Debate Nudity/Sex in entertainment worse than violence?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Willmatic, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Hey debators, haven't bin on this part of the forums in a while, not sure nothing really interesting I don't know. Now onto the main point:

    In today's society, is nudity considered worse than violence?
    Ex: Clothed sex vs guy's head being blown off with bits of his brain and skull over the place with a severed eye on top of that pile.

    I think games get this the worst. In movies, it can have as much violence as possible and get away with showing some nudity. But in games, the nudity has to be censored. In GTA:SA I'm sure you all know that story, but this coffee is the one that got parent's really angry, not beheadings, driveby's, or car crashes.

    Another case, a grandma bought her grandson (9-13 years old I forget) SA and heard about the Mod and tried to sue Rockstar.

    Doesn't that say something?

    Oh and don't forget Mass Effect:
  2. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Yes, it is considered worse. Violence is brought up at a younger age, and more naturally (You must consider that all boys love to spar, whereas they don't even know what a ***** is... You must remember that parts of the human body fully develop around the age when you are allowed to view nudity (atleast legally) because at that age people are probably mature enough to know what it is.
  3. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    I've heard that Europe has the opposite view of North America- they consider violence much worse than sex. It seems to me that we as a society are obsessed with violence. I could make some liberal-minded comment about how the bigwigs of American society want to breed people to be soldiers with all the violence in the media, but it's a rather unfounded belief.

    Ultimately, I think one of the primary reasons is that violence is easier to show on TV than sexuality-Violence doesn't necessarily have to be explicit, while nudity is....well, you get the idea. As well, for some reason we find some forms of violence funny- look at the old Bugs Bunny cartoons, for example.

    I personally think that the younger generation could do with less of both. That, or better parenting(but that's a whole other debate). Take your pick.
  4. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Dude... if the whole world saw sex as Ok kind of like violence is accepted in America... the world would be so awesome. Less dickheads to **** with you and more ladies to ****. Sorry about the sexism. I'm just saying it would be sweet.
  5. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    i hate it when this type of bullshit is brought up in the news or whatever. first off, like that guy said, its not like they are having like uber explicit penises ejaculating all over a full frontal view of an aliens boobs with her ****** fully exposed and open. it just doesnt happen. and to the violence, i have been playing M rated games since i was 7. i, like most people who have done the same, am not some crazy murderous unsensitive guy who goes around shooting people and yelling "DOUBLE KILL!!!!". these things are so rare its stupid. wow, i mean just imagine if your parents were just sitting there watching you play gears 2 for a day. they owuld never let you play anything rated over E ever again (except my dad, he played Gears 2 with me so he knows all about what they say and stuff. and lets not forget this scene:
  6. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Honestly? Faux news is a ****ing joke. Don't even get me started on the nonsense those mongoloids perpetuate, their sorry excuse for a network is worse than the tabloids. I saw their little expose on Mass Effect. I've also seen their stories about other situations. While other news networks said things like "Neglectful parents leave infant to die", the vultures and babboons at that fallacy of a news station seized on the fact that the parents owned an Xbox and said "Gamers leave baby to die." They are a bunch of ass-scratching, knuckle-dragging idiots and ultraconservative automatons, and anyone who actually listens to the nonsense they spew is just as bad as they are.

    //end rant.

    The whole deal with video games is essentially a witch hunt. The same thing happened to Rock and Roll, Dungeons and Dragons, etc. Just wait for the idiotic, overprotective busybodies to find something else to moan about, and video games will be left alone. People just need something to blame bad parenting and human stupidity on, and it's the gaming industry's time in the spotlight, in this regard.
    #6 Azrius, Mar 23, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  7. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Oh come on... Sex is necessary for human existence to continue...
    Do I really need to say more?
  8. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    its a tit, not some raging ******, holy ****, kids are gunna see it sometime or another.
  9. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    #9 stickmanmeyhem, Mar 28, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2009
  10. DC

    DC Ancient
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    ooo a full 2 minutes that you dont evan know if going to get. Violence i say is worse. Im not that phased by it, but still, the sexuallity in video games doesnt effect anyone i know.
  11. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    "Hey guys I just bought Mass Effect to watch 2 minutes of softcore porn!!!"

