I think I really could have done something better with the stock. What I did: Enhanced the image in the cross hair; adjusted midtones, highlights, shadow, saturation, then added a new layer with halftone pattern at 50% opacity. Rest of it was copied and blurred then slightly erased to accentuate certain features. End of the scope is unblurred and his eyes are slightly less blurry. Added text and warped it and adjusted the opacity. Stock: http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/3/33806/745424-40_deadpool__suicide_kings_.jpg Yeah, far from my best work, but it fills in the gaps of my boredome.
Good work mate, I really like it. It doesn't really look too much like the stock, although that's because you rotated it slightly. Even though it's fairly simple in terms of what you did to it, it works pretty well. On a bit of a Comic Book signature spree recently eh?
I really like it actually. You eyes move around the whole sig from the focal. The way it's set up, I saw the end of the scope, shifted to the face in the background, then to the text on the scope. I like the composition, because it makes your eyes move around much more then normal sigs.
Thanks man, it's nice to hear that. Uhh, yeah, you could say that... Yeah, now that I notice it. The sig as a whole demands attention. Not just the focal point, of which there's a battle for supremacy. I needed to hear those things. Thanks guys.