Hey guys. I'm thinking about buying a flash drive soon, and I was wondering what you guys used. I'm looking for a stylish, secure, sexy flash drive (2, 4, or 8 gig) to just carry around. Any ideas?
I'll flash your drive LOL. Here SanDisk | Products | USB Flash Drives | New Cruzer Micro You can find this for $30 a Best Buy, 8GB. Or 64 GB for just over $200 SanDisk | Products | USB Flash Drives | SanDisk Ultra Backup
Find everything you might want here: Newegg.com - Flash Memory, USB Flash Memory, Flash Memory Card, Compact Flash Memory
i got a 2GB sony microvault, and i strongly advise you to buy 8GB. i can barely store anything on mine.
I use that 8GB SanDisk one Grif showed. It gets the job done, and is affordable. You might want to reformat it though...
I reformatted one that I got awhile back and I have to restart my computer every time I plug it in or it won't recognize it. Is it just a shitty flash drive/program?
I use a Activa brand USB drive. With the U3 program on it. I don't like the U3 program as it gets annoying. However, the USB drive has been through the washing machine and dryer twice! Still no data corruption. Woohoo!
Thanks for the replies. The sandisk Grif mentioned looks great, although I don't like how the plug is always sort of 'exposed'. Any issues with that? EDIT: Just for the record, I'll probably be using it mostly every day...and I've heard those die in less than a year. So durability is good.
I would go with sandisk if i were you and yes the 8 gb is definitely the right choice for you. I personally like the U3 program, I have a password on it, it gets kind of annoying doing that but its worth it.
Thanks. Although, I'll probably ditch U3 and get TrueCrypt on it. For $30 it's pretty cheap if I need to replace it after a few months, correct?
just go for a 0.5 TB external Hard Drive, that should work but seriously just cruise around newegg for a bit, they have unbeatable prices
I've got a 8GB flash drive solely for the purpose of booting up into a Linux environment on computers I come across. You'd be surprised how much editing of the Windows systems configuration files you can do just with gedit.Get an 8GB, I'd say. They're getting pretty cheap these days, and most likely you won't need to store 16GB in your pocket for another year or so. Besides that, remember that flash drives have a limited read/write access limit. I think the most I've had was about an averaged 20,000 r/w before a failure. You're better off getting a couple small drives until they improve that.
If you REALLY like Halo, you can get a Master Chief flash drive! hehe I plan on getting one. You can choose to have it up to 8GB, but it costs an additional $35.00 on top of the $24.95 price. The $24.95 is just for 1GB. I also think you can get one in red or blue too. Halo MIMOBOT designer USB flash drive - Master Chief