on...
He means team battles. 2v2, in a similar style to the 1v1 would be fun. Maybe a few objective games .
That's exactly what I've been saying, well, the architecture park, at least. Outdoor locations would be just as cool. I love Godfather too, but I can't recall any scenes/sets that would be fun to remake into a Halo map... Come on people, we need to think in terms of playability as well. Just because we can make a movie set, and make it accurate and look great, does not mean it will be a great Halo map to actually PLAY on. That's why I keep coming back to "Real Life Locations" as the best choice. You have potentially every building in the world, every park, every public location to choose from, as well as private locations (your house, your work, etc.). I love movies just as much as the next person, but I think everyone is getting caught up in the "idea" and not really thinking about implementing it. I'm not sure how many people who posted here would actually create a map if this was a real contest anyway... Another disadvantage comes from interpretation. Since very few (if any) of us have seen the movie sets for these possible map remakes, it falls to interpretation as to how big or small features and structures are. Real Life Locations at least affords us the luxury of being able to walk around and take pictures. Yes, I know a map designed based on a building is not likely to be known by everyone else, but that's why you would take pictures from the same vantage point in both real life and the game. And isn't there some sort of copyright issue with posting pictures/clips of movie scenes to go along with your map? I would assume this would be a requirement to cross reference with screen shots of your map... --dc
I love Godfather too, but I can't recall any scenes/sets that would be fun to remake into a Halo map... [/quote] I think I will prove you wrong. give me a second
I thought someone was mimicking me because you used the quote feature incorrectly. Don't mess with me like that! jk ;-) But seriously, preview your post before submitting (a friendly reminder from the neighborhood cat, because you are new here). Thanks. I corrected it for you, so everyone will know what it should have looked like. --dc
How about a forge the unforgable contest? Who can make a feature worthy map on Guardian, Highground or another map that can be deemed "un-forgable". That could be interesting.
Its supposed to be difficult. Otherwise we would have too many similar submissions. The challenge leads to creativity. Plus we can really benefit from Forged variants made on other maps. I'm sick of playing "MLG" variants of maps because they are deemed the only "good" variants for them (Guardian, Highground, etc.) Its definitely worth looking into. --dc
I can see your point, and I acknowledge this as a possible outcome. The last contest was rather difficult, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that the winners made such excellent maps. There is definitely a balance between accessibility and difficulty that must be maintained, but I would think leaning towards a more difficult topic will spurn more creative forgers to come up with some great stuff. --dc