Move this to Gaming Discussion if you feel it's in the wrong place. I just wanna say I think they look sweet, then I wanna whine and ***** about how I pre-ordered my HW LE and didn't get them.
I didnt pre order and still got one. I'm probaly won't use it. I might give it away, I'll get back to you in a day or two. Might send the code to cause I'm nice LOL
elite honor guard tank comes standard with any LCE Halo Wars, The Fireball Warthog is a special thing only people who pre ordered the game get. If you pre ordered it and didn't, then the store you pre ordered it from either doesn't have the cards with the codes on them or they ran out before you retrieved your copy
You press Start and go to skulls... they are located under Skulls for some reason, and you just switch either the wraith or warthog skins on like a skull.
Yeah, my Honor Guard Wraith code works, but I pre-ordered it and didn't get the Flaming Hog code either. My Gamestop must not have gotten them, because I was the second in line at the midnight release (out of all 15 people that showed up for it lol), so they couldn't have run out of them. My friend and I were at another local Gamestop and he mentioned it to the guy behind the counter and he just gave my friend a card with a code for it. You might try that if you really want the Flaming Hog.
I kind of wanted one, but I preordered from Best Buy. They don't give you free ****. And the lady almost gave me regular Halo Wars. I would not have been a happy camper.
I got my card with the code on it the day I pre-ordered the game which was about a month and a half before the game came out.
Soem stores which over-stocked LCE Halo Wars may still have codes, so don't hesitate to ask. I got my Gold Hammerburst that way.
GAME lied to me,i thought it was like the age of conan mounts,you know different shos got one or the other....rawg,Im happy with my default hog tbh,I usually ODST zerg people anywayz
Dthen, I thought I had the same problem as you but for some reason GAME sent me the Flame Vinyl Warthog code in an email, so check those emails!
I got one but I feel bad for those of you who didn;t get it even though you preordered it. P.S how sick would it be if bungie made them drivable in the second half of the Mythic Map Pack?
Wow, I just looked everywhere, and its nowhere to be found. If I had a capture card I'd show you. I'm surprised there isn't even a video of it on Youtube.