Welcome to Forge Hub's Top Ten! a weekly community-compiled video made up of the members' best 10 clips. Any registered user may enter. In order to do so, merely submit clips to the "ForgeHub Top10" gamertag on Xbox Live within one week of this post. After another week, a video will be released showcasing the finest clips for a given theme. A few rules: Must have a video description detailing the contents of the clip. There must be a buffer period of 5 seconds before and after the main event of the video (for editing purposes). If the clip is selected, it will be featured in the compilation uploaded to the official Forge Hub YouTube channel found HERE. Furthermore, this thread will showcase the featured clips next friday as well as introduce a novel theme each week. Theme This week's theme is: Best Multi-Kills. Send in your doubles, triples and overkills.
what if there isnt five seconds at beginning and end will this be a problem? i think theres like 1 second and 2 seconds 1 at beginning and 2 at end... cause i have the perfect clip
so i have 2 kewl kills but they are not like a double or anything but on the same clip does that count?
says the theme is multi kills but im not saying for sure just think they have to be doubles triples etc
Hi, I sent in two videos to the gamertag you mentioned from the gamertag: "TJFad117". I just thought I would mention it here to be safe... Link to videos: Ambush: Anticipation:[...] [No Picture available] My favorite is definitely Ambush, but I thought I would throw in Anticipation as well.
I just sent in a double kill unlike any other....First I shot down the driver of a ghost, and one of my grenades from a second earlier had launched a flaming mongoose into a guy's head, killing him too. Hope it is chosen!