    No kid, nobody says that.
  12. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    I agree. What Fox is saying is there is going to be millions of psychopaths running around the streets trying to headshot eachother.If i do become this kind of person (which I won't), I'm going to first drop by fox news headquarters and show them how much they were right.
  13. CrazyPants

    CrazyPants Ancient
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    this is stupid.
    But violence is worse.
    Most people experience sex. Not sniping people as they run through green fields. Or taking shotguns to zombies.
  14. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    My friend can buy any game, as long as it has no sexual references.

    This includes games where you can dismember people while they're still alive, but if it says 'boobs', he can't get it.
  15. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    there's plenty worse on the computer and tv regaurding sex. but my question is why do they consider it horrible to have a video game with nudity when it's rated M? we have movies that have nudity rated R, which is in the same age range, but that's fine. kids will always get into some kinda ****, somehow, someway. the fact that the media blows it outa proporsion only makes them want the game even more. same thing happenned in music, when the cd was labelled as explicit, sales went up. but in the end i just cant agree with cencorship especially since sex is considerred worse to see than murder.
  16. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Don't forget the fact its animated and you cant see anything!
  17. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    A lot of people who are opponents of violent media seem to believe that human beings can be far more easily influenced by modes of entertainment than they are in reality. Perhaps Faux news holds this opinion because they've got their fair share of idiots who actually believe the refuse that their farcical network spews out-they eat it up.

    It may also be that other forms of media are lashing out against violent games because they feel threatened. The gaming industry is getting big- it's turning into a multi million dollar venture, and I'd imagine many television networks are feeling the heat as fewer people watch TV in favor of their consoles. Or perhaps that's simply blind speculation-I'm not sure.

    I play a lot of extremely violent games. I've spent hours dismembering NPCs in Garry's mod out of sheer boredom. I've shot countless digital avatars in the head on a wide variety of first person shooters.

    Yet would I do any of this in real life? No. The thought of doing any of the things that are demonstrated in video games really just horrifies me- I am not a violent person.

    Again, it all comes down to whether or not the parents are doing their job raising the kids. If a kid is more violent because of violent games, that's generally the parents fault.

    And if someone is unstable enough that playing a game like GTA IV causes them to actually go out and run down a hooker, then they would have found something else that would have made them snap anyway.
  18. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    dude, I hate nudity in movies... I mean I kinda like it, but it's always sooo ackward when u watch it with someone... it's like oh yeah here's a sex scene for 5 minutes... uh i can't go to the bathroom cuz they'll think im jerkin off, I can't talk to the person sitting next to me cuz it'd just be plain ackward, the only thing u can really do is say oh yeah or something which might loosen the tention... although in some cases it'd only add tention... meh, overall i think it's worse in the way that it's more ackward to see than violence in movies. which sucks, "one day i hope everyone will walk around naked, that's the day i want my child to live in" (as referenced from the king of queens) lol (awesome show)
  19. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I'd never seen that Fox News section on Mass Effect before, sheltered from such things as I am in the UK. But seriously, I had to close the video bubble before it was over because I was so incredibly angry. That woman arguing against Mass Effect in the first section made my blood boil. I make no logical pretenses about this being justified, but I'm happy to say I'd let my emotions over run logic here and seriously torture that woman if I ever had the chance, like super cereal torture. Although I did love when the guy smugly asked if she'd ever played the game and pointed out the logical flaws in her fixation upon the game's sexual content.

    But all these arguments about whether violence or sex is worse in video games, if one, the other, or even neither should be allowed in video games, misses a fundamental point here: the interplay between buyer and company.

    That woman (I refuse to watch that video again and find out here name, I just do) tried to play that card that, much as these games are marketed at, and legally specified only for, older gamers, that younger gamers are still playing them. Now, is this MS's fault? Not by a long shot, and that argument could be taken so far that literally every aspect of society and life would be censored in case someone young even had the chance of being exposed to something before their time.

    Now obviously this is a bit more of a pertinent case than what I just said, fact is that that woman is right about one thing, and that's that there are young children playing these games, regardless of who they are marketed to and the age limits placed on their purchase. But, instead of going on a crusade against the games developers here, why aren't people actually questioning why there are children getting and playing these games so young? I mean, a parent who buys a game which they later watch and consider inappropriate has only themselves to blame when it was THEM who bought the game for their child despite the clear M rating on the box. And when a society is crying out against inappropriate material getting through to their kids, when they are the ones who are letting it get through in the first place, that society needs to be told to shut the hell up and take a look at themselves instead of mounting a crusade against game devs which completely removes any kind of personal responsibility from the citizen themselves.

