Equipment Key 6x Battle Rifles 2x Sniper Rifles 4x SMGs 1X Energy Sword 4x Plasma Grenades 4x Frag Genades 2x Spiker Grenades 2x Bubble Shields This map is based on the idea of a Forerunner gas mine in the sky. The basic idea comes from a level in Halo 2's campaign. The map itself is comprised of three "smokestacks", two bases, and one seperate room which contains the Sword. Each base contains a Sniper Tower that gives the sniper a good view of their side of the map. All and all its nothing super fancy, but it should provide healty amounts of fun. Recommended Gametypes Slayer (to be decided) CTF (to be decided) King of the Hill Assualt (to be decided) Pictures Gas Mine Main View Blue Area Red Area Central Platform Download Link Halo 3 File Details
Honestly, it is too narrow. There is only one way in and out of each base. Not good for ctf or assault. Hardly good for slayer. This seems like a map that would only possibly work with KOTH or territories
What he says is true, albeit maybe a little blunt. But meh, blunt is often necessary. Immediately from the pictures alone the major flaw in this map was made apparent. As quoted above, this map has only one route. For any map, good or bad, sloppy or neat, there should ALWAYS be more than one route. Even a meager two is much better. To put things in perspective lets explore one path to ,per say, three. With one path, things are straightforward. You spawn and you and all your teammates, and all your rivals, travel in virtually a straight line towards the solitary route. Then you encounter the other team, you exchange fire, and you left the only player standing continue. You then proceed to their base to capture their flag. They all spawn in the area of their base and you are overwhelmed. You continue this boring tug of war until everyone quits. The problem is there is no strategy, no options, just killing and dying. Now lets see with three options. (Three is just my standard of comparison, more than that would be excellent) You spawn with your team, and so does the other team. You all agree on who is getting which weapon. You yourself then proceed in a lower walkway that extends around the back, less used portion of the map. Although it takes more time to traverse, it is more well protected and you encounter less resistance. Your other three teammates take both the middle ground and then the last of the three the high exposed route in a rush for rockets. Two of your teammates exchange fire and one dies, whilst the other two effectively eliminate two of their players. You continue around the back, grab the flag and this time choose the short exposed option with the flag. As you return their last remaining teammate o the other team double backs and confronts you while your three buddies are busy in a firefight, backs turned. You deploy a bubble shield, melee the attacker and score triumphantly. Now, with one route of choice the gameplay offers no variety, no strategy, and most of all no enjoyment from gameplay. As you could see with scenario two with multiple options gameplay was much more diverse and exciting. My advice would be to make more structures, some with enclosed rooms, some hallways with open ceilings, and also change the elevation of the several different passages. These things will open up your map and unlock its true potential. If you need in game help on such a feat, add my new GT, Born 0n Board and I will gladly throw you some ideas.
everyone said the obvious but. i love the towers in the middle. can you be shot out of those? or for looks? if not shot out of, if ou make a v2 you should make it where they shoot you to anoter part of the map