I am reading "2001: A Space Odyessey" in one of my classes, and we were also shown some movie clips of it. *SPOILERS!* The monolith is discovered by humans and is actually a sort of "camera" for aliens. (I think, have not gotten too far.) *END SPOILERS* Right when I saw the famous picture, I thought," Hey, I can do that in Forge." Here is the result. Enjoy! :happy:
Dude,we don't know what the crap it is completely.Try to explain this better but for now(for not getting the concept at all.) is a 1/5.
Ummm he already told us that he was reading 2001: A Space Odyssey, which is info enough. OT: I love it, and it has such a great reference! 5/5
Thanks. I edited the first post to offer a little more backstory on it, but it has a little plot spoiler, so reader beware. Off-topic: Its also a pretty good book and I recommend you all at least try reading it. :happy:
ya i am going to say that some people are going to love this screen shot and some are going to hate it. im not sure what you are referencing. so im not going to rate it.
*SPOILER* The monolith actually tries to make a species intelligent. It also talks to its alien makers. At the time of the first movie/book, Russia and the US were at war or at least in cold war. Later a bunch of monoliths form on Jupiter causing it to become another sun. The sight on Earth makes the countries become peaceful. Also, Europa sustains life as a jungle planet and a monolith sits waiting for life to come. The monolith however couldn't signal the aliens in time to stop them from destroying Earth. However the humans stop them...somehow. *End Spoilers* Also the music is VERY familiar to most people. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxLacN2Dp6A The opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWnmCu3U09w&feature=related
Lol, haven't made it that far. But, the music most people should know, but that doesn't help to know what the picture is.
It is awesome! Only if there was a semi-circle piece on sandbox. But it gives a great "space" feeling.
haha that movie is awesome (even if it makes no sense and at some points it gets really boring) really does have a cool spacey feel to it. 4/5
I think I just got done reading that part. By the way, awesome sig, Mero90! Thanks for the responses, people!
Me and my class finished the book and the movie a little while ago and the movie isn't as good as the book, but it lets you get some cool images. Like my screenshot!
he included a reference, an explanation, and a cool pic, w/e dude it looks cool, i like the reference and i have seen the movie before, maybe you could have used the gloomy effect or something tomake the monolith seem more black, because in the movie, its a smooth jet black color. cool idea 3.95/5
2001: A Space Odyssey is one of my favorite films, and I love this. But, it'd be better if you used a filter to make it look darker, like the actual monolith is. Otherwise, love it.
2001: A Space Odyssey - a commonly parodied story. If you're not familiar with it that's not the authors fault. The pic was okay. I mean, not exuberant or spectacular, but nifty, and nostalgic. 3/5.