hey people we should start a board game series i'm currently building Risk of course but maybe someone else who is more clever than me can make up a really good idea for a game
I knew this guy that made a chessboard. It was reallly bad though with half the squares made of diagnonal respawn points making the pieces hard to see,and most of the pieces could be picked up accidently by walking on them. Maybe you could do a better job? Frankly i think risk is a great idea,sounds hard to me but good luck
I saw that one too and I couldn't figure out which ones were squares. Anyways, boardgame maps have too many honour rules and may not be successful.
A while ago I made a simple tic-tac-toe game using interlocked bridges to make the "squares" with Ghosts and 'Gooses as the "Xs and Os." It was freakin' hilarious for about 15 minutes because we would have someone else destroy the losing pieces before starting a new round. After that, we lost interest. The topic of a chess board came up in our chat, but we were too lazy to make on at the time. "Connect Four" anyone? --dc
i was personalluy thinking of building a asethetic monopoly map but you guys have better ideas i will totally make a chess map the only thing is that it would have to be played in forge and even though you have honor rules there are honor rules in life like not throwing the pieces everywhere(like deleting items in a map) think a tick tac toe game could be more do-able if it were sowething like destroying vehicles with lasers or rockets i would just have to do some experimenting before i built the map thanks for the ideas
Tic-tac-toe is only fun for about 10 minutes, but please don't let me stop you from building a nicer one! All maps are welcome here on ForgeHub.com! --dc
That...would...be....AWESOME! Connect four'd be hard to do tho with the whole dropping the items thing,love to see what someone comes up with
Ya, I know. lolz I can't think of a way to do it other than laying the playing field onto the flat floor of Foundry. An actual vertical remake of the game would be extremely difficult. Also, it would have to be played in Forge, as most board games would, I assume. --dc
i just thought of a way to do a vertical version of connect four i'm gonna build it so keep an eye out
There was a video that comes to mind based on Mouse Trap, I think it was a Bungie Favorite a few months ago.
Cool. I saw dumb cat's suggestion about that and it sounds cool. Good luck. I saw that after I saw a much better one. It's out there somewhere. I'm gonna go look for it. EDIT: I found a version of Chess, but it isn't published. Here's a screenshot. And I'm thinking of remaking another board which is much bigger, to use some vehicles as the pieces. Work in progress screenshot. Thoughts?
That would be sweet! I played chess a lot when I was younger... rusty as hell now. And do you know the coolest part about this? You don't have to worry about playing a whole game in one session. You can just save the map under a new name ("dumb cat vs Furious" for example) and resume playing whenever you want! I imagine week-long and month-long chess games with some of my friends *Curses Bungie (again and again) for putting a 100 item limit on my game/map variants* --dc
hows about the more childish games. i.e trap the rat- u could make a "board" for the mice to go around and someone could make all the pieces in the game - summit like that