An idea I would like to give to someone interested.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by phil.ottawa, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. phil.ottawa

    phil.ottawa Ancient
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    First of all - I love this site. Great maps guys. I have donwloaded almost all of them. I have sent LOTS of people here when they say "I love your maps" and I say - "I can't forge. I just get them from" and they ask "OMG how did you get that overlap" and I say "FAQs are on" ;-)

    So thanks a lot for all the sweet maps.

    Anyway - Forge idea for you to make that no one else has made (AFAIK):
    (Plus it should be easy for you guys to make. No interlocking required)

    If someone makes this I will get it out to the warthog drivers forums and other places and get you lots of downloads.

    Warthog training area (I specialize in driving with over 5000 wheelman awards, but could still get better):

    On Valhalla so there is room and appropriate cover.

    Make a row of warthogs with quick respawn at each end. Put some bubble shields on there too (default valhalla location and spawn time is fine) as mastering the perfect use (rapid pickup and deployment) of those is key for the best warthog drivers.

    Make plenty of missile pods for training dodging heat seekers (quick respawn times so they are always available)

    Some straight shooting rockets too for variety.

    Plenty of sticky grenades with fast respawn for dodge practice.

    Some power drainers to try and stop the warthogs.

    Plasma pistols for overcharging and hitting us with.

    Perhaps a quick respawning over shield to give the guy shooting at the warthog a better chance of not getting killed by the gunner.

    Put a banshee at each end I guess too to practice killing those.

    A laser too I guess for advanced training. (though I wanted to focus on missile pods – both dodging them, and the gunner shooting the rockets chasing us (takes practice))

    Target practice – shoot exploding objects like fusion coils out of randomly placed man cannons like they shoot stuff on barrel blaster map. Then we could shoot at them. Make them shoot a lot so we don’t have to wait and could practice shooting them before they hit the ground while driving and dodging.

    Not as important:
    Perhaps some pilon “gates†to get through or single pilons to denote friendly team mates you cant run over. Perhaps that spawn at certain times later after start?
    Or other objects.

    and anything else you can think of.

    Then we load this up with three people minimum and I get a gunner for my hog, and the other player(s) shoots all the **** at us.

    It will be good practice for the guy trying to destroy the warthogs too. Missile pod practice, sticking practice, laser practice, etc. etc. Get good on it here and you will own in matchmaking.

    Let me know if anyone is interested in doing this?

  2. XfX Catastrophe

    XfX Catastrophe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is very interesting because I love driving warthogs and I do need to practice.

    I would be glad to make this though I think standoff would be good because you have more items to make interesting turns, jumps or cover.

    Also, for gametype, the vehicles should be invincible and maybe the people should too so you can practice for longer at once....

    Since you drive much more then me, what would you want to see as cover turns etc in this map?
  3. phil.ottawa

    phil.ottawa Ancient
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    Glad someone is interested!

    OK, standoff it is. Probably a better choice anyway.

    As for cover, I want the default map layout, nothing special. I don;t want to rely on the custom map for help. I want to get better at hiding with whats available.
    For the bubble shields - the default map layout is fine. Makes for good practice for the "jump pickup" without actually stoping the hig during battle. Race towards, jump out onto the bubble shield, then jump back in the hog before it stops...

    For the pilons or other stuff (something man sized would be better) it was just something to avoid hitting to simulate team mates - they are always running in front of speeding warthogs when you least expect it ;-)

    As for the vehicles, I wanted a bunch for each side because I wanted them to be destructable, so I can try to keep them going, but get a new one if destryed. We also like to practice switching to a new one as fast as possible (usually the other teams ;-)

    The hardest part would be the man cannons shooting stuff randomly that we can use for Skeet shooting target practice. Gives my gunner something to shoot at while I dodge so he can get better at tracking moving targets during erratic warthog dodging...

    If you want to make up a beta and let me know, I will download and try it and make suggestions. My gamertag is PhilOttawa if you want to send me a friends request, then maybe I can check it out with you in forge sometime.

    Thanks a lot!
  4. XfX Catastrophe

    XfX Catastrophe Ancient
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    The bubble shield thing is tricky but CAN be useful i guess

    for pilons, fusion coils rolling across the center of stand off, probably make a floating platform for the missle pod guy or rocket guy.

    Really, man cannons are unrealible so I say moving targets maybe even players just running at you while you are moving. I will try to make one and I might add some cover for the players that are trying to stick and stuff like that.

    Also, you can shoot the missles out of the air?
  5. phil.ottawa

    phil.ottawa Ancient
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    I think the guy with the rockets being on the ground is better because we need to be able to dodge in the terrain like in match making. If he is high up then it makes it different than in match making and harder to dodge - know what I mean?

    rolling and man cannon fusion coils is perfect.

    constant overshileds for the guys attacking us would be great. To make it harder for my gunner to kill them (especially when we are practicing 2 of us against one friend with the rockets).

    Yes, you can shoot the rockets with the warthog turret. We have done it, but it is hard and one of the things I want to practice.

