My Xbox is not reading my discs =(

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shihuru, Mar 22, 2009.

  1. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Lately I've been noticing that my Xbox is not reading my games. It wasn't such a big deal before, I'd pop in a game but my xbox will still say "open tray" so I do and then I'd get to play my game.

    This weekend everything changed. I keep opening and closing the tray, but my games are not being read. You can hear the xbox initiate the reading process but in a quick second it stops and it'll just say "open tray."

    This is getting very frustrating. How could this be happening to my xbox. I only had it for a year and a few months. I thought about getting it fixed, but i don't remember if the warranty was good for 2 years or 6 months!

    I don't know what to do, Im getting mad, I wanna play my xbox!
    *Super Sadface* :cry:
  2. BAMFthesenior

    BAMFthesenior Ancient
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    haha you diserve it for treating me like a noob
  3. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Lol, what!? When have i ever treated you like a noob?
  4. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Noob. :p.

    Seriously though...sounds like your disc tray is screwed up, or there's something wrong with the laser that reads the discs. I'd take advantage of Microsoft's warranty, and have them attempt a repair on it- they're usually pretty good about that sort of thing.
  5. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I was thinking about sending it to Microsoft, but im afraid. What will I do without my xbox. That thing is vital to my life. Im going to die within 4 weeks while its being repaired.

    But im gonna do, i just gott find that damn warranty, i hope i didn't lose it...
  6. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    You'll live. It'll suck, but you'll live.

    Just go on Microsoft's website, they should have something on there where you'll be able to enter in your email and/or serial number to check your warranty status. Serial number is on the back of the box.

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    Conincidently enough I had the same problem recently, I sent a message to all my friends and only got a couple of replies. just like you, my xbox was fine but I just got home with Resident evil 5 and it would say "open tray" I tried with many games but none would work. After hours of trying I finally found a solution. The problem is that some
    thing s damaged or/and it doesn't recognise the disc. Its pretty serious because if your past you one year warranty, then theres a chance you might have to cough up some cash.

    Microsoft aren't that helpful, they give you the same ol' solution, Disconnect everything, Including the hard drive. Clean any dirt and dust off, leave for 10 - 30 mins. Reconnect and try to play. For me, that didn't work, but what did work was turning the 360 upright.

    If that doesn't work them I'm sorry, I don't know what else to suggest. Take it in for repairs. For some reason this is happening a lot recently. Hopefully Microsoft post a full guide on the problem and the solution. When they do, I'll edit it onto this post.
    good luck, DRiSCOLL.
  8. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Haha, I just had this problem little over a week ago and made a thread about it. Here is what I learned:

    First, check to see if you still have warranty. Go to | Home and roll over Support and then click, Check Repair Status. Now sign in using your Windows Live ID and then somewhere it will say to register your Console. Look on the back of yours, above the scan bar is your Serial Number. Input this in the space provided, and then click finish or whatever it says. It will then show an xbox, say what model it is, and in my case it says my warranty is expired. If your warranty isn't expired I can only assume it will show how much time you have left.
    Now, if it is expired, don't advance just yet. If you bought your box at Best Buy, I heard that you can just hand it to the Geek Squad guys and they'll give you a brand new xbox. Not sure if this is true, but make sure to check in about return policies at the place you bought the box from.

    Now, I will say now that this is a $100, and I fixed mine for $45. Just know that you will void any warranty you have if you do what I did, and potentially screw over your xbox in the process. You get 3 years warranty for RROD no matter what, so just know that if you do get RROD and you fix your box yourself, you will not get a free fix and will have to fix the RROD on your own too. That said let's move on to fix your disk drive.

    Okay, now there can be several issues but it all relates to the disk drive, and you'll have to take your box apart. Here is a video for that: won't have to do that much work though, you'll just need to remove the plastic casing so you have the metal box. Now, the inner screws surrounding the "X"s (You'll know what I am talking about when you see the video) you won't have to remove. They require a different bit anyway, and I found a properly sized flat head will work on the security screws holding your box together. Now, we need to get your disk drive out, so watch this video to know how to do that and take it apart.
    Note that that video shows you how to "fix" your problem by switching out the disk drive completely, but don't do that just yet. Just worry about getting the metal casing off first. Now, be careful because if this can be fixed you don't want to screw up the laser lens. Okay, first check one of the metal plates, the one with the circular hole ontop and that loose plastic piece. Is their a metal washer magnet on it? If there is, your issue is that your disk isn't being held down properly. Take off that magnet, you'll see that it belongs on the disk spinner (black, circular, it is pretty obvious). I heard that superglueing the magnet back in place works.

