My second map Download Map Download Gametype(needed) Making Remake of ice cream man, and it is not called ice cream man because I originally made it for the wraith tank. I will try to make it actually for the wraith tank if I make a v2. (pls, pls, pls, is stupid idea, but don't take my wraith, thx). If I get enough feed back telling me to make v2 I will. If you read this put * at beginning at post Will add walls in v2 Gameplay It has a long straight away with a switch to stop cheating of the deliverer and allowing only the human to grab it. All other traits stay the same Human 50% health 3x shields 25% damage Sniper start 25% speed 200% gravity Infinite Ammo Waypoint t/ everyone Zombie 2000% 0% damage 25% speed 200% gravity Green colour Custom P Invunerable 4x shields Instant kill 150% speed 50% gravity Story The people after not receiving their food and are almost starving are starting to revolt. They have come to kill the one responsible, but without food (Custom P) they do not have the strength to kill him. Help the townspeople before time runs out Pictures Map Overview Human side/spawn Deliverer side/spawn Switch Switch in action Starting Switch (you need to shoot fusion coil, and only humans have guns) Grav Lift Custom Powerup (the second grav lift is also deployable) Switch Mechanisim (edited and added) Hope you liked it ^^^^^^^^^^ Download up top
looks liek the zombs or whoever is trying to defend can just easily destroy everyone... maybe make a more detailed map with cover im not gona dl cuz this looks really easy to make
I would suggest that you add walls on the side's so people don't get pushed off due to the warthog hitting them at low speed or if the food delivery person falls of maybe make a v2. 3/5 until you add the walls.
I never really liked the original especially with the cheating but I like how you adressed that problem, though falling of might be a problem for the driver too. I still don't get how the switch prevents the delivery guy from getting the custom powerup though. edit* ^ well said slowing going into people to push them off would be cheap so add walls
This looks pretty good. Too bad I don't have the maps yet. I suggest you brace the warthog though. A relatively standard concept though. I may make my own version of it someday.
And zombies cant shoot coil so it cannot go boom and bring out the grav lift which zombie can't pick up anyway and shield doors around to stop warthog turret will add walls in v2, i ust did that so they could be pushed off and it is possible to jump on warthog so they have to knock you off
if they do jump on the warthog the guy driving it could ram into something to try to knock them off thats the point of walls. duh?
Why not just brace the warthog so the zombie cannot drive it anywhere. I would also make the teleporters only high enough so that they prevent anyone from crossing them, but not disrupt the sight lines of the warthog turret.
awesome map, i've been looking for a remake. but why were you too lazy to add walls? also, i think you should also add multiple textures so it more closely resembles a street. you should also add those "checkpoints", aka the little houses you can stay in down the road. but dont put them too close to each other, maybe one every 3 single boxes, one on each side. possible also add a teleporter system [tele is blocked by barrel which you knock down once you get there, like lava nomster]
Someone finaly fixed the zombie stills custom powerup. Thank god! Add the little houses to the side, u can use that wall that has a side missing and re middle, put a tube piece and u got ire house.
the humans can easily get knocked off, but love the switch BUT THE MAP IS TERRIBLE, NO WALLS TO KEEP YOU FROM DYING!!!!! Sorry but 1/5 (it would have been 0/5 if it weren't for the switch)
Huh? Truly i really dont seem the point of this map. No offense but it wouldnt even be fun. The design seems to be very simple and gameplay would get boring in a matter of minutes. The idea does have some potential but the map itself shouldnt deserve anything more then a 2/5.
this map is just like kiddy lane on foundry, it has the same goal, i would of never thought of that, good job
i think a v2 with walls will be a lot better because the humans can hug the edge and then when delivery boy comes he drive they move out of the way hes dead and it is a pointless game
I hate to seem like an A**-Hole but 95% of Minigame maps get boring after the third or so time of playing W/o any improvements (this goes for anyones maps [I even put down my own]) so I would just add more and more to the map reguraly to keep it alive because I love these gametypes and they do get boring quick.