    For the bubble shields - there are two on standoff by defualt. Just leave them there and make them respawn as fast as possible and we are happy.

    How about banshees? Could a couple banshees be added to standoff too? So I can get my gangs banshee pilot to harass us for a bit? My gunner LOVES shooting down banshees more than anything ;-)


    Think this will be the first purpose-built training ground map yet? Maybe it will start a trend?

    I will be sure to pimp this map all over for you to get it downloaded.

    Thanks a lot,

    Actually I just noticed "Covenant Death Scooter". That seems to be a ghost training map...

    Please don't double post. Remove this message at any time. -Klink
  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Ok thats a pretty cool idea.

    First i would really organise your thoughts better, your asking for someone to make you a map, and that would take some work. If you organise your post and make it more attractive then more people will want to do it.

    Also, i would only have rocket pods and rockets,

    Not power drains and probably not stickies, but i would maybe play swat rules, otherwise it would be too easy to kill/die.

    Your trying to incorperate skill, and without these rules it would be hard to put the skill requirements on the driver, and not the gunner.
  7. phil.ottawa

    phil.ottawa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments.

    As for organizing: sorry about the mess - it is being figured out in my head as I go mostly ;-) Hopefully catastrophe and I can get it figured out between us.

    Note that this map is NOT intended to be balanced, or fair, or anything. Just a place for us to practice our warthog skill drills (and perhaps a place for my friends to practice sticking warthogs, lasering them, rocketing them, etc. - all usefull skills for matchmaking)

    For the stickes, banshees, power drains etc. I want it all so I can practice against all of it.
    No swat rules because I want to be able to take some damage just like in Matchmaking.

    I also do not expect them to use all the weapons at once. Bu I want all the variety possible on the map to be able to practice all things we might see in match making. Honor rules will be fine here - since it is just practice. I just say, ok try and kill us with the rocket pod for a bit. Ok, now try with the power drainer and grenades, we will pass in front of the base, etc. Not intended to be competative at all. just a practice map.


  8. phil.ottawa

    phil.ottawa Ancient
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    Oh, and right now we practice these skills on valhalla with default layout and drive the third (enemy) guy back and forth to the other base in our passener seat to get the rocket pod, but when we are out of pods and hogs we have to wait for more.

    So anything is better than that. ;-) We just want something simple, but with the easy ability to practice all driving and gunning skills.
  9. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    Just play a social hopper if you want to practice.

    Really, having training maps is cool for a while but few people will find driving between drop pods entertaining for long.
  10. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    You probably shouldn't put your full name online.

    But W/E, I'm glad you like this site. We're a great community.

    BTW, when you're a passenger, can you deploy equipment like bubble shields? That would be a great addition to your map design.
  11. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Hmmm....seems like a pretty decent idea, although like Matty said you probably would need to focus less on equipment and such to make it more fair, and the thread could use some work.

    Nonetheless, i think it is a worthwile idea, something i could try and make. And maybe have some fun pissing my friends off with too (im god with the laser). Ill have it to you by tomorrow and if not then, then wednesday. I have alot of great ideas for this that im itching to try.
  12. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Yeah, I already stole his identity ;)
    Well, not really.
  13. phil.ottawa

    phil.ottawa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the tips guys. Last name removed.

    As for fair - like I said, not important to me. If it heavily favours the non-warthog guys - excellent. I don;t want it to be fair, I want it to be very hard. And easy for one guy to challenge us alone (then I can get split screen friends to train us).

    Send a friends request to PhilOttawa if you like!
    (though if you can put forge hub in there that would help - I have almost 100 friends, and get requests from people I dont know sometimes)
  14. Jax

    Jax Ancient
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    Equipment can't be deployed from the passenger seat....unless they changed something all of a sudden.

    Sounds like a great idea, Warthog is my favorite vehicle since it takes some coop skill, would love to see this done :)
  15. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    I think you can deploy bubble and shields and stuff from warthogs. I know for a fact you can throw grenades while you are a passenger, which comes in very handy, especially in vehicle to vehicle combat.
  16. version2

    version2 Ancient
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    hmm I would use Foundry, but that is just me,
    And if it's okay with you I'm gona do this. but on Foundry.
  17. Skill Caster

    Skill Caster Ancient
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    Sounds like a pretty interesting idea, and that's awesome that you have 5000+ wheelman awards under your belt. I'll be looking forward to the map when its ready :)
  18. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    could you have it set up so it works for other vehicles as well? eg. mongeese and ghosts?
  19. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    I built mine already on standoff. Good timing as it stands because standoff is about to be free.

    Anyways, there is every vehicle i could put there, but the driving people only get to use warthogs and mongeese. The attacking team gets all the covie stuff so that the people in the warthogs can practice shooting down banshees or taking out wraiths or whatever.
  20. Keegano

    Keegano Ancient
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    i'll try and make but maybe on last resort so i can make sort of a track for the hog and then there is alot of high places where the shooter could kill the warthog im also their are way bigger objects on it to block of certain ways., so im ogin to try to make one on last resort. If i have time to because im working on a 2v2 small map on foundry.


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