Most of you already know Bungie’s Atlas purpose amongst us forgers. However those that do not know it are the only gateway to get your map(s) into matchmaking besides MLG. Atlas BNet group is run by Bungie employees who chose and test the crème of the crop community maps that are submitted to their group forum. The theme for the next gauntlet for maps is “Save TO” – Team Objective. The Team Objective Atlas themed edition of both Amplified and Regicide are completed and ready to be played on. I still need a few more testing sessions to gather as much positive gameplay that reflects the quality of both Amplified and Regicide. Regicide: Amplified: My maps I’m promoting for atlas: Amplified by Fritzster & Zak Boo Regicide by Fritzster Links: Bungie Atlas BNet Group Amplified map file Regicide map file More info on Regicide MLG Amplified Video: MLG Game Room - Amplified Regicide Showcase (For Higher Quality) YouTube - Amplified Regicide Showcase Gametypes: Neutral Assault Team Crazy King Team Oddball Team SWAT and Team Sniper variants of Amplified and Regicide are available in my fileshare as well. Weapon Sets: Amplified Energy Sword x1 Battle Rifle x2 Covenant Carbine x4 Needler x2 Spiker x4 Plasma Grenade x6 Frag Grenade x4 Equipment: Power Drain x1 Regenerate x1 Regicide Sniper Rifle x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Overshield x1 Battle Rifle x4 Plasma Grenade x4 Spike Grenade x4 Equipment: Power Drain x1 Regenerate x1 I’ve redone the spawning on both maps as well as some of the objective placements. I’ve carefully planned out what weapons works in many sections of the maps and touched up some of the forge work on regicide for much more stable gameplay. I’m going to be playing customs a lot for the next couple days and get some good team objective gameplay in. I enjoy matchmaking and I also enjoy building good maps that offer a wide variety of gameplay for others to enjoy, even in standard matchmaking. Thanks go out to my close Xbox live friends, you know who you are, that support this cause to make this happen. A lot of effort is being displayed here. Feel free to join up and test with me GT: Fritzster send a message. I need more gameplay before I update atlas threads and I appreciate the support for these maps.
I would love to see Regicide in matchmaking. I have played on it before and it was awesome. Amplified sucks, I cannot even see how it made it into MLG. It has the worse spawns and whoever has host on it wins. It lags like a *****. I hope Amplified is destroyed forever. JUST KIDDING; i just dont like it.
I agree, in my opinion i would defietly try for regicide a lot more than i would for amplified, because regicide is just truley amazing, ill try my best to help nominate them both, and congradulations, hopefull (regicide will be on top).
I love Regicide so much, and cannot wait to see if it makes it into matchmaking. Regicide has a feeling to it that most MLG maps don't have. The catwalks just make it so much different. The normal MLG maps like Amplified always have the same things. The two bases with the random structure in the middle. Big deal! But Regicide is so much better than that. I hope it works out, and I hope you get it into matchmaking!
I thought Bungie didn't put glitched maps into matchmaking (i.e.geomerged maps). But congratulations if they do get into TO. I'll look out for them
Hey you are so good at making maps, possibly the best. I have playedboth of these maps so many times. I really hope they make it .
No, Bungie doesn't put infinite money glitched maps into matchmaking. Haven't you ever played in Team MLG? They have geomerged maps on Foundry in that playlist!
Ahh yes fritzter this was quite a bit of fun to test upon, the hardest thing was Crazy king, because the sword, but certain amount of nades could fix that Also playing on Regicide non MlG felt weird same as Amp, but you done a great job, good luck, and sure to play with you Also I see in the video you put where you got a double kill on me with
Don't complain about that, I'm the first person to die in the video! I was still confused and thought it was MLG amp, but somehow the gametype got mixed up and we had AR starts. Overall the only thing I think you'd need to work on is spawns, especially in neutral bomb, the maps played pretty well except the rather glaring spawn problems.