Author: Coyote1023 Map Name: Curling Map Canvas: Foundry Map Size: Small Player Count: 6-16 Supported Gametype: Curling __________________________________________________ Description: Gameplay: The zombies (curlers) will spawn in a small room, they will have access to unlimited trip mines and will throw them down the court to kill the humans. The curlers will also have access to a propane tank on each side of the room and will gain access to 2 bubble shields and a power drain later in the game. The Humans (targets) will spawn in the main court. They will start with pistols and be able to pick up 4 deployable covers, 4 extra pistols, a flare, and a regenerator on the court. They can get a turret by triggering the X-switch (RB flip) and can trigger a secret switch to get a gravlift. (blow em up close to home!) Weapons and Map Layout: Curlers: Middle: Bubble Shield- 2 - :45 No Power Drain- 1 - 1:30 No Sides: (Slice n Shoot) Propane Tanks - 2 - :10 Yes Targets: Front: X-switch (turret)- 1 - Never Yes Regenerator- 1 - :45 No Deployable Cover- 2 - :20 Yes Pistol (3 clips)- 2 - :10 Yes Middle: Deployable Cover- 2 - :30 No Pistol (2 clips)- 2 - :30 No Back: Flare- 1 - :45 No Pistol (1 clip)- 2 - :45 Yes Light- 1 - :60 No ~signifies bubble shield spawn for curlers Game Progression: The alpha zombies die in order to lower their lives to 1, this also gives the humans a head start to rush the front court. If the targets manage to survive 2:00, a grav lift spawns opening up this receiver. Once targets see this white powerup light, they can run up against the fence wall and go through the teleporter. They will pick up a custom powerup, giving them invincibility and instant kill. Then they can reap the benefits. (Only been done once in the 15 rounds of testing) When you activate the X-switch, after the mongoose disappears it forces this one to spawn. This causes the fusion coils to explode to break the turret. Help has arrived boys! Gameplay Shots: The court in the eyes of the curlers Reaping the benefits of two equipment waiting for the final seconds until the teleporter opens Curling a tripmine An old friend left behind and an army of curlers resulting from poor teamwork on the targets part
wow this is a very nice mini-game, and you did it on foundry too, yay its still alive! but this is great the interlocking is perfect and all of the different switches on it look perfect. i really like the H3A sign on it as well. thats a good site. 5/5
I'll download and see how it goes. It looks nice from the pictures, but the way the power ups spawn makes them look sloppy.
I played this with a party of five people, with which I wasn't expecting it to be a little boring due to the small party size. To my surprise though, it still worked great. It wasn't as chaotic as large party games are, but it was still very fun. Great curling game, I hope mine will be able to compete.
Can I suggest to crouch? This is a very fun gametype and I think everyone should try it. The switches are great and the gameplay is fun. Dosen't the arena get smaller in later stages of the game?
Nice job on the map. It's neat and well put togethor. Two things I don't understand though. A - Can't the humans just crouch and never die? B - How can the zombies throw the tripmines to the back of the arena?
A- They can crouch, but shooting activates them too, also, that is what the propane tanks are for B- I have mancannons under foundry that launch them down the court, There are also teleporters there which work after 2:00 I forgot to explain that, sry
Ah, nevermind. I looked at the pictures and the power ups were not even. I downloaded the map just to see that it was meant to be that way. Anyway, yea, great map.
YAY! Kyle, awesome map. I loved the many-a-testing it with you, it is indeed very original. It gets very laggy sometimes, so people, you really should stick to the suggested number of players. It looks neat and very flush, there are some sweet strategical advantages to the game if you know how to play right. One of the best things i remember is when i got that killtrocity with one trip mine. Great job, an i look foward to working with you on our map some more.
It only got laggy because someone had a bad connection, every other gametype we played with them was bad too. If everyone has Green bars it is fine, otherwise stick with 6-10.
this is very interesting i wil dl because it is a new idea that i have never seen before and very creative for now i will give you a 4/5 but come monday i will bee able to rate it on playability.
Care to explain WHAT you are confused about. If you do I can help explain it. Also, just DL it, play it once, you will understand pretty fast
I played this with commander matt and it was awsome.But there was laggy ssues.I like the teleporter writingswitches,and a lot more.You could have gave the zombies more protection.Try to replace that with normal walls.I love it overall.
Why do the zombies need protection? They are pretty much invincible with 4x shield and 2000% damage resistance. Plus normal walls would eliminate their lines of sight, then they would be throwing blind... Thanks for playing before you rated tho XD
Man talk about some fun! I played this the other night with a party of about 10. It was VERY fun and I enjoyed it a lot! Haha if you can remember coyote, Time Glitch was not the best curler lol. Overall a great minigame! 4.5/5