OK I wil review this. I dont rate from one to ten I rate with grades such as A, B, C, and etc. Ok Flow I think this sig has very nice flow to it. I like how one streak of brush or the effects flow from in front of the render to behind the render. It makes the sig seem more enthusiastic. Focal I think that you have the focal point in that right spot. Its not off to the side and it is not in the middle its in the right spot so that the light shines down on the render Effects I think you did pretty well, not great on this section. Once again regarding the flow of the sig the brushing to the left of the sig comes from in front of the sig to the back. I do not like however the random white ovals that are vertical to the right of the text. It just seems like it doesn't fit. I think that the effects are very nice however. Text ( sometimes there is no text on sigs ) I think that the font face is very nice and it fits the ninja'ish style to the sig. I like how the text is on top of the sword. I think you did a very nice job on this part. However I absolutely hate the symbol to the right, it just seems like it does not fit there and it doesn't blend there very well. Originality/Overall I think that the focal and the flow of the sig were the strenghts that you had with this project. In my opinion the border does not fit as well. I would have not added a border at all, but that is only my opinion. There is no fact to where there should be a border or not. The originality of the sig I would say is a bit average but the text on the sword as I mentioned is very nice. Rating..... Spoiler B+
Sig: Name:My Halo Wars Consent to rules:Yes Program used: GIMP Other: Its my fourth signature and give an honest review please.
Please choose who you want to rate it. If its open for anyone to rate, Ill feel free to rate it myself if you want?
Yeah, but it's community run, so anyone in good standing may help. ANY judge may rate a sig if no judge is specified. Thanks, eguitarplayer, it's pretty much what I thought, but it was still the first serious review iv'e had in a long time.
Ok, since you used a stock I will rate it this way. Effects I think that it was a good idea to give the picture a blue tint and I like that but I think you went to far. I really would have barely touched the color of the sig. I think the sig is by far way over sharpened. I do like the white streak you added to it but I think it does not belong. Originality/Overall I think when it comes to originality on this sig I would say its a little above average. You added a sharpened style to the sig which wasn't so great but It fits your style. I would have cropped or made the image much smaller without messing with the congruence. In other words to not change the ratio between the x and the y axis of the sig. Try making smaller sigs try working with 400 x 125 or 380 X 110 try smaller sizes and make your own backgrounds with a chosed render and see how it turns out. Rating... Spoiler D This sig definitely does not fail the only time I will consider failing a sig is if it is stolen, and I do not care how great it is. oops sorry
Thanks, for the review. The white streak was his sword but when i tried sharpining but it didn't work it stayed blurred and I couldn't undo the blur because it was the first thing I did. Once again, thanks for the review! #2 Sig: Name:My Halo Wars Better Consent To Rules:Yes Program Used:GIMP Other: It is not as good as my V1 better a litttle I guess but I think it is too purple. How 'bout you?
Personally I would leave the sig alone and quit messing with the colors because the more you mess with it the more you ruin it. Start something new or start over on this. This time do not sharpen as much and try not messing with the colors at all. You could try blue or purple smudging though?
Spoiler Name:My Halo Wars Program used: GIMP Other: Its my fourth signature and give an honest review please. Render/stock quality: Compared to the original, I think you really went in an akward direction with the stock. It's too hard to see the arbiter, even though I admire the fact that you tried to sharpen him to make him standout. Blending: Well, the only things here that bug me are the white area by the elites feet, and the text above. They stand out way too much. I would try to blur the text a little and change the color of the white area. Depth: Eh, I don't really see any depth, but this tends to be an advanced technique, so I wont hold it against you. Effects: It seems that your are picking up an essential of GIMP, how manip colors early on. This is really good because your learning will go faster. Other than that I don't see too many effects. I would suggest that at some point in the future you experiment with smugging, lighting, and C4Ds. Focal: Another good thing is that you are grasping the idea of the focal point at an early time. I like how you are already employing techniques with the idea of bringing out a focal. However, next time you may want to offset the focal to a diffrent position, using the rule of thirds. Lighting: I noticed that you played around with the lighting on the arbiter, and this is a good start. However, try to balance the lighting out so that the other parts of the sig are not to dark. Overall presentation: While this may not be exactly 'great' for a fourth sig, I find it admirable that you are grasping intermediate and advanced techniques like coloration and lighting early on. I would suggest that you read some good tutorials (I would suggest a few if you want, PM me.) or go to Frag's sig school to get alot of good advice and someone to help you learn the ins and outs of GIMP. I hope you keep at it, because with a little work I see in you the potential for a good graphic artist. I'm not posting a rating by choice, but if you really want one PM me.