    This might not be your issue, so lets check the laser lens. It is very small, but you'll notice it. Now, is it dirty and dusty? If so, lightly blow on it first, then get some rubbing alcohol and a soft Q-tip, and wash the lens with the alcohol damp Q-tip, drying it with the dry end of the Q-tip. Now check for scratches on the lens. I find that angling it in the light helps me see scratches as they won't reflect glare. If your laser lens is scratched, try to remedy it by googling up how to fix scratched lenses for disk drives.

    Now, if your laser lens is fine, time to test it to see if it works. We won't put the xbox back together, just simply leave off the top metal casing, but leave on the bottom. Place the drive back in the box where it belongs, and plug it back into the mother board. Fire up the xbox, and open the disc tray and place a disk in. Now we can either see if it works, or further identify the problem.

    If it works, great! Problem was fixed and it was the lens/magnet and you can put the box together. But what if it doesn't? Time to be observant. The tray closes, and you'll see that the disk spinner and the lens move back up into position. First the laser will flash twice, identifying if a disk is in the tray. Does it do this? If not, it could be the lens in the drive itself, and skip the rest of it. If it does finish this though, it will proceed to start spinning the disk. Does the disk spin easily? Or does it freeze up and stop spinning? If it stops, or never starts, then it is the disk spinning engine and we'll get into that fix later. After it spins for a bit, the laser will now scan back and forth. Does the laser go back and forth? If it doesn't, and you hear bad grinding noises before it prompts you to open disk tray, it is also something we can fix, or at least try.

    Okay, so if your disc won't spin, that means that the motor lacks lubrication. Watch this video. But do not use WD-40! This is water displacement, you'll want to find a real lubricant and I suggest you search it or ask maybe your father if he knows of anything.
    If it makes a horrible grinding noise, and won't let the laser easily scan than you'll need to lubricate the rods. I have a Hitachi Drive, which is slightly different than the video but it is basically the same. In my case, after I fixed the disc spinning motor it then had this laser issue on top of that.
    Does this still not fix your problem? It didn't for me which means it is time to replace your disc drive all together. Now, check the top metal casing for info on your disc drive. You'll want to see if it is Samsung, Hitachi, or even Toshiba, and check the model. Next, look at the Rom number, you'll need one with the exact same. For example, mine is a Hitachi GDR-3120L and it's Rom is 0079FL. Do not use a 0079FG or anything other than the exact same model and Rom. Now, hop onto ebay and look for another drive that is the same model and rom as your own. I got mine for $45 shipping and all.
    When your drive comes in, time to swap to the two, but it isn't as easy as plugging it in. You'll need to remove the chip (logic board) from your existing disc drive, and swap it into the new disc drive. Otherwise you'll still get ther read disc error, because these boards are registered to the xbox itself. Now you could flash it, but we are not going into that. Just watch the video that showed you how to disassemble your disc drive above, it shows you how to switch them out as well. Here it is again.

    Now, I replaced my drive, and now my box works fine, though it has been getting flashes of RROD for months now... Disturbing but nothing bad has happened and I now have a fan on my xbox to keep it cooler and it doesn't really happen. If it does I'll just have to fix it myself ;)
  9. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    My Xbox did that a while back, I sent it off... Although a laser cleaning disc kept it alive for another couple of weeks.
  10. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Wow, that was unexpectedly fast. With all that text I didn't think someone would catch that XD

    Joking aside, you'll need to find something that can do metal, nylon, plastics, etc. I used some silicon lubrication and it worked, but my laser still made that grinding noise because the motors themselves were messed up.
    #10 X5, Mar 23, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  11. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Well, i registered my xbox just now, finding out that my warranty was xpired, i blew my top off. So whats there to lose now, im gonna try this method.

    A lens cleaner disc do not do the trick for me anyway...
  12. BAMFthesenior

    BAMFthesenior Ancient
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    It has the date of the xbox release date and/or manufacturing date on the back of it.
  13. Mr brownstain83

    Mr brownstain83 Ancient
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    This is exactly whats happening to my xbox right now. i know my waranty is expired so i dont want to send it in.
    I just bang on the top of the xbox it plays the disc....sometimes, but the inside of my xbox is probaly screwed
  14. Felipe dos

    Felipe dos Ancient
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    This is so wierd. All of a sudden this started happening to so many people. I've got it too. I suppose I'll try Sweeny's method there. It's better than Microsoft's BS.
  15. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I've heard that Microsoft has extended the warranties for hardware related problems. They said something about RROD, but my xbox didn't catch that claps, what I've read was "hardware problems."

    So lemme check to see if i can extend the warranty before i try that crazy method up there...

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