YAY!!!!!!!! It's coming soon to an XBOX 360 NEAR YOU!!! Mythic Map Pack Coming to Marketplace : 3/23/2009 11:56 AM PDT I'm excited! Can't wait!
Yeah, and unlike what many people thought, I strongly doubt Legendary will be free when Mythic releases. "The Legendary Map Pack, released just about one year ago, still averages over five thousand downloads per day! " ~ Bungie.net If it still sells that well, why make it free? I'm sure they'll wait a while. Y'know, 'till the dust settles, and the daily downloads are under.. I don't know... 1000? 500? Perhaps even 100?
Many people (suprisingly) missed it. It's possible he did too - as well as didn't see the previous Mythic Map Pack Release Thread.