I'd like to be a judge... Also, you should have "composition" on the list. The way the sig is put together and the placing of everything (focal).
Sig: Name:Burning Earth Consent to rules:yes Program used: Gimp Other: I personally do not think it turned out too well. So what do you think?
Render/stock quality:4/5 Its okay I guess....but placement... I would keep the render, but maybe smudge the stock or take a good quality and don't scale it... Blending:2/5 Not much at all... Try using more colors from the render in the bg, clouds and things are help full to, splatters don't fit here, but they're great too Depth:1/5 Very little to none Its really hard to make something fake and something real fit...Maybe try finding a stock from avatar... Effects:3/5 Not much, the pink things look kinda bad Try some different c4ds, I see some in there they look pretty good, but maybe more of them instead of the pink things... Focal:4/5 The placement is a little off to me...but its clearly defined... Try the rule of thirds, divide the sig into thirds both ways and your focal should be on an intersection Lighting:3/5 its okay...Theres not much evident to me, but whats there is good Try using the path took to create a spotlight or use the gradient tool on radius to make a different looking one... Composition:3/5 Its okay, but its only a render on a stock... Try to blend the render and stock together better, and try some stocks that already have focals... Overall presentation:3/5 I would say, better than some, worse than some Very nice sig, try working on depth, blending, and focal placement Rating:3/5 very nice sig, better than some of my first ones, and some of my current
Could I suggest something? I think it would overall be more helpful if there was no number, letter, or anything like that for a rating system. Rather than summing everything up as one letter or number, it would be better to focus on ways to make it better. It's hard to sum all the aspects of a sig into a single rating, because while they may have done certain things right, other things may have been executed poorly. That's just my advice for future CnC's, but you don't have to take it if you don't want.
Spoiler Name: Avatar Aang Program used: Gimp Other: not much I like it though Render/stock quality: Well, I really like what you have done with this render. It's not too sharp, but it's not blured. However I think that the white 'mist' around him detracts too much attention from the focal. I think its particularaly cool that the arrow on his head and his eyes are white. Did you manip that yourself or...? Blending: The biggest problem I see with your blending is that the 'mist' around the avatar guy is over sharpend and doesn't match the rest of the sig color wise. Depth: There isn't much depth in this sig, but I do like the 'mist' covering parts of him. There isn't much beyond that however. Effects: I can't really tell if you even used any effects, but I don't think this sig really needs them. You could try a light C4D. Focal: The focal is at an intreresting position in this sig, I like how it's just slightly offset from a rule of thirds position. However, it bugs me that he is behind that annyoing 'mist.' I think you could bring out the fical just a tad more. Lighting: Well, I noticed that the avatar guy has two sources of lighting effecting him. I don't know if this is intentional or just part of the render/stock. Overall presentation: Eh, to tell you this truth, this is not very good compared to some other sigs you have made. The main annoying point is the 'mist.' I would try and remake this sig using more lighting techniques and better use of color properties. It's also not the most intreresting sig, the only thing this really has going for it is the avatar guy. Rating : 5/10
Sig: Name: New sig Consent to rules: yes Program used (optional) gimp Other (optional) Its my newest sig. ive been trying to find a good flow...
Hey, I'm having trouble getting feedback on my thread, so could you take a look at a Sig? I don't mind who CnC's it, as long as they are honest. Thank you in advance.