Guitar hero = fail.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Camel Carcass, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Upon November last year, I brought Guitar Hero: World Tour

    Now it was good for the first ten minutes, then one of the drum sticks broke in half, literally, in the first ten minutes.

    So we brought lighter, plastic, shatter-proof sticks. And seriously, we don't play very hard at all, I'm only 15, and I have the least masculine figure ever seen.

    And within a week, the hi-hat (yellow) became faulty, and you had to hit it much harder for it to recognise.

    Then the crash (orange) had the same problem, about a month later.

    Then the hi-hat lost all recognition in another fortnight.

    Then the orange worked again, but the bass pedal done double-in-one-hits.

    About a week later, the hi-hat went back to the resilient stage.

    A month later, the Bass Tom (green) stopped altogether, no warning, never worked since.

    Then the bass started to do quadruples. Has since.

    The guitar's down-strum broke at the same time, and the mic can't use star power.

    I can guitar and drum and expert, but I fail on singing.

    Anyone else had similar problems?
  2. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    I broke a stick, but I was a little to enthusiastic about the final simble crash.
  3. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I use a guitar hero 2 guitar so can't help you there. My friend who really hard uses the drums and he says they are nice and sturdy. Not sure about the mic. I've also never heard of this happening.
  4. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    I've heard the hi-hat's faulty quite often, and the down-strum broke on my friend's guitar, but that's it really..
  5. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Wow. But that's not GH fail, that's build quality fail. I thought you would have come to expect shoddy build quality, you bought a 360 after all :)
  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I talked to a few people I know and I think you just got unlucky with the instruments. But for the most sturdy guitar, use guitar hero 2's explorer. i've had it for 2 years and it still works.
  7. ZgreenZ

    ZgreenZ Ancient
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    This is why you buy rock band
  8. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    No kidding.
    Seriously, i'm on my FOURTH.

    1)-PAID FOR - Graphical scart PORT fail
    2)-PAID FOR - They wouldn't repair number 1. This one RROD'd
    3)-System Error E74
    4)-REPAIR = £40 This one's still breathing.

    Wii died.
    PS3's fine so far.
    3rd laptop.

    Game developers need to make quality goods!!!!!!!!!1
  9. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I have heard no incidents of any guitar, mic, or drumset having near the number of problems yours are having. The chances of you just happening to get a faulty set are slim to none, so whether you think you are or not, you or someone else in your household have been doing something wrong.

    I purchased GH:WT the day it came out and play on expert drums. I've done my fair share of wailing on those drums due to almost failing and having to flail all over the place, and my drumset is flawless. If you make sure to tighten the cymbals before you play, which seemed like common sense to me, they should remain fine.

    IMO, take better care of your instruments and stop blaming it on the hardware developer.
  10. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    You realize these products have a factory warranty on them, right? I would try to get them replaced by the manufacturer ASAP. I don't play GH very much, and I don't own GHWT, but I'd be pissed if something like that happened to me.
  11. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I use the guitar hero 2 guitar and the original rock band drums. The guitar has held up for 2 years and the drums a year and a half. If you keep having problems, get those. They're very durable. And the Rock Band 2 drums are metal enforced and even more durable than RB 1.
  12. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    My yellow and orange symboly thingies had a similiar problem. They both became faulty and would have to require lots of strength for it to recognize it being hit. My dad called Activision and they sent him this kit thing...basically what it does is it recalibrates the sensitivity... they work fine now.
  13. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    That's why I don't buy this crap. I mean, it's all made in china somewhere for like 2 bucks. My bro bought a guitar, broke within a week.
  14. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    I'm on my second 360. I've had a 360 since launch.
    Nothing wrong with my PS3 yet.
  15. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Should I turn this into a universal faulty equipment thread?
  16. Gamerguy45

    Gamerguy45 Ancient
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    My 360 never broke/got RROD and I had it for two years...

    As for your instruments not working either your a troll and want to make a point by saying rockband is better. f so you are SADLY mistaken... Well then again I only play guitar as playing drums and singing is retarded... Or maybe this really happend to you and instead of calling them up and calmly explaining the situation you decide to come on this website and complain.

    If the problem is that it broke, call them up and they should fix it for free...
  17. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    There's a point, does it come with warranty? If so, how long?

    Because, As Gamerguy45 said, i'm just on the forums whining like a ***** over broken drums, but maybe they can fix it?

    I'll check after lunch.
    Thanks for the idea everyone.

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