    I'd also like to see that research she was talking about that says (in rough approximation to what she said) "children who play video games are unable to distinguish between what they experience in the game and what is real life". Seriously, any self respecting scientist or psychologist who comes up with that as a conclusion needs a good kicking. Sure small children may be misled by portrayals in video games, but that's true of everything isn't it? I for one thought that a mother kangaroo's joey pouch was all warm and furry when I was a small child, sadly not the case for handy transportation across the outback... And why? Because of cartoons. But I learned otherwise (happily not the hard way), and I'm no worse for it. But I was seriously small then, and tbh if a kid of any real age is getting seriously misled about any kind of sex with aliens (weird I'll grant you, but even less likely to impact negatively on their life than the kangaroo thing, unless they discover a hot alien life form later in life and don't know what to do...) then they must have a pretty sheltered life, that or be very young. And, whichever of these is true, where does that point us? Oh, that's right, back to the parents again. Step up guys, and stop bitching that massive companies aren't fulfilling your own parental responsibilities for you.

    One last thing about the video, when that guy with glasses who was talking about that Princess game he bought for his daughter said (again, rough approximation cause I can't stand to watch that video again) "I don't think anyone would say that Luke Skywalker meets Debby Does Dallas is a good thing". Fail, possibly the biggest fail ever in the history of fails, specopsgrunt himself would be proud to call that line on of his own. I would soooo buy that, and I'd challenge him to make it and actually see how well it sold. Then I'd tell him to shut the hell up and torture him also. I loves a bit o' torture.

    OK [/rant]

    As far as the actual debate here goes, it's a pretty wide question. Both nudity and violence cover a massive span of topics and scenarios within society, nudity going from rather exposing clothes to full on graphic sex. But violence spans even further if you ask me, anything from a fight between two children to graphic and gory massacres. Violence is a less quantifiable grouping than sexual content, since violence as an idea is so intwined with society itself. It can even be reduced to a simple extension of movement: Moving one's arm very fast is simply movement, but place someone in the way and it becomes violence, it's all about intent at the basic level rather than action. Sexual content has a more solid (although still far from watertight) grouping, ie. anything that relates to sex as an idea within society. Sex as an idea can be roughly equated to the hormonal reactions of us as animals in its base form, but as society progressed the social aspects of sex became more and more important. Connotations, hints, innuendos and the importance of the interplay between sex and society has grown massively, and so sexual content becomes the hot topic. It can be grouped more easily and denounced as something that the righteous family values bunch can condemn as unwholesome (despite the clear and ironic necessity of sex in forming any family, luls galore), and has become an argument of the moment as people try to draw the line where teenagers become adults and their brains are no longer poisoned by the sight of breasts.

    But really, I don't see either one as worse, they're both just things. There's a strong trend within video game development nowadays to try and emulate life in more and more minute and immersive ways, and as this becomes more prominent we must consider the ramifications of exposing very young children to extreme content and abandon the outdated idea that "video games are for children". The massive success of the Wii and DS in the casual adult gaming market (a market which Nintendo pretty much invented) shows the stupidity of this assumption even more than the growing audience for consoles such as the 360, but that woman in the Fox News video still doesn't seem to get it. Proper appreciation should be given to video games as an amazing media form, both in terms of respect and awe and also in terms of checks and considerations about audience etc. And people should also learn to step the hell up to their OWN responsibilities and stop blaming the corps for poisoning their children. Seriously, with people like that as their parents, those kids were born poisoned, they never even had a chance.
    #19 Pegasi, Mar 31, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2009
  20. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    i have something to add to that:

    "Hey guys I just bought Mass Effect to watch 2 minutes of softcore porn!!! rather than typing in '****ing' into google and watching free hardcore porn!!!"

    seriously man, i mean, i was watching porn when i was like 9. i came out fine(gigidy giggidy). i would never treat women as sex objects, even though i watched porn at age 9. i somehow have trouble seeing teenagers treating women like that because they saw an alien side-boob for a few seconds in a video game. its just not happening.

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