RACING Created by waffle1313 Supported Gametypes: vip This is just a simple racing map that I made when I was bored Overview Overview 2 Gravity Turn Turn Hallway of Doom Please tell me what you think of the map. Halo 3 Screenshots here is some of my pictures of the map if the above doesn't work. Download Racing Here
Good job on getting your pictures to work! I had assumed that this was a sandbox race map, because i've seen so many lately. Its good to see an old fashioned foundry racetrack again. But i have to say that this like more of an obstacle course than anything. Not bad, man
does this map have ANY interlocking? it looks un-neat and a bit rushed, try a V2 with interlocking and some more strategy, make it look good
isnt that abit mean? I mean whats the point in putting his spirits down, was you awesome at forging when you first got halo, i bet not. Sure, the map isnt very good, but doesnt mean he should give up forging right, on to the map, it is sloppy, i suggest you go to "Forging 101" and learn tecniques, such as interlocking, probably the main on for racemaps. Dont give up though, once you know how to interlock, your maps will improve, and more people will like them, keep it up
Hmmm. I see that many people have completely condemned your map, giving you no credit whatsoever. I apologize for this, and hope you understand that most of the people bitching cant even forge that well themselves. ForgeHub, is a priveledge, and a portal through wich your map can be advertized. This does not mean that you should post ALL of your maps however. Only post the ones that you would be proud of.
Yah i know it sucks this was the firsy racemap i made so I thought it was good until I saw the other tracks then I saw mined sucked.
Looks like you spent alot of time making this map. It has good points to it and also bad. It looks like a pretty long map on the bright side but overall looks pretty sloppy due to the lack of interlocking. Have you tested the track out yet because it looks like it would easily cause the racer to crash. But its great for your first map! I would try making a variety of tracks and come back to this for another day
Your post makes no sense what so ever. What is up with you newbies. Always making posts like this" its great, but bad. Interlocking is great, but the interlocking sucks..." Why do you keep switching like that? Anyways, he does have a point dude. Now a days the expectations are alot higher from Foundry's birth. Try harder next time and don't rush it. Make sure everything that needs to be interlocked is interlocked. Hey, at least you posted right, 95% of the time trainees can't even post a pic or link. Good job on that lad 3.5/5 for effort
bringin back the good ol' days... my first map i ever made was a race track, i liked them because back then i wasnt good at halo in general. but when i found my skill in racing, i dreamed of what i could make. i tried many maps of great-for-their-time racetracks, they were swervy(sp?) and fun to try to get to the finish on. then i made my first, it was a long, winding, and tough to race track. i thought that it was the best, and all my friends agreed. the map was cluttered with obstacles you had to avoid and rolling soccer balls down a hill you had to drive up(did i mention it was on foundry) and i loved it. then it got old as i dowloaded other race tracks, but i always kept it in the bottom of my maps list, and just last tuesday i erased it, once and for all. my track was gone, i cried a little as i thought back to the first days playing halo 3, and the people i met. thinking of that summer where i would come inside and just have fun in custom games, not having the stress from school. i wish i could just go back and make those days last longer, i really missed them. and i remember my first game of halo, ranked big team on valhalla, and in that game i met my first xbox friend AllergicMooseV2, i would drive the warthog around having fun, and he would be killing guys. we even played many custom games and then somehow he removed me, he didnt feel the connection i felt when i first met him. but after those days of grieving i met my second friend DragonTamerA51. he was a good old kid from kentucky, and i played my first racing maps with him and we just had fun... well the map looks great to people who like to have fun playing and who arent expecting the best. it brings back good memories of my past, and this track blows away my first map. i like the feeling of the map, it is long and fun to race on. good job on the first race map, but maybe use some new techniques to make it look a bit prettier. thank you