Feast your eyes on the combatic map pack (best in use with Combat gametypes - also found in my file share). Pics can be found in my screen shot gallery. The screenshots also have a description that tell you what their about - for example, the scription might say "Camo Local" http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=31481195&viewreplies=true Maps: Lever - A free for all based map best suited for 4 to 10 people. It contains many weapons and grenades. Supports ONLY slayer. Stone - A team based map in which player spawn in windows on opposite sides, but may spawn in other smaller structures that contain weapons. Supports Slayer, Territories, and CTF. Ironhaul - A team based map that contains several small structures that contain things such as power ups, sniper rooms, and camp areas. Supports Slayer, Territories, and CTF. Embedded pics comming shortly. Give me one minute to figure out how to do this, okay?
pics have to be embedded or something if you cant post right dont post noone cares how good your map is unless we can see it
Don't worry I'm not going to yell at you for not knowing how to put up pictures, but there is another problem with the post. Your link leads to a thread, which in turn has a link to your fileshare. Any link for a map that is not a direct file link is frowned upon. Otherwise welcome to forgehub! Sorry some people are assholes to new guys. For anyone else reading this, I would like to say something. IF SOMEBODY HAS ALREADY MENTIONED SOMETHING ABOUT A POST THAT IS NOT STANDARD, DO NOT REPEAT THEM! IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE A SPAM INFRACTION! THE ONLY EXCEPTION IS POSTING SOMETHING LIKE WHAT I HAVE BELOW THAT ACTUALLY HELPS AND SPEEDS UP THE PROCESS OF UPDATING A POST! Just copy the below (the reason the tags aren't working in the post is due to noparse tags, so the coding is exact)[noparse] Lever Stone Ironhaul [/noparse]