Fear On The Mind Hey everyone, Light is back, with his first ever sandbox map, and i have also created a budget gliched map check it out in aesetic (how ever you spell it) maps. Supported gametype: solely a infection Supported Players: 1-11 players Recommended players: 6-11 players This map comes with a story me and a friend created, bout' a month ago, if your interested with how i came up with this read on, if not then just skip below. March 26, 2553: Status report from Alpha Base "The infection has continued to spread throughout the solar system, and a spore has been found at alpha base...it seems that the creature wants to destoy all life on the planet, yet they still had the intellegence to deactivate our defense towers. Interesting." -Reese Marello March 28, 2553: Status report from Alpha Base "Today we lost a few men from this creature, although we have kept him kept in the desert, he seems to becoming more bloodthirsty. The bloodthirsty creature is getting ever closer to excaping, but no one will believe me. Head quarters, we going to need some help. -Reese Marello April 1, 2553: St..tu.s re..port. fr.. aLp..ha b..se "no...st..p..th.i.. isnt... pos..i..bl... aba..do..n...ing.. .tra...ns...miss..on cr..eatu..re.. un...stp...ble.." transmission ends April 2, 2553: Status Report From Alpha Base Humans beware... Its over for your planet. Thats pretty much the summary of the story now back to forgehub. The idea for humans is to get to the center or run like crazy, but the center has something you want. The idea for the alpha zombie is to protect the center dont let humans get into the center or its game over for you This is where the humans spawn at start This is where the Zombie Spawns(the infection for those who read the story) at very beginning of the game he starts on top of the forerunner tower Here is the center on the outside Here is the center on the inside. Yes that is alot of weapons, and zombie cannot get them! You want to get here If you get in the center theres a teleporter... that leads up here! Now for the humans heres the catch, the center closes after 3 mins, so if it closes its over for you So get to that center, but watch out for your good zombie friends =] Thanks For checkin this out, link for gametype and map below Download The Mind Download Fear
unique map. i like the background story, it adds purpose to the map. i am guessing you killed the guardians. but one thing for improvement, you have the story going, i like the whole dropping down thing, and then you just kinda lost it. there are a ton of weapons, and a teleporter leading to the sky bubble. that doesn't make much sense. also, add a pic of the zombie spawn area. for a v2, ditch the sky bubble and teleporter. scatter the weapons in the crypt and include only unsc weapons. also, add a few kinda dilapidated bases in the crypt. don't make them huge and elaborate, and only add one or two.
This looks like a great game, just a couple questions: What are the zombie modifications (Speed damage etc...) How long is each rounds? How many rounds? Otherwise it looks like a great game. And thanks for making the color you changed your post to readable in every skin! BTW its aesthetic EDIT I just realised a flaw. Yes, the humans can't get in after 3 minutes, but nor can the zombies. Try a teleporter at the starting tower that is only within jumping distance for zombies.
It looks really fun, but the only thing is that if the zombie goes into the hole, then the humans could in theory just camp right there, if im not mistaken. Also, could i get some zombie and human traits for better reference. Cool idea though. I also would like to suggest that the humans can just all get in the hole, and camp inside. the zombie should be able to have multiple ways to get in...just an idea
Lets just say this map isnt perfect? but what is? the idea of racing to that spot is pretty cool. the skybubble is gona prove to be really difficult and frustrating for the zombs to come up and kill them.... id say just make it the one level of sandbox or just leave it with the crypt. UNLESS you make the zombs near invincilbe semi fast (like 120 speed) then that would be intense but once again dont go up to the sky bubble!
Alpha zombie traits: 300 speed 100 gravity starting weps: grav hammer and sword cant pick up weapons 25 ft radar poor camo Human start: 100 speed 50 gravity starting weps: BR and magnum no grenades can pick up any weapon 10 ft radar no camo last man: 300 speed 50 gravity this guy wants a rocket laucher and a shotty from the crypt 25 ft radar no camo Zombie traits: 10 percent damage resistance 300 speed 100 grav only has a sword 10 ft radar no camo unlimited time ea round, 3 rounds.
I like the background story, but I don't fully understand the human's objective. Do they just get in the hole and kill the zombies when they come down? You've been quite vague with the gametype, and this to me just looks like a get-in-the-hole-then-be-safe-forever type of map. EDIT: Oh wait, just saw the traits in the post above. Fair enough, but if the humans get up to the top, they can just camp the tele's and when the alpha zombie comes up, they can all jump off the edge of the map and commit suicide. Also, the regular zombies are waaaaay too weak. they take one magnum bullet anywhere to die. Sorry, but I just don't like the way this map is meant to be played.