Let's not forget people, who are the one's paying for this man? Us the viewers! Their income only comes from the amount of money the people are willing to pay. If no one watches football then the income will obviously decrease dramatically, but we have millions of people paying about 50 bucks a month to watch these people on T.V!
No, they're getting all the money they deserve. If people like it more, they get payed more. Diamonds. People like diamonds a lot, so the value of it is up. Art, some people do art, and they won't sell unless people like it. So the value is up. The only reason people buy things is because they either like it, or need it. A ton of people like sports, so the value is up. Heck, if everybody liked books, their value would go up. The thing is, they aren't being paid to much, the people going to see them play are PAYING too much. 50$ a ticket just to see one guy play.
Sure, they deserve payment because it's their job. But really, they aren't doing anything helpful to improve anything. It seems that the highest paying jobs are always the ones that don't actually do anything. Sure, it's entertainment. But what about the people who farm food for us to eat, and the people sponsoring them? Yes, I think they make waaaay to much money. But being an athlete is their job.
For once I agree with you Frag, lol. Teams that spend more generally win more. Teams that win more have a larger fan base which draws in more money to pay for the expensive players. Its a vicious circle. And we play into it.
As for my acual oppinion, if they are in high demand(which they are) they should get paid exacly what they should be paid.
The are being payed right This world is not fair if you screw around and don't make anything of yourself then you desrve to live in a shithole the rest of your life but if your one of those athletes who practices the sport for hours a day every day and sacrifice your time so you can get better at what you love then you are doing what most poeple won't don't or can't do. There is this book called outliers and it shows how people work to achieve things and its all about sacrificing your time and to become an expert at somthing you need approximately 10,000 hours of practice so tell me the guy whos put 1000s of hours into the game that he doesn't deserve the paycheck On another note we are the ones paying these athletes.
They get paid what they make. Very simply, really. Stadium full of people coming to see a game, rolls in a lot of cash. However an empty stadium will not nearly bring in as much cash as a big one. If you think athletes make too much money, don't watch them on TV and do go to games. You can't? Well that's why they make so much.
Athletes make way to much money even if they suck, like the new eagels thing or the vikings thing the guys are getting paid like 34mil for like 3 or 4 seasons which they might not even be able to play.
They get paid so much because millions people watch and go to there events (& games) which results in millions of pounds (dollars). Now all this money people have made is down to the athletes performance and training so isn't it fair they get paid so much? No.
if you meen footballrs (soccer of super bowl or whatever its called), yes, they get to much money, give them £245 like us for a year see how long they last
It's ridiculous. David beckham makes more money every second he spends on the football pitch, than most people in one whole day.
i know, rayne rooney lost £65'000 in as vegas when doind a football tournament or whatever, think how well charity could do with that muc money, good thing bill gates is the ricest man on the planet, he gives over 2 million dollars to charity every month or so if you dont know bill gates made microsoft
Sports players are way overpaid. They should be payed a more standard amount of money and the rest should go to the government or charities where some good can be done.
very true, footballers are quite soft, always faking inguries and from a different country, cant a premiership football team have all there players from the same country, and vise versia
think how good the world would be if footballers didnt get overpaid, animals will survive, co2 emissions will lower because people could afford alternative energy
Athletes make the money that people are willing to pay to them. As long as they aren't stealing money or conning others out of theirs and they are paying appropriate taxes, it's fine with me if they get paid highly. I mean, the new cowboys stadium cost a billion dollars. That seems ridiculous to me.