Should I block the Guardians so people can drive around the outer perimeter of the main area or leave the guardians alone? It's for a competitive style map.
well for infection its great to leave it able to drive around, but for competetive, i dont think its such a good idea, think about this (if you support these games) if your able to get back there, people could easily camp on oddball, slayer, vip, those kinda games, its best to leave the guardians alone, to make the boundries of the map. but if you want them open then go ahead.
I understand that, I just want people to have the option of surprising the enemy from behind, because I used some of the FXs to dark it so that its hard to see in the outer perimeter.
definitely leave them alone. if its a competetive map, its not good if you can go anywhere. not good at all. as for being able to go around behind, you can still go around the perimeter of the guardian barrier and not be noticed. sneakin all the way around with no guardians would be overkill.
If you did block the towers off, for a competitive map with vehicles, I don't think it would be a good thing. Mainly because you would always have those people driving out where nobody can see them on a mongoose, sniping from back there. Either that, or they will drive the oddball around, and around, making it impossible to get it. Just leave it as is. There is enough room out there as it is to get behind the enemy.