Transgression An old containment area for law breakers. Where they were dealt with swiftly and severely. 4-10 players. By: RunTime83 Download Map Here This is Transgression. It is a completely interlocked map, and if it wasn't for the walls you probably wouldn't even know you were in Foundry. It is completely balanced and has been playtested thoroughly. It is inescapable(at least as far as I know). It has a fairly simple setup but I took ideas from many maps. Think something like Gemeni/Santuary/Midship all rolled into one. That's just the feeling I got out of it anyway, lol. I know it isn't completely even, I did that on purpose to give it kind of an organic feel to it, as hard as that sounds with Foundry. It is set up for every gametype. It should be really great on most games. Inside the structure. The sword is located in the center. There are 5 entrances to the center area. There is also a grav lift leading to a small ledge where you can find a brute shot and some nades. A drop down is located here. There are slight differences to the photos and the current version. They were taken from v.95. It is completely finished now and I'm anxious to see what you guys think. This will probably be my last map until the new map pack gets released unless I redo some old maps. But we'll see.
Ummmmm its ok, what i dont like is how you have still left the entire map open, you didnt block it off.
interlocking things does make the map look good, but remember that it has to play well. Good lookin' though! :squirrel_wink:
Im impressed by the screenshots and the post! I've got it queued and will definitely check this one out. Looks pretty dope homie. Ill be back.
Thanks guys. Could you elaborate a little more? "its not very fun" doesn't mean much to me. Try it with a game of at least 4 people.
What is the point in closing of most of the map if there is no advantage from being there, maybe some pains will leave and go explore but after the first match they will get over it. However if playing oddball.... This map looks really good and I will download when my xbox comes back from the death. GamerGuevara
I liked it but not as much as Beholder. It just seemed a little too random for me, especially the teleporter.
this is a great map parts of it are messy (use boxes to line them up) but it doesn't effect gameplay so it's ok, the layout of the map is well thought out although you could move the sword because i spawned right next to it a couple of times and the mongoose seems kinda useless in a map like this but otherwise great job
Yeah, what are you talking about? More than 1/3 of the map is completely blocked off. Sorry to hear about your xbox Guevara. The teleporters are just a shortcut to the top. Each side has it's respected teleporter. The one side is a little wierd because it wouldn't work right ANYWHERE else in the box. It would just spit you out of the hole and I didn't want either side to work like that. Im a little iffy about the sword location as well, if anyone has any ideas im listening. The mongoose is just for objective games, I thought it might be useful in CTF or Assault games, but I haven't used it yet either, so it might get changed. BTW try out KoTH on here, tried it last night and it was really fun.
I just don't like teleporters in general. The problem I had with it is how you get teleported to the box where it is actually pretty difficult to get out. You have to crouch jump onto the box, but it is hard because the tops of the boxes bring you down. I just felt the map was thrown together randomly.